
Sunday, February 21, 2021


Up this morning to glorious sunshine! This entire week, sunshine or no, there has been an overnight snow fall, magnitude large to insignificant. 

This was Saturday's insignificant deposit. I did nothing, and by afternoon, or less:

I spent an hour or so weaving. Sadly, I spent at least a quarter of that unweaving, back past a weaving error. In knitting, we refer to that as tinking, knitting backwards. Anyone know the vernacular for "evaew"?

I roused myself from actual weaving because the furnace came on, meaning the end to sunshine for the cat:

My new pillow has come from Amazon. Last night, after the doors were locked and all the lights out save the office/bedroom, I checked my email and found my package on the porch.

It lived on the counter to this morning. After breakfast I worked my way in.

Amazing packaging. There was a soft rope handle of the twisted thread sort weavers know how to make, and that excellent zipper.

I've needed a new pillow for some time, and even made at least one unsatisfactory attempt to replace the old pillow that is at minimum ten years old. In the great scheme of loved pillow replacement, the old pillow probably could become even shabbier before I succeeded in replacing it. 

I wanted the same thick, soft pillow because the old pillow has become a bit lumpy and can be uncomfortably hard in places. I read pillow descriptions at length, pondering on words. When I finally bought a "replacement" several years ago it is hard as a rock. And pillows are expensive!

Recently I said to myself, that pillow is so good, no manufacturer would neglect to put its name all over it. And there it was, embroidered into the side panel. I typed the trademark "sleepbetter" into google and google gave me a picture right back.

I found a pillowcase and sleepbetter awaits bedtime tonight.

When I left off weaving this morning I stopped to admire the end of the warp.

See the pronounced split between each bout. That means probably ten or fewer turns left in each bout. Though each bout appears full from side to side, its not thick enough to push the threads together, side to side. So, when I finish the current color, I'll finish the warp in the same color, for cream colored towels.

I sold the last cream colored towel, which was the one folded to be a rose. I found a new folding method for that configuration, and the rose is rather sturdy, so we agreed to send it folded.

It should have been delivered yesterday. I'm still waiting to hear.


  1. I think we all used to keep pillows for far longer than we should. Some of ours were quite revolting. We now get new ones every couple of years at the longest.

  2. Yay for no new snow and some sunshine! My pillow is decades old and flat, just the way I like it. I'm a stomach sleeper, so I can't have a poufy pillow. I've put off even looking for one.

  3. I'm pretty sure I still have 50 year old pillows in the house. I don't use them but keep them for decorative use when guests come. I'm always in awe of your weaving, Joanne.

  4. Much as I love my blue towels of yours, that cream is really pretty!
    And thank you for "tinking"! I immediately stopped reading mid-way through your post to jot it down in my notes for book #4. A knitting store will figure largely and any knitting terms and stories will be really useful.

  5. Many (many) years ago the mother of one of my friends commented that she couldn't sleep properly without 'her' pillow. I inwardly sneered 'what difference does a pillow make?'. I have mentally apologised to her many time. Many, many times.
    Sleep well tonight.

  6. Let us know how you like your new pillow. I have so much trouble finding pillows I like. They may start out okay but seem to get hard and flat in no time. As you said, they are expensive and I hate to spend the money on something I end up not liking.

    That cream colored rose is a beauty! You have some excellent folding techniques!

  7. "Tinking" -- what a great word! It's new to me. Probably because I'm not a knitter.

    I bought new pillows a couple of years ago. I bought the "My Pillow" brand because I'd seen the TV ads. Unfortunately, I didn't know then that the My Pillow Guy is crazy Nazi scum. If I had, I never would have bought them and given his company my money. And the most evil thing of all is that they're comfy pillows.

  8. Pillows and I have a tense relationship. Trying to get one that doesn't give me a stiff neck is an ongoing activity. I hope your new one works for you.

  9. I had 2 of the "My Pillow" brand but after listening to him rant for Trump, I threw the pillows in the trash. I just could not lay my head on that man's pillows anymore. (and they were expensive pillows!) Luckily, I found nice ones at Target on sale that are even more comfortable than my old ones (and cost less)!

  10. Hari Om
    I have a soft toy kangaroo that I use to bolster my neck, as none of the many pillows in my place satisfies my sleeping requirement! I know of un-stitching either crochet or knitting as 'frogging' = never heard of tinking. ....wait there... AHHHHH!!! it's the difference between unravelling, or actually stitching backwards...! That's my new bit of knowledge sorted for the day... YAM xx

  11. I've probably spent $100 in the past three months trying to find a pillow I like. The bamboo was HORRIBLE, the down and feather mix was cracklie, a foam was stinky. I finally found one for $7 at our discount department store that I LOVE. It's called COLD, is blue in color and filled with some sort of fiber that doesn't shift or ball up. I wonder how long it will last? I'm trying to get up the nerve to buy a down pillow.

  12. Ave-Ew sounds perfect. Ave of course is the Latin for roughly translated "hello" or "Hail" and ew would be the quick disgust at the fail.

    Let me know about the pillow, mine is so comfy and perfect I hate to give it up but honestly it is so shabby and sweat marked it needs to go. It's a Laura Ashley, beautifully made.


  13. My neck problems making finding a new pillow a big deal. I need one too. Hope yours is a good one.

  14. I need a new down pillow. my very very old one shrinks by the day because they pillow casing wore out years ago and I put it in a flannel pillowcase thinking it would be tight enough to keep the feathers in but alas. every morning I have feathers in my hair and on the floor. Toby must have snuck in and woven? weaved? a few rows cause I know you didn't make the error.

  15. I have two pillows. One is from the Bon before Macy's bought them, it's probably 20 years old. My top pillow is basically feather dust. It's so old I don't remember how it came into my life. I need the feather dust to help with my sensitive ears against the pillow. Things will be bad when one or both dies.

  16. I just ordered a new pillow. I use 3; 2 I bought just a few months ago... and they are alright, but the third is old and not soft enough. I like them very soft and squishy, but don't want them to get lumpy. I usually order something called alternate down... and only when it is on sale. Good luck with your new one!

  17. I need a new pillow, too. I can't believe how much they cost.

  18. Of all of my "things", my pillows ranked at the top. To find the perfect pillow is to find nirvana. At least in my opinion. May that be exactly what your new pillow feels like.

  19. I’m still searching for the perfect pillow. When I was young it didn’t even matter if I had a pillow. Now it’s a constant preoccupation. Let me know what you think

  20. LOL ... now I understand why my kids bring their own pillows when they come to visit! Goodness... I so identify with a couple of your readers, in that I go to sleep on my right side and that ear is 'tender' but then I switch to my back and finally (deep sleep) to my left. We need new pillows, so please keep us posted on how your pillow works out. I'll be watching!!! LOL

  21. Pillows, ours are getting on a bit so new ones and needed. Feather one on the bottom Rubber/latex on the top.....because the feather one flattens and the rubber one is not high enough so the combination is good but....I’m sure new ones wouldn’t be quite right and it’s a ‘dear do’ to find out. They go out in the sunshine regularly and have removable washable covers so hopefully will last a little while longer.
    I’m another who hasn’t heard of tinking, a much nicer term than frogging so I’ll use it from now on!

  22. I hope your new pillow is everything you dreamed for. I need new ones soon as I'm a sweaty head when I sleep and mine are beginning to smell even after airing. The label says washable, but I've fallen for that before and they've come out of the machine with the filling all separated and lumpy and there's no way I could handwash one, I'd never get the water squeezed out enough for it to dry in less than a week. So, new pillows soon for me.

  23. Good to find the same pillow again.
    More snow! We would probably be having more without the Gulf Stream effect..
    Your industriousness is inspiring... thankyou xx

  24. You have certainly had an ongoing relationship with snow this winter, Joanne! Still lots of it here and it is quite cold. Yesterday the high was only minus 8 C.

  25. Do you become younger when you weave backwards?

  26. I recently bought a new pillow that I love. It makes all the difference for a good nights sleep in my mind. Bravo to you for finding the same pillow as the old favorite. I'm hoping to hear you had a good night's sleep.

  27. Ah yes, to find a suitable pillow is important but not easy.

  28. Tinking is taking out stitch by stitch, keeping the work on the needless. Frogging is taking the work off the needles and pulling back then putting it back on the needles.

    Aka big pita!

  29. Pillows are tough to buy, and those Amazon reviews can be unreliable! I have a nice down pillow that has been good. It was bought for my husband but he didn't like it so I am the happy recipient.

  30. I just bought two new pillows at Ikea (delivered, the shops are closed in Germany) - goose eiderdowns (hope I do not put my foot into my mouth... they are not vegan) - but oh so lovely to sleep on.
    Quite flat and a bit hard - I hate the German hotel ways to give you pillows that are huge and suffocating, often two upon another..
    Long time I took on my travels a little baby-pillow with me. At the moment I do not travel, haha.
    Your towels look oh so lovely, Joanne!

  31. I find it very difficult to find a good pillow for myself. It wasn’t always that way as when I was younger, anything would do. Now, though, with neck and upper back pain, a good pillow is a necessity.

    Your towels get prettier and prettier, dear Joanne.

  32. How can you buy yourself a pillow without holding it and mooshing it?

  33. Ps after much chilly shallying I bought a bamboo pillow and it is so perfect I bought 4 more, gave one to my husband and threw the other two on one of the guest beds upstairs. If my pillow ever needs replacing I know exactly where to go.

  34. Cats and sun puddles. A winning combination.

  35. I sure hope you get a big old warming spell and all of that snow goes away soon. Enjoy your new pillow.

  36. When I discovered that the "My Pillow" manufacturer was a hard core Trump supporter I tossed my pillow in the trash and have been sleeping on a chair cushion until I can get to a store and find one that has no ties to T-Rump

  37. The white rose arrived yesterday along with its beautiful blue siblings! I was going to give all of these away to friends, but now that I have my hands on them I'm not so sure. One blue for me and maybe the white rose too. I love these towels!

  38. I too love these towels.
    Sweats. If I don't' go out, why wear clothing that binds. I love my sweats. Lands End has a great collection of pants that can be pulled up with wonderful layers that match. If I go out, I now have a collection of jeans and twills that aren't all black.

  39. I hope your new pillow is living up to its "sleepbetter" promise.

  40. Dear Joanne, I so hope you are "sleeping-better." I'm wondering if that pillow is made by the man in Minnesota who advertises so frequently on television. The Minnesota man and I are 180 degrees apart politically! But I bet your pillow wasn't made by him. I so like to see your weaving in place. This week I'm using one of your green towels, so I'm thinking of you whenever I'm in the kitchen. Good thoughts! Peace.

  41. Footprints in the snow.....sounds like a short story in the making, Joanne.
