
Thursday, November 26, 2020

How the day flew!

 The middle of my day was making a raspberry crostata. I waited for it to bake, then shamelessly ate half of it for lunch.

As I was working on assembly, I could not help but notice the mystery mess atop my stove. I do not know the source, and I doubt it's dandruff.

So as the crostata baked away, I sprayed the bottle of Lysol that I purchased when the pandemic came over the hill to terrorize us last spring. Me, the person who drilled warm water and soap and a dishcloth to clean up the mess and another towel to dry it, into my grandchildren. I kept a roll of paper towels on the counter, and Laura was allowed to buy a new roll every couple of months. I noticed she hung one up to dry as often as possible.

And the crostata baked, and I cleaned the stove. And the microwave and the counters.

I talked to my oldest daughter, the one who may be reverting to silver hair. She is cooking turkey for one, she said. Caroline does not eat turkey and Bill is off with Ruth and Francis is off with the wind. France is somewhere out west and hopefully on the way to his aunt's house for dinner. Sacramento, I believe.

I talked to my youngest daughter, the one who will be Teutonic blond for life. She's with her husband in Florida, eating fried chicken. Her husband has so many relatives there; I guess she may be surrounded.

After lunch and supper I found and answered emails and texts from so many virtual friends, wishing me greetings of the day. That was so sweet. The part about the slow death of my phone is irritating. I must go out on Monday, and the phone store must fix my phone. If they don't, I'll just buy a new phone.

A happy Thanksgiving to all of us.


  1. I'm glad you had a good day with plenty of greetings, Joanne. And those crostatas are really prodding me to make one. They look delicious whatever fruit you use.

    Let's hope the mystery white powdery stuff isn't anything ominous!

  2. A very happy Thanksgiving to you. And all the days to come.

  3. I was wondering if the white spots could be flour from making the crostata, but then I remembered you use a pre-made base. Whatever they were I'm glad to see they cleaned off easily.
    I hope your phone gets fixed quickly.

  4. Now I'm longing for a raspberry crostata! I baked an "Amish Friendship Cinnamon Loaf" today for the first time. Very tasty!

    1. And I chop up one small apple and add the bits to give it some crunch and extra volume.

  5. "Shamelessly" is really the ONLY way to eat something that delicious-looking :)

  6. Life is short, eat dessert first? I subscribe to that philosophy. Did you ever figure out what the white stuff was? I am always worried about it when my phone misbehaves and should get a new one. I'm so dependent on it these days.

  7. Happy Thanksgiving! Seemed like it was a nice day for you and yours that you heard from!


  8. I could easily make a meal out of one of your delicious crostatas! How nice to have many messages and emails from friends. You are a well loved person for sure! Good luck with your phone. I had to get a new one last summer. The one I has was so old the sales person laughed at me - I left and bought my phone elsewhere.

  9. The crostata looks delicious and you had a happy busy day. All's well that ends well.

  10. Hari Om
    Sounds like a pretty good day, all round. My black stove top and the counter tops get strange 'crumbs' quite often. But am pretty sure the source is the white-washed ceiling and an upstairs neighbour who is not lightfooted... I've always been a fierce surface wiper. Now......!!! YAM xx

  11. I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving too, Joanne (we do not celebrate it, though we have "Thanks-for-the-harcest day" - thus my congratulations come a bit late. Your crostata looks yummy !

  12. Happy Thanksgiving from the UK. We are gearing up to Black Friday and cyber Monday now without the holiday or vacation time. So many “deals” to be had. Sigh.

  13. What do you think caused the white spots? Looks kind of like flour to me, but I saw in a comment that you use a pre-made base. Your crostata looks delicious.


  14. A cloth and soapy water still does it for us. We buy very little paper towel.

  15. Have a great day Joanne. Maybe the remainder of the crostata is in your future?

  16. Having finally found a source of raspberries here I will make that crostata...and cranachan.....
    You had a good day...lovely.

  17. Another holiday in the books and it wasn’t as hard as we anticipated. Celebrating with a yummy crostata is a good way to go.

  18. Crostata for Thanksgiving dinner! Sounds perfect to me.

  19. I hope it's still valid.Happy Thanksgiving Joanne.

  20. After this holiday, my stove needs some serious attention. Unfortunately (?) today is the day of building the garage doors.

  21. I was going to make and peach and dewberry crostata for dessert last night but I just never managed to do it. cleaned out last winter's leaf drop from having the tenders in all winter in preparation to putting them all back in in the next two days because of a possible freeze Monday night. our day was like every other day though I did get a long phone call from my son.

  22. Maybe the 'white stuff' comes from the ceiling? I occasionally see tiny bits of plaster on the floor here. As for the crostata, it looks delicious. Our iPhones are old (6's) I believe (think they are on 12 or 13 now). But they still work... so far.

  23. Happy Thanksgiving to you, dear Joanne. I don't know why, but everyone's posts seem to arrive about a day too late to me.

  24. Thanksgiving has taken a new definition in that everyone is quite far flung. Gathering is a thing of the past. For now. Those white flecks on the stove are a real mystery. I hope your phone can be fixed, if not a new phone will give you the latest in tech. Not a bad solution.

  25. Belated happy thanksgiving Joanne and good idea on that crostata. Looks divine.


  26. Raspberry - yum! Sounds like a perfect lunch. Also, a very nice day. I think the problem is not with the speckles on the stove - it's the color of the stove. I also have a black stove and it shows every bit of anything including water spots. Appliances should be white! Surprisingly white shows less.

  27. What a lovely post. Happy Thanksgiving to you. I'm proud to know you.

  28. Wow! Your raspberry crostata looks so scrumptious. I've never had anything like that. I'm glad you had a peaceful, delicious Thanksgiving, Joanne.
