
Friday, February 19, 2021

Another day of nothing

I moved snow again this morning. It takes fifteen or twenty minutes to clear the path. Yesterday there was a rather large overnight dump, and it's trash day, so I cleared and cleared and cleared, until it was obvious my trash cans are not going to the curb this week. There is no place for them to be stationed.

My "front yard" is as deep in snow as the skirting, where I've piled the snow swept from the path. My across the street neighbor has appropriated a bit of the street, and if I do the same our one and a half lane street becomes one lane. No sense tempting some fool to run over the trash. It can wait.

I see a two legged person cut through between units. That's not allowed, but seldom enforced. That's about six inches of snow around the shed. It's melted down a bit each day.

I had to shovel only one morning; it's been light enough for the broom the other four or five mornings. Each morning when I'm awake enough, I look out the window at the cars. Each morning there has been a fresh layer of snow on the cars,

which I take as my job to clear off.

Yesterday so many days of moving snow had me down, and I didn't weave. I spent the day with my feet up, knitting in hand, watching Hinterland. I'd watched a few minutes of it, but my daughter suggested, if I liked Broadchurch, I'd like Hinterland. So, down another British rabbit hole. The thing is, I have to watch to the end to know if I liked it.

I'm off on another adventure this afternoon. So pathetic. I have a doctor appointment, and this time I will have that transport, a ride in the wheel chair back that long distance I'm now obliged to park away from my doctor's door.

We all need this quarantine, this lock down to end. We must get on with the 21st century.


  1. It does seem as if we are all in a sort of limbo, doesn't it?
    I hope that the doctor's appointment goes smoothly and well. I'll be thinking of you.

  2. ground hog day for over a year now. Staying alive.

  3. Still stuck in lockdown here in the UK, it's never ending. I wonder when we'll get to our house in AZ. Sometimes I wonder if we ever will. Everything here is closed apart from essential shops. Schools will be going back on the 8th March but that's it. The winter lockdown has been far worse than last summer.

  4. That feeling you get when it snows. Then it snows again. Then again. Then again.

  5. I hear you, it's endless and I fight my internal misery. I so want a normal thing like sitting on the beach looking at the waves. I so want the energy to re-start my knitting project that failed because of mathematical incompetence on my part.

    Hugs Joanne.


  6. I think most people have had their fill of Covid.

  7. I agree, but what can we do except follow the guidelines and get vaccinated. I got my second today and am on my way to being somewhat free. In two weeks I will go to Costco and buy some salmon. I get giddy just thinking about going to a store. I have not been to one in almost a year.

  8. Yes, lets get on with the 21st century! Your snow looks much like ours and for two weeks we also had daily additional snow. Digging out the steps and the car gets old, doesn't it?
    We finally have a break without snow today and by this weekend we may even get above freezing. I hope the same for you!

  9. I liked Broadchurch just to watch David Tennant act. Haven't watched Hinterland. As to the COVID restrictions, I would dearly like to have gotten a vaccine. My state is making noises about it being NEXT YEAR before most of us get it.

  10. That's a LOT of physical activity and sounds exhausting. I liked "Hinterland" although it's quite dark. Every episode is rooted in the past somehow and I found that realistic. Many crimes have a back story.

  11. We did see Broadchurch, but not Hinterland... don't really care for the 'dark' mysteries... especially now. I've been watching Disney. And guess what, Joanne, we got contacted today and finally have an appointment for our Covid vaccine!

  12. I fear it’s going to be a longer pandemic than we all expect. I just have a bad feeling about it. I guess that’s a normal way to feel after a year.

  13. I so hope your doctor's appointment goes smoothly. And that there is an end to all this.

  14. Hari OM
    Hinterland is excellent; slightly more 'scandi noir' style, but excellent. Have you seen "Shetland" series? Another brilliant set in similar yet so different vein... I got as far as lifting the yarn out of the cupboard today. Wonder if the hook will get lifted tomorrow..?? YAM xx

  15. I didn't like snow and ice and extreme cold before and I still don't like it. A day or two is an adventure, after that it's misery. I live down here for a reason so the north can just take this weather back thank you very much. I can't believe you are shoveling all the snow. you go girl.

  16. When we lived in RV parks, people we always cutting through the sites. We finally got tired of it and asked them to please stay on the street when they belonged. Some people were really aggravated that they'd been called on bad behavior.

  17. I'm with you, Joanne. Experienced my first Covid test today at a drive through. I'll have a Filet O'Fish...oh, no wait, I'd prefer a big q-tip swab in my nostril please, and some fries. I didn't get the fries. Exposed to Covid on my very first day back at work in my old pre-Covid job. I'm over it, I'm over snow, I'm over face masks, I'm over a lot of things. I wish I was there to put my feet up with you and watch a show. While you knit me mittens and the smell of your cooking fills the air. That's selfish, I know. You can come to my place if you want, and I'll cook but knitting is a little beyond my capabilities. Yahtzee?

    1. I have not knit mittens since I had grandchildren in primary school. When was that....

  18. Well done on moving the snow. I was digging out my car yet again today, and my neighbor called down from his upstairs window, hey, I'll do that! I was just trying to cut a path through so I could get to the mailbox, and start my car to see if it would. So that worked out fine.

    Still trying endlessly for an appointment for vaccine. Nothing available, and I'm signed up everywhere you can think of!

    1. Amen to this. I don't know... we're in the 1b category but can't seem to get an appointment to get vaccinated. :/

  19. You are right, people need to get their lives back.I didnlt realise how even the mild measures here had affected me untuil I had to go to the local emergency department and found the company of the ataff a real pick up!

  20. A few umps of snow can make us feel more miserable along with Covid.

  21. Sometimes it's good to have a day with your feet up, even if you aren't tired.

  22. Here was a few minutes of light snow in Jerusalem and the whole country was excited, the media talked about it as if all the rest had disappeared.

  23. I remember the rule about not walking between units there at Roadhaven. As with your park, the rule isn't really enforced, but residents don't make a habit of it either, except when it's near the golf course and then they can't seem to take the time to get there without taking shortcuts through people's property. Glad we don't get snow that deep... take care!

  24. Moving snow seems to have become an occupation for both of us of late. The banks at the side of my driveway are getting so high, I don't where I am going to put it if we get much more.

    1. Yeah, I am trying to figure out how to con our “plow guy” into taking all the extra snow back to his place! We now drive out through a white tunnel... guess I could make grape snow cones?...

  25. We go down British rabbit holes every night now.

  26. I liked both Hinterland and Broadchurch. We've had our share of snow here, as well. It is coming up to the one year anniversary of when we did our full lock down and school in-house ended last March. If you'd said it me that this would go past one year, I never would have believed it, then. As I've been commenting on other blogs, it will be months and months before I get a vaccine. We're all getting tired of it. -Jenn

  27. I'm so glad I don't have to shovel snow. I hope the coming days improve for you, and for us all. Sending you good wishes for a successful appointment.

  28. The piles along my driveway are so high, I cannot fling the snow up there easily! Luckily, I have my oldest son living with me and he loves to shovel!
    I enjoyed Hinterland and Broadchurch; there are so many British shows on Netflix and I think I have binged them all. Have you watched "Last Tango in Halifax"? I enjoyed that too. And of course, the baking show and Repair Shop!
    Hope your appointment goes well.

  29. In another few weeks, we will have been largely confined to our house for a year. It's getting to be a bit much.

  30. Keep warm, keep weaving, stay indoors. The trash can wait.

  31. I shoveled again too. This is all getting a bit tired. Spring can not come soon enough. Just think of all the Texans and our problems seem minor.

  32. It looks like we this winter to end as well. Idaho is starting to open up more. I hope things improve for you and yours out in Ohio. Take care, Joanne.

  33. We're all falling down Rabbit Holes these days Joanne. With any luck this darn snow is going to quit soon. I see warm days ahead!

  34. I have a certain feeling of guilt when I have to use my scooter. As my back has melted into itself, I need it more. It's only four pieces, but G has to put it together. I don't think of you in the wheelchair as pathetic at all. Bravo for getting a ride.
