
Monday, November 23, 2020

Short of ideas

 I truly have little to nothing to post about. I've reduced my life to the basics of get up, take care of the cat (who was a snotty fellow today because his food bowl was empty and "she" doesn't bother herself until her teeth are brushed and her clothes are on), eat breakfast, weave awhile, watch TV, weave some more, eat lunch, weave, TV, weave, supper, blogs, bed.

Tonight, several hours ago, I was struggling with a blog here in my office, the lighted end of the trailer. Suddenly there was a pounding on the window, but it was dark and I couldn't see the pounder. I scuttled down to the door. That's a joke; I move at only one speed.

Cathy, my neighbor was at the door, to tell me Ann had tried calling for several hours, and now I should be home from anywhere and still didn't answer, so Ann called my sister, who called Cathy, in case Cathy knew anything and now my sister would be on her way over except Cathy said wait, "I'll go check!"

So, she pounded on the window and scared the crap out of me.

That kerfuffle sorted, I talked to Ann for an hour, then deleted the pathetic post I'd begun and read blogs until now. It's an hour till bedtime, and I did accomplish a stack of towels on my shelf of inventory today, so here are some pictures.

 I hemmed almost the entire dozen of yellow towels today. I really, really need a haircut, but not until next week.

I posted their picture on the Towels for Sale page.

The next color is called rust. I really like it. I'm still listening to Edith Wharton. I'm on My Antonia, and I like it so much I may listen to it a couple more times.

And that's how I've waited for time to go by, since the last time. Let's all stay home for Thanksgiving, and probably for Christmas and New Year's. I hear those all will be celebrated this year at the White House, with large parties. I hope the house is tented and disinfected before January.


  1. I loved that book, My Antonia. I think I'll pull it off the shelf and read it again. This will be three, or maybe four!

  2. You have a few people who really care about you. That has to feel good.

  3. Those are pretty yellow towels :) We are staying home for Thanksgiving. Does it count if we had family over tonight for an early Thanksgiving celebration? (but then we've been seeing them since May :)


  4. Well Joanne, way to stir things up. And you thought you had nothing to blog about. Love those yellow towels.

  5. I understand not having anything to blog about. It's not like staying home all the time is exciting. It's all I can do to post once a week. It is good to know people care about you but I bet the pounding on the window scared you. It would have me. I like those yellow towels and the rust is really a beautiful color. You know there has been so much covid in the White House that I have been concerned about the Biden's moving there in January! I'm sure it will be well disinfected but still....

  6. Love those sunshine towels.
    And suspect that I am not alone in being very happy (and interested) in reading your 'nothing to blog about posts'.
    I am very glad that people care for you - and unsurprised.

  7. Even when you have nothing to blog about I love reading you every day. I am full of admiration for your weaving skills,your thoughts and lifestyle. X

  8. Hari OM
    Your nothing is our something... which is all Anne wanted. What happened??? Phone disconnected??? You had the earphones on??? anyway. (That was my equivalent of window-thumping...) YAM xx

  9. I'm impressed... you get dressed before lunch-time!

  10. As the long winter settles in, our lives become even more mundane. I am not sure that I will even post today, but I do have one idea, so maybe.

  11. I'm curious as well, about why she couldn't reach you? Oh well, it proves you are important! Cats - we are their minions. -Jenn

  12. Tented and disinfected indeed. Gotta get rid of Trump syndrome once and for all!

  13. Life is on repeat for those of us who believe in the virus. I can’t believe I just wrote that but I know someone who doesn’t believe Covid is real.

  14. I'm glad you posted anyway! It's always interesting to read the minutiae of your day. So please don't fear it's dull. It isn't to your readers.

  15. Re all the missed calls, I reflect that every so often there's a blogland scare because so-and-so hasn't posted anything for a while. Everyone starts worrying - are they sick? Are they dead? Are they out of the country? Finally they return to blogland with some perfectly sensible reason and the scare is over. Still, it's good that people were worried about a blog buddy.

  16. These days, anything exciting to blog about would probably not be good news so the mundane is best. At least that's how I feel about it. But I understand exactly how you feel.
    Why weren't you getting the calls from Ann? Was your phone off?

    1. I don't know what is/was wrong with the phone. Google says turn off the wifi and on the blue tooth. Or vice versa. I don't don't know. No one calls me except Ann, once a week. So, we'll see.

  17. Thank you, Joanne for your lovely post - honestly: I think you did a lot that day - all that weaving! And the yellow is so pretty! (such from a woman who seldom has yellow on her palette).
    I think that days feels longer than before the lock-down, and my feelings are ambigue about it (was that word right? I mean "mixed feelings"). I love to have more time and feel quite content - on the other hand I feel like Sleeping Beauty. When we awake we are older... :-) but well rested :-)

  18. isn't that yellow a lovely buttery color. well, my days aren't much different. different activity but the same activity every day. yeah, so was your phone off? I switch mine to vibrate when I'm at yoga and often forget to switch it back. seems to me a knock on the door would have roused you just as easily as a knock on the window but without the scare.

  19. I love those "nothing" posts Joanne, I find them so inspiring. Life is all about the little things and you inspired me today to stop designing and changing and start the project. I love the word "footering" I think I made it up, endless, mindless fussing about, questioning things. I think I'll do a post about that.


  20. I, too, enjoy these posts that are small snippets of everyday life! Those buttery yellow towels are pretty, such a cheerful color. My Antonia is one of my favorite novels.

  21. Your towels are so pretty. I like all of the colors!
    Yes, I haven't gotten used to carrying my cellphone everywhere (like young people seem to do!) So I often miss a call or a text and the sender will wonder, "Where were you?". I guess if they don't hear from me right away they assume I'm injured or worse! I remember the "olden days" when we wrote letters to keep in touch! My Dad wouldn't want us tying up the house phone! LOL!

  22. My days tend to be similar without the weaving, of course. As for disinfecting the WH? Yes - please let someone do that. Also, I wonder what will be hidden, destroyed, or MIA with historical treasures.

  23. It's going to still be quite awhile before this whole thing is behind us.

  24. I agree with the comments that we are interested in reading even the mundane little things that go on in our 'blogger friends' lives. These days of sheltering at home have made us much more compassionate, concerned, connected with others (at least IMO). Most of us realize that we really are 'in this together'.
    That pounding on the window would have "scared the crap out of me" also! And the yellow color of your towels is lovely... also the rust!

  25. I am so grateful that.he's directed gsa to release transition funds. I feel as if the whole nation is on hold until he who must not be named is gone.

  26. It's wonderful that you have so many concerned about you! My daily existence is pretty darned boring too. And also involves a needy cat.

  27. I feel similarly although we've just moved house, the days sort of bleed together into one. We'll see no one for Turkey Day and that is as it should be. Glad to read that there are people who will pound on door if you disappear for a spell. :)

  28. Just add the dentist, and my day seems a bit like yours. Yes, G and I will be alone on Thanksgiving. I'm very thankful this year. Yes, glad you heard the pounding. I agree and hope they will disinfect the White House and staff before the Biden's move in.

  29. I think we are all in your boat, nothing much going on , yet somehow you have found interesting things to blog. Because, you are interesting!! love!

  30. I think I may have to order a couple of your slate grey coloured towels next year. You make the best tea towels. If I am ever in your area, I will pound on your window and scare the crap out of you, just for a laugh.

  31. You are very busy with your weaving. The yellow and rust is lovely. It is good that people are watching to be sure you are okay. That said, a loud rap on a window in the darkness would scare most of us. Parties and then sanitizing at the WH - you could not make this stuff up.

  32. Good idea about tenting and disinfecting the White House before the new tenants arrive.

  33. The yellow towels are gorgeous -- is that a different pattern?? It appears to be. I love your towels... and my black and white washcloth!! Might have to have a couple of those yellow towels to go with my black and red ones!

  34. The rust looks lovely, but I have so many towels already, I can't possibly make room for even one more.
    I remember the year at Christmas I tried to phone my mother who didn't answer her phone all day, so I called the police in her town to ask if they could check on her. For all I knew, she might have fallen and couldn't get up. Turns out she was across the road visiting then stayed for lunch, then stayed for afternoon tea.

  35. The present situation is getting to many of us, and the Northern Hemisphere weather isn't helping us at this end of the globe!
    Rust is a beautiful colour.

  36. Stupid people! Just stupid. Rudy has been exposed twice in the last week, and he's still moving around in crowds being crazy. I like the rust color.

  37. Hugs, and I hope today went better.

  38. Oh my! I'm so glad that you have people looking out for and caring about you, Joanne. I do agree that it's getting more difficult to find things to blog about when we're pretty much locked at home.
