
Monday, February 8, 2021

Yesterday seeps into today

 I've made a list of all the Netflix plus recommendations. It takes two sides of a quarter sheet of paper I use for scrap. 

Yesterday began with a will, after I slept in for half an hour. After breakfast I was working in the kitchen and looked up from scrubbing potatoes.

I cannot imagine, though I tried. The blinds on one side of the room or the other often put a dot of light on the ceiling. If he were a kitten there would be real trouble. Ten years of girth there. I was concerned enough to ask the vet who demonstrated sliding the top layer of kibble back into the bag. It worked for me, not for him. He apparently must take personal responsibility for his pandemic girth.

Over in the kitchen I was working on supper and making leftovers.

Acorn squash and cheesy scalloped potatoes. I was concerned the potatoes might cook over, which accounts for the order of the pans. 

I knit for a while. When the center pull ball was too messy, I spent half an hour putting it into a ball.

Isn't that a beautiful sight. I had scalloped potatoes and peas for supper. A balanced meal, though I had a second helping of potatoes. It's been a long time since I violated that rule of not going back for more kibble.

It was an exhausting day. I watched a couple episodes of Virgin River, and went to bed. At least Netflix remembers where I stopped and goes right back if I check the series again.

It's a new day. After breakfast I put together a crostata. Yum. Then I tackled that big project on hand, properly repotting the amaryllis bulb.

I trimmed off the excess of the old flowers, and discovered more leaves coming along on either side of the current leaves.

On both sides. The plant has a mind of its own. Perhaps it intends to own me.

Time for lunch and then afternoon plans. Another day half gone.


  1. It's obvious that the amaryllis loves you. You are giving it so much care.

  2. I am so please to know you and all that you do. Seriously. I think I'm on hold waiting for the doctor to call when instead I should be working.

  3. It just wants to keep on giving!

  4. Such a lovely at home day with Joanne! Your supper looks delish!

  5. That looks and sounds like a very productive day.
    I suspect looking at recent photos you could probably do with second helpings more often.
    Love the amaryllis. Of course.

  6. Yes, he must take full responsibility for his pandemic girth. Don't let him point his paw at you.

  7. Your shot of the cat is irresistible.

  8. Your meals look delicious. I’ve tried a few different recipes during Covid just for interest. Some we like more than others. We’re having a go at chick peas again. Can’t wait...

  9. It's odd, we never went out for dinner before the pandemic, but now that we can't, I feel like all we do is think of what to have, cook it, and wash up. Love the picture of the cat, he looks really soft.

  10. I want dinner with you. I LOVE scalloped potatoes! My Mari is a sleek kitty, but my daughter's cat (Ziggy) is a Maine Coon, and, shall we say tactfully, big boned?

  11. It's not hard to figure why you would go back for more scalloped potatoes.

  12. Good meals and a cozy home with projects ongoing seems to be our life today. My dog is chubby too. I told the vet, "There is more to love." Just like your sweet kitty.

  13. I definitely would have had a second helping of those potatoes. They look wonderful.

  14. Hari OM
    That is what you call a 'pet plant'! May you have many years together. ...and I really shouldn'e be drooling on the keyboard here in teh wee small hours!!! Stop it Joanne &I> YAM xx

  15. I think the amaryllis is planning to take over the world. Resistance is useless.
    Your food always looks so appetizing. Now I want scalloped potatoes.

  16. It's not just a pandemic, but it a pandemic plus winter. They say February is the Cruellest month.

  17. That sounds like a couple of days of delicious food! I think your amaryllis does own you, and it loves you too!

  18. That amaryllis has a mind of its own and a muscular body with which to do its will.
    Your domestic arts are superb. You are simply an amazing woman.

  19. I'd say that you had a very good day. You kept busy and made some wonderful stuff for supper!

  20. If your weather was anything like our weather, it was a good day to stay inside and cook meals. Cats are funny people, aren't they?

  21. The cheesy potatoes sound delicious, I should try that next winter. The amaryllis is going to be beautiful next spring/summer.

  22. Everything looks yummy. I once adopted a chubby kitty. When I took her to the vet, he informed me that cats are fat because women go to their jobs and leave food out instead of staying at home as they should and providing meals. That was the end of him.


    1. I'm incensed just reading that. I hope for his sake it was back in the dark ages, when we began educating them.

    2. It was about 1995. He was old and stupid. Unwilling to learn, obviously.

  23. I like to hear about people who live on their own eating well. Don't ever deny yourself the top layer of kibble.

    1. I cannot imagine living out of cans or from fast food places. The thought of the salt and the grease makes me shudder.

  24. Yum - scalloped potatoes. I forget how good they are. Your bulb is doing so well - rewarded you with all those blooms and obviously happy to have a new home.

  25. We celebrate the ordinary, the minutes, the small things. I look at my list and think: I accomplish far more than I think I do. I want to steal those scallopped potatoes.


  26. Your scallops potatoes look delicious!
    It amazes me to no end there are people in the world that can knit socks.

  27. I love an amaryllis, I have one in the house now that is just showing a bud. After they finish flowering I put them in the garden and they continue to thrive. In fact I’ve seen big clumps of them growing wild and flowering beautifully, obviously you and I prefer to mollycoddle ours.

  28. Keep on getting after it, Joanne. I love hearing about all that you get done during your day. You make me feel like a lazy dude. Your potatoes looked pretty darn good and I can see why you went back for another round. Take care.

  29. Netflix is far more user friendly than is Amazon Prime Video. As you say, Netflix remembers where you are and shows which episodes you've watched! Amazon just leaves you scratching your head and wondering if you've seen it before.

  30. a few things... new amaryllis leaves don't come up from the outside but from the inside however buds do. just sayin'. I guess we'll find out. and apparently cats (and dogs too) are either inclined to overeat or they're not. kinda like humans I guess.

    Emma gets fed 3 times a day ½ a small can, less than two ounces at a time and she has dry food which she only eats at night and not much of that but she thinks she should be fed 5 times a day. Minnie eats until she's not hungry. she gets can food twice a day with dry food available all the time. some days she eats all the dry food, some days only half, and some days none.

    haven't made a crostata since the blood test showed my blood sugar dangerously close to diabetic. but the doc did say berries were a better fruit choice that peaches so maybe I'll indulge just not as often.

    and last, I would have put the pan under the dish I though might overflow so as to protect the dish underneath. we haven't had any acorn squash in the grocery store all season. I finally asked the produce manager about it. he says the warehouse hasn't had any, he even checked a bigger warehouse further away. harvest problems? distribution problems? he shrugged.

  31. Darling Joanne,

    Oh if only you lived closer.

    We will do almost anything not to be in the kitchen. One of us cannot cook, one can and neither of likes to do it. So, as we are definitely not processed food or fast food aficionados, a need to eat propels us into the kitchen. But, if you were a neighbour, then we could share the 'kibble' saving waistlines all round and no leftovers for Pussy Galore. Win, win....surely.

    The socks are coming along beautifully. Could this be a home business?

    1. No, the home business is the towels I weave and offer for sale on the blog.

  32. Dear Joanne, one of these days I will use my quarter scrap of paper to make a list of the towel colors I want to buy...I have several stacks of quarter scrap paper!! That is my favorite size to make notes on.
    I enjoy reading the comments on your posts, everyone sounds so friendly! If must be in your blog too. Thank you!

  33. I just finished a delicious mushroom risotto but now I want scalloped potatoes, too. I find myself going for seconds all too often. I had an amaryllis once. It was a Christmas gift from a friend and it bloomed nicely. Then nothing for three or four years, but I kept it alive because what kind of monster throws out a plant that's still alive, even though I did not think it would bloom again. But then it did! And then nothing for multiple years and then it died and I let it go. I do not have a green thumb and I was ridiculously proud of that second bloom even though I'm pretty sure it didn't have anything to do with me.
