
Wednesday, October 21, 2020


 The other day I could not switch to the next episode of Schitt's Creek. I could not stop the action. After I assured myself no button on the Roku device was activating I said well, damn. The batteries must be dead. I wonder where they are. And fought my way into the secret recess, and found triple A. 

A methodical search of the house turned up two half packages of double A. I turned off my old TV with the separate control (so old I need two controls to watch my TV), put the Roku device in my purse, just in case those no name batteries were not triple A. 

But of course they were, and this afternoon I even gave myself a lesson in all the symbols Roku puts on my TV screen to navigate programs, episodes and so on and so forth. Almost like Blogger. Long story short, I got back to the interrupted episode and finished it.

My life has entertained some lovely moments since Roku's batteries crapped out. Every morning I've woken to rain on the window. We've had lovely temps since then, which make for a decent frame of mind. I had an errand this morning, and left to beautiful sunshine.

All the sun turned the water on the gerbera daisy into bits of glass. The sun was leaving as I drove down into the valley. It may well be my last opportunity to record the color this fall has given us, so here it is, under the growing overcast.

Another pretty picture on a corner in Peninsula:

I had one other surprise this morning. A ping to my phone, and I found this picture:

It still seems so strange she's in another county. 


  1. Weather and good TV can make all the difference. I am terrible with controls (and batteries) but am glad that you managed to get it all working again. Your fall color is much nicer than ours. Last year it was incredible (for WA); this year the weather hasn't been cold enough yet. That is changing this week, so we'll see!

  2. Every once in awhile, the TV and Roku get together and conspire to make life difficult for us. Sometimes all we get is the silly Roku screen, which refuses to show us the screen where we can click on Netflix. The Roku book says to turn off Roku and remove the batteries from the Roku remote. Then replace the batteries and turn Roku back on. Sounds silly, but works like a charm.

  3. My Roku and Netflix have really been a bonus for me during COVID. I have watched so many get shows that I never knew existed! So fun!

  4. I just love your photos -- and the thought of having a nice, air-clearing rain is so appealing. Just lovely. I want Fall to arrive yesterday~LOL My computer died last night so I'm relegated to using the laptop (thankful that I have it!) So used to a regular keyboard, typing is difficult but I persevere. Feeling so much better since stopping all those drugs. I expected a call from the dr. but it's been quiet as a church mouse!

  5. Beautiful Fall color. Great that you got things sorted with your TV/Roku. These failures happen without notice and take time to resolve. Is that Laura?

    1. Yes, Laura, my second youngest granddaughter. Only one grandchild not yet old enough to vote.

  6. I guess you have a bit more colour than we do, and I also guess that makes sense.

  7. What beautiful, gentle autumn colors on your drive! I like overcast fall days.

    Roku acts weird for us sometimes, too. Sometimes unplugging everything briefly is helpful.

  8. Love the fall leaves; never get tired of seeing pictures of them!! So glad Laura is out there voting!!!!


  9. I'm awful with technology. Now the kids are all grown and out of the house. I'm well and truly in a pickle. Last month, I had Cara IMing me with instructions on how to set my smart tv up for computer access. My problem is I don't care enough about it to learn.

  10. Congratulations on your advancement with Roku! We love our Roku but I still think it knows more than I do. Your Fall pictures are really beautiful! That is a nice stretch of road to drive down and enjoy the color. Doesn't it feel great when a child or grandchild votes for the first time! I love that she sent you a picture!

  11. You may already know this, but there is a phone app that will turn your smart phone into a roku remote—at least, for apple phones, not sure about android. I’ve used it on occasion when my batteries were dying on my roku remote.

  12. good job, Ms Tech! Beautiful drive, thank you! and the rain on the daisy does look like glass- and that youngin', is pleased, so am i , pretty sure i know what color her vote was! Good girl.

  13. Hooray for Laura voting :)
    I love your autumn colours, it's a sad day when they disappear and winter takes over, but the snow is pretty to look at too. I hope you have someone to shovel for you this year.
    I keep a box with unopened packs of batteries in the back porch cupboard, I have four different sizes in there; D, C, AA, AAA. The Ds are for my lantern in case of blackouts and the Cs are for the radio, in case of blackouts.

  14. Hari OM
    Well done Laura - and yes, all our autumn colour is fast disappearing to the murk...I am binge-watching a few things here at the Hutch. Feels so... decadent! YAM xx

    1. You deserve it Yam. Even more important than "earning" it.

  15. I don't even know how to turn on our televisions. Our eldest granddaughter says if MeMa passes before Poppi someone will have to come over twice a day, once to turn on the TV and once to turn off the TV.

  16. We are too technically challenged to Roku or anything else. Well, I did learn how to mirror my PC screen on the smart TV and we're watching a lot of Amazon Prime. Your fall foliage is lovely, I kind of miss that.

  17. Well done on overcoming the tech And getting your show working again.
    Your granddaughter looks happy to be voting. And a bit "grandma will love this!"

  18. Gotta be proud of Laura. You taught her well.

  19. Note to Joanne: I haven't bought batteries in over 10 years. I have rechargeables. Worth the original investment. I never run out.

    Another fan of Schitts Creek!!!! Loved that show from the beginning.

  20. Loving your photos of autumn. And of Pig and the gerbera.
    That is a most excellent ping.

  21. If Trump gets re-elected she may want to stay in that other country!

  22. Replies
    1. Of my six grandchildren, five can vote. They all do.

  23. yay for Laura. no fall color here. not even the tiny bit we get as it's been so warm. I heard we're going to have a very mild winter this season, maybe not even a single freeze. my daughter said she was going to fix us up with Roku but so far has not.

  24. Hurray for Laura! And hurray for you for figuring out your remote situation. Blasted technology.
    Your fall colors are gorgeous. Of course we're not getting them here except for the occasional Virginia creeper or sycamore.

  25. This has been a beautiful autumn and it is such an upper (we need) to enjoy the magic of Mother Nature. When we had a rainy weekend, I watched all six seasons of Shitt’s Creek. That was fun also.

    I love Laura’s smiling face with her ballot envelope. I got my email telling me that my ballot has been received and all is good. That was a relief.

  26. We have enough trouble turning on the T.V. It is a smart T.V, whatever that means, but it is certainly smarter then we are.

  27. Oh, that last picture is just priceless! I keep saying that I'm going to take time off from the electronics, then find a vlog on YouTube that has me reeled in for days.

  28. A gorgeous picture. Young people give us hope for the future.

  29. Laura looks so happy to be voting. You taught her well.

  30. Yay! Good for Laura! You must be so proud of her.

  31. "We've had lovely temps since then, which make for a decent frame of mind." - Joanne, you are so right to suggest that weather and temperature affect one's state of mind. People often fail to see this. Also - I appreciated your autumnal photographs.

  32. I have a Roku also and can't figure out how to get back to 'accessory'. I'm afraid to unplug it again - last time took forever to get it to the channel options. Argh. Pretty pictures - pretty trees.
