
Saturday, November 14, 2020


 I learned only recently the meaning of Shazam! A wonderful concept. I opened my door yesterday to a shazam moment. I wonder if I should have italicized the concept one more time. I was getting ready for bed, and checked my email before shutting down. A package had been delivered.

Last night was below freezing, no environment for a package. Down the hallway, turn on the kitchen light, went to the door and found the package. The interior package was a little white box, so charming I've tossed it into a drawer I occasionally go through.

The contents, the night light I ordered the day before yesterday. Think about that. One night I muse about the need and find and order the light, the next day it appears in time to be used.

 The hall, the kitchen light switch, my bedroom, dark unless I've deliberately left on the bedroom light. The new night light is there at the top of the grill device. I could have mounted it lower, on the solid panel. I may change it.

The best picture my phone could capture last night. It's wonderful! The instant I turned off the kitchen light, it was on and beaming. Shazam! I could see the hallway.

Now we need a shazam moment to turn the country. What a monumental problem for the new president. My friend Ann despairs of explaining the voting process to a friend convinced the election was stolen. It is not possible, but a great number believe it was. They don't know the process of voting and believe whatever was in their recent Kool-aide. 

Accept that the "stealing" was done by individuals stealing away, taking up new ideas, voting for a different candidate.

I've come to realized that the loss of my two best friends in the midst of this presidential cycle by their choice, not mine, is a sad indicator of the direction we are taking, as a country. I've tried several times to bridge the chasm, and I probably will not stop trying.

It's another bright, bright sun shinny day. I off to the studio that is full of sunshine at this hour, and the blue towel length will be off this afternoon. Shazam!


  1. I always enjoy your posts so much! Thank you for them.
    Sadly it is the same way with me.
    I try not to say how I believe but even when I say “Let’s just agree to disagree” I get attacked verbally.
    I tried to explain to one person how didn’t she think it odd that the “fraud” only occurred in the states being lost by our president? Her response was to tell me I was ignorant and block me on Facebook.
    The depression (not good to begin with) had finally allowed me to be INTERESTED in something again.
    I am listening to Christmas music , reading a bit here and there , and I’ve finally picked up my knitting needles after 8 months!
    Thanks for listening!
    Got bless,

    1. Feeling for you ... I've been dealing with depression as well. Healing hugs to you.

    2. I am knitting again, too. Been three years.

    3. Good to hear you have picked up the needles Joanne.

  2. Great that your new light arrived so quickly... and that it works so well. You may need to get another or mount it lower. Can you see the floor where it's mounted now? Don't want to trip over Toby (have done that here).
    As for friends and the election, I haven't lost any (that I know of - although most of our family live in Louisiana - which is Trump territory) One friend and I talk a lot about it, but 'agree to disagree' and respect each other's opinions. With others we simply agree not to discuss it. But in your case, I would keep trying to 'bridge the chasm'... but that's just me.

    1. The light reaches floor to ceiling and the length of the hall.

  3. It is amazing how quickly things can arrive these days.

    It is sad to lose two friends over politics. I’d try to bridge the chasm too.

  4. There is widespread ignorance out there.

  5. I feel spoiled by how easy it is to order things and how quickly they arrive. I have nightlights around and also a light that comes on in a power outage so I can navigate my bedroom. I would like more motion detector ones though. John has some in his house and they're very helpful. When truth and facts are not common ground, we're lost; unfortunately, that's what we're facing here. It terrifies me how credulous and brainwashed some people are.

  6. Definitely a SHAZAM moment. And how I wish that other problems/woes could be resolved as quickly.
    I watch what is happening in your country and my heart aches.
    The new team has a HUGE job ahead of them - but at least it is a job they have acknowledged (always the first step) and will try and resolve.
    And yes, bloggers find a home in our hearts don't they?

  7. I smile as I read that you will be removing the blue towel fabric from your loom. It seems like only yesterday that you were putting the threads onto the loom. I like your night light. We have several in our house--especially in the stair well. Hard to believe how people buy into the false accusations by Trump, et al. How did he do what appears to be a mass hypnotism so that rational people become irrational?

  8. How can anyone believe him. What a horror to lose friends over such a man. I'm sorry.
    Pleased about your light tho. It's very successful.

  9. Always nice when the light comes on when you need it. And, bonus, it the electricity goes out, your light should still shine on! Shazam!

  10. I'm fortunate that all the people I consider friends are on the same page with me. I have acquaintances that I'm sure are Trump supporters and for that reason I avoid all talk of politics with them. because it is sad to lose friends over politics and before Trump I would never have considered distancing myself from anyone over their preferred candidate. but Trump is different. if even after 4 years of his lies, cruelty, vindictiveness, selfishness, treasonous behavior, his insistence on loyalty to himself over the country, his calls for violence against his opponents, his trampling of all the norms, his hate, his ignorance, his admiration for dictators, his lack or respect for our soldiers, and his absolute callousness and refusal to do anything about the pandemic, if after 4 years of this people still support him, I'm sorry, that's a deal breaker for me. so I admire you for wanting to continue to reach out but I have to wonder why when they obviously are opposed to everything you believe in.

  11. Well, you solved your light problem so quickly! Isn't that great when that happens?! Can you make Trump disappear? Shazam! (wouldn't that be something!)

  12. Do you remember Gomer on Andy Griffith saying, "Shazam!" I think we should bring this word back. It's a good one.
    Your nightlight looks perfect! We do live in amazing times. Some pretty awful, but some pretty darn Shazam-y.

  13. Once in awhile something works out very well. Happy for your shazam moment. As for the sound and fury of the Trumpers--we can only wish that they, too, will one day see the light, but I don't think there will be any shazam moments for them.

  14. I have lights like this in my house for the night too. Shazam!

  15. Hari Om
    This post made me smile in the midst of my own dark space. That word alone brings a smile - like a kind of magic. Who needs abracadabra when there's shazam in life?! YAM xx

  16. How wonderful that you have your light! Shazam! Yes, a shazam moment for our country would be wonderful.

  17. I bought a night light recently for when our Granddaughter stays the night. It glows different colours and has a fader switch which is brilliant. She loves it bright, so once she falls asleep I just gradually fade the light so it doesn't wake her up.

  18. Brexit has broken friendships, so i know what you mean. With some it is a real break, with others an uneasy sense that we are no longer on the same tramlines emotionally, let alone politically.

  19. A lovely warm light from your new lamp... definitely a good idea, much safer.
    Unless you live a big shopping center, buying things online is just so much easier though I do feel guilty about small local businesses. We can support local farming and crafts, though, and just go online for more specialised items and get the best of both worlds.

  20. I am sorry to hear about the loss of two friends over the election. I find, agreeing to disagree sometimes is a good resolution. Your new light works wonders in the dark hallway.

  21. I deleted my other comment because I had a bad typo in it LOL. I originally wrote

    "It is happening how fast we can get things delivered these days! Some items here in Phoenix since we have an Amazon hub or distribution center or whatever it is called we can get the same day as ordered! Love your new light!"

    When it should have been "it is amazing" That's what happens when one doesn't proofread before they push the publish button :)


  22. That is a really cool night light. I like the fact that it's motion activated. We have an Amazon distribution center as well as a last mile facility, so stuff comes really quickly. Shampoo arrived last night, but we were unaware until seeing it this morning. It really is amazing.

  23. People feel so very strongly. I'm trying to avoid talking about politics at all. It would be much easier if he who shall not be named conceded and stopped acting like a ninny.

  24. It is truly sad that people are turning away from loved ones over something like politics. We should be adult enough to have discussions and differences of opinion without declaring war on one another. I hope your friends are receptive to you reaching out to them.

  25. I fear it will take more than a Shazam moment to turn your country around, but at least now the possibility of change for the better is there and baby steps will be made. And from baby steps comes the running, towards uniting your divided states.

  26. Many of these people need a Shazam moment.

  27. I fear for the future now that we have come to a place where facts no longer matter, where people believe that what they "feel" is a fact must actually be a fact, and where a man like Trump commands the love and loyalty of so many. How can people be so oblivious to his selfishness and exploitative actions? He is using the very people who support him, and they can't - or won't - see it. It is depressing as heck.

    I wish we could collectively say Shazam! and return peoples' brains to a functioning state :)

  28. I will take that over instantly, Joanne, thank you for "Shazam!"

    As to losing friends: so sad, because deaths picks some these time, and we might need every one - but losing by free choice hurts. I recently lost a friend - I knew her only for four years, but we did a lot together - because she became jealous of goals I reached by working very hard to change my life.
    Well: one cannot keep someone if she doesn't want to stay.
    As to lose friends via different political views: awful. I do not want to wear a symbolic mask over my mouth while (politely) discussing with my friends . It is enough (though reasonable) to wear a mask on the streets. XXX

  29. It is sad indeed when political opponents become enemies. But you knew that Trump was lying when his lips moved, he totally mismanaged the pandemic, disseminated vile conspiracy theories, cozied up to dictators, antagonized and disparaged allies, called people killed in wars suckers and losers, was racist to his very core......and on and on. Yet more people voted for him that the first time around. And now he has convinced people who hang on his every word that an election characterized by its very fairness and thoroughness was stolen from him. It is really difficult to believe that people blindly accept this only because he said so. And now he will not concede and pass the reins of government to the newly elected next President - the very hallmark of American democracy. It is sad to watch it happen.

  30. I do like your inventive soul! Perfect elegant solution to a hazard. I agree that it could be lower down, important to light the floor ahead of you. Especially with a cat in the picture.

  31. So what is the meaning of Shazam? (I'll let you explain - I'm fed up with Googling).

  32. I got a night light for the bathroom years ago. Such a silly little thing - but it does make life safer and easier at 3 a.m. I too am tired of the hate. Am trying to hang onto an old friend who's gone Trumpee - but having to constantly divert the anger that is always there, just under the surface, is just getting to be too much.

  33. A motion-activated light is a great idea. We could do with one for those middle-of-the-night toilet visits!

    As you say, these election-fraud types simply don't understand the voting system. They should be taught about it at school, surely?

  34. My wife's mother had two or three movement-detecting lights on her landing and staircase. We have a permanent but not very bright child-light plugged inito a power socket at the bottom of the stairs which comes on and stays on in the dark, allowing us to see without disturbing anyone else in the house.

  35. There are so many dark hallways and stairwells in this big old house that could benefit from these lights. I’m going on line for them now. Thanks!

  36. Love your light in the darkness. I still am staggered at the number who supported the Dictator and still do. With 10,000,000 cases now and climbing daily. And he plays golf.

    Anyway, may your hall negotiation be steady now. Full steam ahead.


  37. You're right-we so need a Shazam moment. I'm amazed at how quickly things ordered online can arrive but have also learned to expect a pretty quick arrival and have been disappointed a couple times when it hasn't happened. It's usually because I think I've bought something from Amazon but I've actually bought something from a seller who uses Amazon but ships themselves. At least, I think that's what it is.

  38. Shazam is right. The light works wonders and I am glad it is such a good fit for you and your needs. Sorry about your friends. It is sad and disappointing that we are letting political ideology destroy other aspects of our life.

  39. I don't think it would help if we convinced T's base that the election was black magic. They might believe in black magic but that probably would not help us get the country to a better place. Shazam reminds me of magic.

  40. I didn't even know Shazam had a backstory.
    It's sad to lose friends over politics. I am trying to ignore the politics of certain friends too, but it can be hard. I know.

  41. I imagine that my ex brother in law would be a Trump fan, but I doubt I'll ever see him again.
