
Saturday, February 6, 2021


What a beautiful day. Clear, blue sky, bright, bright sunshine. And, it's cold. Barely double digits when I got up this morning. The forecast is below zero overnight this coming week. When I went to bed last night, for the first time the sheets felt cold. The air warmed to a constant 67 degrees, cannot penetrate.

My 97 degrees between the sheets takes care of that, though. The wool lined quilt and the goose down do their job, and I wake up toasty every morning. But that's not what I set out to write of, if I even can remember any more.

Every day is much the same. Weaving, knitting, reading, something to eat, repeat. I did rearrange my living room, both pieces of furniture.

The sofa at an angle. More cozy. The pillows save the seat for any unexpected guest. I haven't had one of those since forever. If I did, I could move the pillows and offer my guest a cat hair free seat. Genius, yes?

I need help on Netflix programing. Some movies I'd like to see, I cannot find. I did watch Julie and Julia; excellent. I cannot find Greenbook, only a list of offerings like Greenbook.

Bridgerton I survived through the wedding and the bridal bed. Enough bad dialogue and worse sex. I found House of Cards. Interesting dialogue and bad sex. I'm fifteen or twenty episodes in, and the character who is the vice president of this country has committed two murders. The plot is growing too dark for me.

I've watched The Dig, Kominsky Method, Atypical. I have a list I've jotted down and searched among. I'll really appreciate more titles to search among.

I wrote down the title of this blog intending to talk a little about my enamel topped kitchen table. Debbie  asked about it once, saying it looked like one they had in storage, for their "retirement" home. That is on her mind heavily these days, but it looks as if they may slide out exactly at 65, keeping insurance intact. Only in America. I wonder if Biden will be able to plug some of the chinks pounded into the ACA.

But, the table. I was gifted it by my weaver friend Linda. She emailed me her history with it and characterized it as a piece that can keep coming in and out of one's life.

When she moved to Rochester as an eighteen year old Rochester University and School of Medicine nursing student, she took rooms at the downstairs half of a home owned by the Presbyterian church. They told her to go into the upstairs half of the house next door and take anything she needed for housekeeping.

Thus the table came into her life. It followed her to Eastlake, Ohio as her and Dick's dining room table, then to Scipio, New York as a utility table, back to Columbiana, Ohio as Alberta's dining room table, and then to me, when Alberta moved to Florida to live with Marcy. I love all those names, and how the memories roll with them.

This morning I wove; I'm close to half done with the blue.

I stepped outside for one breath of fresh air. Much more snow is gone, and Toad's state of health is even more apparent.

Time to go knit and try to untangle myself from House of Cards.  


  1. Half done with the blue? Already? You are a weaving machine.

  2. Grandma always said if you can't move, move the furniture!! Even if it is only two does look cosy.

  3. You have such a lovely home! It's nice to have a table with a history. I remember enamel topped tables but I don't know if they even make them any more? They are perfect in so many ways.

  4. I just finished watching "Crip Camp" on Netflix. Should have watched it a year ago. Highly recommend.

  5. Found and enamel top table abandoned in the garage of a house we purchased.
    One of the legs was damaged. I sawed all 4 legs to 12" length and the talbe has been the "coffee table" in our living room(s) ever since.

  6. I have found that if I google a film it will tell me if it is still available on Netflix.
    Your room looks so cosy, would love to have a cup of tea with you and watch you work. I like to watch, haha
    Your toad is hilarious right now.

  7. Hari Om
    Have you yet seen THE BOY WHO HARNESSED THE WIND? Dad and I watched it twice in close succession and I would happily own it to watch again. If you like a but fun with your true tale, then look up THE HIGHWAYMEN and also BRIDGE OF SPIES. The reason you can't find Greenbook is because it is on Amazon Prime - not Netflix.

    I subscribe to none of these and make do with what I can obtain on our free to air channels - or find via YouTube Movies to rent or buy.

    I often start a post with one idea floating... then sail away on a flow of words that may or may not reach that goal!!! YAM xx

  8. We enjoy a few streaming services but I seldom get hooked on any series. Netflix disappointed me because I thought their movie selection would be enormous. It's not.

  9. I like the furniture moving idea. It's cheering. Even when it's a couple of pieces.

    I don't subscribe to any streaming. Or anything else! But I do find viewing materials at the library or on YouTube. I don't often have patience to watch an entire movie. Reading is fine.

  10. I've only watched one episode of Bridgerton. I could only focus on the politically correct and historically inaccurate Duke of Hastings being BLACK. Ridiculous! This is not how it was in Regency England.

  11. The skies here today are also a bright blue, the temps. are slightly warmer than yours, however. :D

    I agree with you about Bridgerton. Shame, really. What have I watched of late? Hmmm...Derry Girls, also on Netflix I think, is worth a watch if you've not yet seen it. -a bit daft, but mostly good fun.

  12. The House of Cards was more enjoyable pre-Trump and probably pre-finding out Kevin Spacey was a naughty man. The only thing we have been watching on Netflix is Schitt's Creel and the History of Swear Words. I keep getting notifications from Netflix that Grace and Frankie might be to my liking. Take care, stay safe and I don't remember if I told you but Kyle sent off your bookmark yesterday.

  13. We were searching Netflix tonight and discovered that there is one season of The Twilight Zone available. Good stuff!

  14. I’m watching the series Borgen about a female prime minister of a coalition government in Denmark. The English is dubbed as you would expect but I enjoy the politics.

  15. RIP Toad :(
    I remember rearranging furniture in days gone by, can't do it here, everything has its place and moving any single piece upsets the flow.
    I won't get started on Netflix, I'm afraid I may never leave my chair if I do.

  16. My Rare One and I just watched "The Dig" this afternoon. Very slow and British (had to put on the subtitles) but worth the 2 hour investment. We loved "The Kominsky Method" and are looking forward to the 3rd and final season whenever that gets posted. We enjoyed the first couple of seasons of "House of Cards" too but then it just got tiresome. Such unlikeable characters.

  17. I loved House of Cards. Gracie and Frankie is good. I like foreign movies with subtitles and they're are lots on Netflix. Homeland was another favorite.

    1. Grace and Frankie was my intro to Netflix I watched it through maybe three, four times. I figured out how to see the episodes in order, how to pause, how to do several more things. I was not an expert. but I could move on.

  18. I like the new blue colour of your towels. I watched Greenbook but can't remember if it was on Netflix or Amazon. When I searched for it on Netflix it wasn't there and when I searched on Amazon it cost $13.99. I know I watched it for free and it was some time back. Netflix doesn't keep the same movies forever so perhaps it is no longer available there (if it ever was). I see you can find it on You Tube for $4.99.

  19. We watched House of Cards and will forever remember "Doug". What a piece of work--actually, the vice president and wife were also 'pieces of work'. Whew! We finished "Bosch" on Amazon the other night. Missed one episode because of a glitch, but somehow, it wasn't really missed.

  20. I fear it is time ti consign toad to a dignified final resting place where he may crumble away at his own pace, far from the eyes of curious onlookers.

  21. Have you seen the British House of Cards? If memory serves, it is much less sleazy that the American version.

  22. House of Cards lost its way but I agree with another commenter, the British version is brilliant. Also the British "The Office".

    You accomplish much in your day. And I love the table story.


  23. Darling Joanne,

    We gave Netflix an outing. Long enough to last the for the free introduction which covered 'Queen's Gambit' and the entire new season of 'The Crown'. Then, we stopped. Perhaps it was just us, but we really could find little to amuse, entertain or interest, preferring to throw ourselves at the mercy and vagaries of Youtube which at least is free.

    What has saved us is the fact that we have not had a television for some forty years. This means that entire series first shown in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s are completely new to us. Serendipity introduced us to 'Amazing British Crime Dramas'on Youtube and we have not looked back. We can recommend giving it a try.

    As cat lovers, it seems intriguing to us that guests who really cannot bear [or, worse, are allergic to] cats find that the cat will totally devote themselves to said guests. Conversely, those who love them will only find that the cat is nowhere to be seen, let alone cuddled. All this has confirmed to us that one may own a dog but a cat owns its owner. Curious.

    And, we love the story of the table. Our furniture has always travelled with us, sometimes changing its purpose as the situation demands. However, we might have a problem with the jaunty angle of your sofa. We are definitely right-angled in that respect.

  24. poor toad. soon to be a pile of rubble. we have cable. that's it. and it's not worth the cost. but I'm not in charge of the TV. which is OK because I don't watch it. I think about getting rid of cable and subscribing to some of the streaming services but would I watch it even then? doubtful. the bit of time I spend in front of it, I'm reading. we do watch one show though...Bob hearts Abishola.

  25. Beautiful blue (I love it!) - though it is a slightly cool colour, and at this time of winter I opt (very, very unusual!) for warm yellow, almost orange - at least in plants.

  26. I loved the Kominsky Method and look forward to the third season, although Alan Arkin won't be in it. He's my favorite character! Have you watched The Queen's Gambit? You described Bridgerton perfectly. Cheesy and eye-rolling sex scenes.

  27. I'm the same when I go to sleep. I might feel chilly as I get into bed but by the morning I'm roasting. I think my body forgets to stop heating!

  28. No Netfix here. I am too cheap and we have far too many options as it is. I am so very bored. I need a project ...

  29. That's a beautiful table. If I had room for a formica table I'd try and find one. They are so cheerful. That blue is nice that you're weaving.

  30. Oddly enough, i was reading 'The dig' while Leo had it on the box....great minds, they say...

  31. I watched "The Dig" yesterday and enjoyed it. Also, watched "Crip Camp" and thought that was such an interesting documentary. I saw "Radium Girls" and was so angry at greedy men after that. "Pretend it's a city" with Fran Lebowitz was enjoyable as she is my age and I can understand her humor very well!
    I have found many great movies and series on Netflix - too many to list!

  32. I watched a movie on Netflix last night called Penguin Bloom. It's a lovely movie with an even lovelier magpie in the starring role. I enjoyed House of Cards, but yes, it is dark and evil. (Like moi.) The pillows for hairless seats is a good idea - I suppose it could work for cat barf as well as hair.

  33. Do you like British drama or comedy-drama? I enjoyed Doc Martin, The Paradise, Grantchester, and some other shows. I do not know if they still have them on Netflix.

  34. When Netflix shows you a list of similar movies, then they don't have what you want. I watched Derry Girls (two seasons exist) and roared with laughter. I also like some of Chelsea Handler's shows. The ones that examine specific topics, such as Hello White Privilege It's Me Chelsea, are better than the talk show. I liked Manhunt, or maybe it's Man Hunt, which starts by portraying Richard Jewell's story and moves on to Eric Rudolph--a despicable man. Seeing the procedures used to solve a case is interesting to me. I liked the first two seasons of House of Cards. Then it became stupid and ridiculous.


  35. Great minds think alike. I rearranged the living room furniture on Saturday, too.

  36. Have you watched The Durrells in Corfu? I would strongly recommend that.

  37. House of Cards was good (excellent actors) but it was hard to watch more than 2 episodes per day. I couldn't get into The Dig. A big boring after a while. Doesn't seems to be much on Netflix or Prime lately.
