
Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Long time since last Saturday!

 There was a terrible storm last weekend. All through Friday night, all day Saturday, shake, rattle and roll. I think there was some snow on the ground Saturday morning. The wind simply never quit. My trailer never quit rattling.

But, I had much to do. This Covid business has me in a groove. I worked steadily on the new blue warp, accompanied by the wind against the trailer. Mid Saturday afternoon I was satisfied I could finish the run of Dusty Blue towels come Sunday, and I walked my aching back to my television recliner. 

The cat came, too, and took as long to settle as did I. I had no idea how he acquired a sore back. Eventually he looked over, and I picked up the remote and powered up. Then the little finger dance to Netflix and my choices. It was Saturday after all, and I'd read in the newsfeed that Netflix was releasing all of  The Crown on Saturday. 

The little Roku device considered, and then informed me I had no service. Shake, rattle and roll from my trailer as I went down the hall to my office to ask my internet "what the hell?" Easy answer, No Internet! 

Fortunately my phone is smart enough to answer some questions, too. Yes, thousands were without power in my area. I heat with electricity, too (not by choice!), but my power was on. Our internet cable follows the electric lines, though, and repairs were scheduled for Thursday.


It's possible to accomplish a vast amount without television and internet. All the dusty blue towels are finished, up on the color wheel at the twelve o'clock spot of honor, and available for sale. I'm a fourth done with the yellow bobbins, and they should be available by early next week.

Except, my Obama memoir arrived in the mail today. And I haven't begun watching The Crown! Choices, choices!

I must say these last four days with only my phone for company have been enlightening, and probably will be expensive. Our electric company gives us the ability to report an outage on our phone. 

Perusing this for a bit, I realized their map of lost service locations and estimated time of service restoral was a map of every electric pole they own. I could drill down to the pole causing my outage and see its estimated date of repair service was Thursday. Oh, well. I had lots of yellow bobbins to get through.

I got up this morning, had a shower and was dressed before I thought to try internet on my computer. Shazam: I had internet. I wonder if Spectrum's internet folks are riding around on the Illuminating Company's trucks, riding up in the bucket to fasten back the downed internet wires. Whatever, thanks for these fellows for being a day early for repairs.

Here's the answer for Tom:

Mary Marvel:

    Grace of Selena
    Strength of Hippolyta
    Skill of Ariadne
    Fleetness of Zephyrus
    Beauty of Aurora
    Wisdom of Minerva

Billy Batson:

    Wisdom of Solomon
    Strength of Hercules
    Stamina of Atlas
    Power of Zeus
    Courage of Achilles
    Speed of Mercury

These are the words in the current Captain Marvel. The word Shazam dates back to the 1930's.


  1. I’m glad you didn’t lose the power that long Joanne. The internet was bad enough.

  2. Shazam... isn't that something Sheldon says on The Big Bang? We're watching The Crown also... but had to review the previous season before starting the new one.

  3. It is amazing how much a person can accomplish without internet and TV. They both can be like a black hole to fall into and once there you lose all track of time and reality. I'm glad you got it back a day early. I can't wait to see the new season of The Crown. Thanks for the Marvel review. I knew part of it but forgot the specifics. Tom is a big Marvel fan so I should know it. Take care Joanne! Shazam!

  4. Hari OM
    I am that tired I can't even come up with the words to compliment this post. It was a good one. That'll do... YAM xx

  5. We will be watching The Crown this weekend, so looking forward to it. Stay well Joanne.

  6. I would like to watch the Crown and The Queen's Gambit, which I've heard excellent things about. The internet is a time waster for me, but I don't watch much TV. I have been using my computer (and the internet) to watch a bunch of shows that aren't on Netflix. I love the towels; where do you sell them? I want to read that Obama memoir!

    1. I sell them right here on my blog, Margaret. All the details are in the tabs under my header. Click on Towels: how to buy them and Towels for sale for all the details. Thanks for asking.

  7. It was annoying to lose Internet when I worked at home. I still see outages reported and wonder how it affects all the virtual learning and everyone working at home :) Glad you found ways to keep busy during your outage!


  8. You're really productive, storm or no storm. That yellow looks lovely, springlike.

  9. "The Crown" is quite compelling right now. Watching just one episode a day because I want it to last. I feel sorry for anyone born into a royal family. Or anyone who marries into royalty.

    1. Yes, I watched episode one tonight, and then made supper. Episode two tomorrow.

  10. I did a binge on the Crown over 2 nights. It's always riveting, gossipy and downright delicious. Frocks! Palaces! Scotland!


  11. Glad your internet is back on! Marvel is making a Ms Marvel superhero movie. They've cast a young unknown Canadian woman in the role. I wonder if "Shazam" will feature in the movie too? I believe in the current version of Ms Marvel, she's a Muslim so if "Shazam" is used, they'll have to figure out the equivalent Islamic references, I suppose.

  12. I used to get annoyed when my internet was out for any reason, now I just pick up whichever book I ma currently reading. But if I lose TV and lights as well I get a bit crankier. The laptop will run on its batteries for a few hours but after that I get out battery lamps and try to read while listening to radio (battery) to find out the extent and time of power restoration.

  13. We don't want any power outages here. It's just too darn cold. Our houses would cool off very quickly.

  14. You have been incredibly, awe inspiringly productive. Again.

  15. Fingers crossed we don't get another power outage. I always worry about our frozen food. I'm always in awe of your weaving, Joanne. I've started making masks again. Even if we get the vaccine, we'll still be wearing masks, I believe.

  16. I love the definition of Shazam - and copy it (the female definition) into my book where I collect quotes, ideas from newspapers, books etc - by hand.
    The yellow is beautiful!
    And storm - I heard on the radio - is announced here too: very unusual that the warned people not to go by bicycle today!

  17. Thank you. You have enriched my understanding of life. Obama is selling his book over here by giving interviews with the BBC. I listened to him this morning and I realised that I took his supreme sensibleness and compassion for granted for all the time he was in office. Would that he could come back for a third term. Shazam!

  18. As Bonnie said,it is amazing how much time the internet sucks up..

  19. . That storm sounds pretty horrendous and to have no internet is annoying but sounds as though all's well that ends well. Thanks for your good wishes - it's good to be back.

  20. I would not be a happy camper without internet and tv for very long, either. Husband would go squirrely without internet for just a few hours. As always, your towels look fabulous. We started watching the latest season of The Crown and are really enjoying it. They did a good job in casting. -Jenn

  21. Seems like everyone is watching The Crown but me. It probably wouldn't hurt me to have my internet go out for a couple of days, maybe I'd make progress on my current artwork. Shazam!

  22. Entire days without internet? I feel I might go mad. But then again, it would probably be the best thing that ever happened to me.

  23. Losing the Internet and TV would probably do us all some good. The old saying, “No news is good news” is so true today.

  24. I tend to sleep when the power is out. I have been sleeping a lot lately to escape the constant headache. When I am not sleeping I am working on a rug in front of the TV or with an audio book. My wifi is still spotty, limiting my lap top time. The headache tends to make reading painful.

  25. I recently had the second eye of my cataract surgery done - all very successful - and now I can see forever with amazing clarity, but I can't read worth a damn! So I was two days without checking emails or blogs and now I am playing catch up with the aid of drug store reading glasses until I can get an appointment with my optometrist to get a prescription. Two days without internet was fine. Two days catching up not so much. I think our lives are so bound up with it now that we can't live without it.

  26. Here's hoping for no more storms and no more outages for a while....

  27. Our internet went out a couple of days ago. So, no television and no laptops. It was just brutal. Thanks for defining Shazam - I never knew that.

  28. Welcome back, and please do the Obama first.

  29. I'm too superstitious to say that we never get outages here, but actually I can't remember the last one. I still have most of a bag of 100 tea lights, bought in preparation for the Millenium Bug, lurking in the cupboard.
    But the thought of a power cut combined with lockdown is sobering.

  30. Frustrating when the internet goes out - everything I think to do involves being able to get on line. Kinda scary that actually.

  31. Dear Joanne, I simply never think about how dependent I've become on the internet. Then something goes amiss and I feel stranded. The cats, however, enjoy the added attention.

    As to Shazam, it brings back to my mind my teaching professional editing in night school at the University of Minnesota for 10 years (1984-1994). I was astounded at the literary allusions the students--mostly grad students--didn't know. I wonder how much classical learning goes on now. Well, this sounds as if I am bemoaning change and thinking of a "golden age" (when I was in school!!!!!!!). The truth is that what goes around comes around and if the classics are not being taught or studied now, they will be again. Those names that make up "Shazam" will be with us ever and always. Peace.

  32. This reminds that I need to get around to buying a gas-powered generator. I will probably remember again when the power goes out. Glad you are safe and sound. Take care and enjoy your show and your book.

    1. I cannot advocate strongly enough. We had one at the old house, powered by natural gas, so it required nothing of us outside occasional maintenance. If the power went out there was a one second delay, then the gas generator kicked in.

  33. We had some high winds over the weekend too.
