
Friday, October 23, 2020

Where is the land of lost days?

 I lost yesterday. I did not miss it until I got up this morning. "It's Thursday. Must remember the trash". And La-de-da, I worked my way into the kitchen with my bedroom and bathroom trash, and headed for the studio trash. Passing the window I saw the trash cans gone. Yep, Larry had them all out front.

First I thought I'd slow down and take care of the cat and eat breakfast, then take care of my trash problem. But, I didn't. I didn't even take care of the cat. If I was confused, he could be, too. Apparently it is Friday, and I had an appointment this morning to have my hair cut.

And by golly, I did. I'd take a picture, except Mel gets carried away with the gel and the "styling" and all that, and it won't be a real haircut until I have a shower tomorrow.

I think I lost yesterday to the weather, mostly. It was eighty yesterday, just as it has been all day today. Every window open. Every time I looked, the cat was following the sun, window to window. I wove all morning, gave my back a couple hour TV break, wove all afternoon. I am so close to the end of that warp, I can taste it. This green is lovely. Tomorrow it probably will be towels.

Yesterday and today have been immersed, in addition to heavy weaving, in Edith Wharton's The Song of the Lark. Did she really write so many books! Did I lose them or did I never read them? Surely the former, or how do I have a Master's in American Literature. 

This "lost" book has captivated me like Little Nell did several years ago. I hope I am not disappointed by the end.

Tomorrow does not bode well. Today's eighty will be forty tomorrow. There is a severe storm warning until tomorrow morning and a current lightening strike warning. A shame, but that's what weather is all about. I went out to take a look after supper tonight; it's still warm and lovely. But change is coming. Here's the sky:

And here are the first drops of rain. See them? It's probably raining right now in Illinois. Or Missouri.


  1. I so hear you on the land of the lost days.
    And try (not always successfully) to convince my hairdresser not to use 'product'.
    I do love the work you are creating. Colour me awed.
    I am reading/rereading a number of books at the moment and wonder how they escaped me - and whether my memory of them is camped in the land of lost days.

  2. Lost days are a real occurrence here as well. I mustn’t lose next Wednesday though.....our hairdressers have been granted leave to open and I dare not miss my time slot. They stayed open during lockdown #1 then had to close back in Aug, just as I was due another trim. I haven’t had hair this long for a while. Half of it will be coming off.
    That is one serious sky - I ‘love’ that look. Dark and brooding, full of we know not what ‘cept it’ll be wet. And I could smell your dusty raindrops down here.

  3. Tuesday we will have a significant drop in temperature. There was supposed to be rain, but that seems to have departed the forecast. Rain would be good. Time seems to contract and expand, it's already Friday, which is weird.

  4. I love the smell of the first drops of rain, always have. It pervades the senses. I love that new colour on your warp.

    And lost days, try lost weeks.


  5. I think we've all lost days like that. Or tried to do tomorrow's appointments today and surprised people. That's a lovely green on the loom.

  6. The unsettling loss of days happened to me several times while I was on all of those drugs! Ugh! And speaking of rain, we're supposed to have a real drop in temperature this coming weekend. I would sure love to see some rain!! Hugs!

  7. I lose the day (and the date) all the time. I can't believe it's already the end of October. I don't know where the days go--or the months. 80 degrees! That's my favorite temperature. What a huge change in the weather! It's way colder here now too, but only by about 20 degrees.

  8. I am one day ahead of you in weather. Almost set a high temperature yesterday, but the cold front came in after breakfast today and the temps dropped steadily. Tonight I used my lightweight winter coat and wished I had worn the heavy one.

  9. we're getting snow next Monday/'ll get it next!

  10. Golly, it's toasty where you are! Our latest heatwave already came and went, fortunately. No rain is on the horizon at least until late autumn.

  11. I'll take your 40 F if you take my minus 11 C! We are having a very cold spell. Highs below freezing.

  12. Good thing you remembered your hair appointment in time!

  13. Yep, your right it's been raining here in Missouri, all day. Our weather is now awful. A couple of days ago it was in the 40s, then yesterday in the 80s and today has been storming all day with 40s and 30s. I guess it's winter.

    Yesterday didn't get too lost if you got a lot of weaving done and got a haircut! I have trouble getting multiple things done in one day sometimes. I hope you don't get our weather tomorrow!

  14. I love the smell of first raindrops after the heat.
    The green towels are a lovely shade.

  15. I don't remember driving to work yesterday though I know I got there (and safely). I can't remember a single thing I saw along the way; its just gone. Driving home I remember but not the drive in. We are cooling down next week too with chance of rain; the rain will be a blessing.


  16. Maybe it will be the first rain here today. Meanwhile 30 degrees all day.

  17. The days go by so quickly even with the Covid situation that it is easy to lose track of days. I'm glad you made it for your hair cut. I haven't had one for about a year now and I desperately need the hair trimmed up a bit. You sure have been having some marvellous weather at 80 degrees and you will surely feel the cold at 40 degrees. It's been rather cold here since Wednesday night but beautiful during the day until today when it poured. I believe the sun is going to be out for the weekend. I hope it remains next week so I can put the garden to bed. Have a great weekend.

  18. Retirement sometimes means that one day just merges seamlessly into the next and I too can lose a day here or there, but perhaps I have repeats too! It is not infrequently that my wife or I will say to the other, "What day is it?". And in truth it often doesn't really matter.

  19. We got confused this week...nearly lost yesterday!
    Yo yo weather does the body no good. You feel Get on with it please, one way or another!!

  20. Hari OM
    I managed to get the days mixed up in public earlier this week on the instything. Telling folk it was Wednesday when it was Tuesday, so made Wednesday into Tuesday so that I didn't run out of days for the week... YAM xx

  21. 80? You live in a land of extremes by the sound of it. Thursday is my rubbish day too, but I think I am about 7 hours ahead of you.

  22. Yesterday, Friday, was our one day of Indian Summer. The weather changed overnight and the 14-day forecast shows nothing but cold -- along with some rain and even snow.

  23. Lost days, lost weeks, everything is the same with me. Unless I am doing my bills and have to write a date, the only thing that I am sure of is that it is 2020. I sure hope that it and everything it represents goes away at the strike of midnight on December 31st. The reality is that we may have 2020+1.

  24. I hope your night wasn't crazy with storms.
    That green is absolutely a joy.

  25. I guess everybody is getting a change in weather. we had a front blow in starting yesterday late afternoon. chilly out there today. first thing when I wake up I have to remember what day it is. it's Saturday today.

  26. Beautiful green Joanne - and to "forget" the date of a day is so easily happening these days!

  27. Oh good - nice to know I'm not the only one to lose days. I lost Monday. Had all sorts of things to do on Monday. Remembered them about 430pm on Monday. Sigh.

  28. I get it, Joanne. I find that I ask myself what day it is each morning as I wake up... just to see if I remember - and whether there was something I HAD to do that day. We too went from 80 yesterday to 45F this morning. (I also like the green towels.)

  29. Your weather is much warmer than ours. It's funny how the days run together and sometimes disappear.

  30. I hardly know what day it is any more. The only thing that keeps me on track at all is a reminder to pick up our granddaughters from their dance class a few days every week. Otherwise I wouldn’t need to know the days. I enjoy that after the schedule of work and child rearing all those years.

  31. Yes, it is a very nice green.
    I'm off to the bay with a sandwich on my back and will think of you as I watch the boats. A Masters in Am Lit? Bravo. The politics in my graduate art department were so fierce that I couldn't feel comfortable there.

  32. Weaving sounds like such a relaxing, meditative project. I so admire your talent. Well you know I'm losing track of the days too with COVID. My daughter did tell me that it's raining in Illinois too. We had a downpour this morning.

  33. Losing a day is something we do regularly. I now keep a large desk calendar on the table and mark off days. Our commitments are boldly written.

    I love the green. Green is not here in our desert area. If we water the heck out of the plants, they will be green. Keep warm. Your fall colors are lovely.

  34. Oh, we had the exact same weather. Friday it was in the high 70s and we shingled a roof. Last night in the dark, I sat in a rocking chair in my nightgown and watched a thunder storm coming in. The breeze through the screen door felt like one last puff of summer, and I'm glad that I stayed up to experience it. It's been a drizzly 40 degree day today.

  35. If you lost the day, you at least enjoyed doing so. Eighty must have been great. And any form of craft is a time stealer - in a good way

  36. I am experiencing the same thing. Every day feels like Tuesday. Edith Wharton is one of my favorite authors - thank you for reminding me. It's time to pick her up again.
