
Sunday, August 16, 2020

Raining and cold

 I came out of the bedroom this morning, into the kitchen. There was a yellow globe under my chair, ping pong ball sized. My first thought, that little bugger got the yellow ball out of the toy!

Toby's been trying for that for a year. When I got there, it wasn't the ball, it was my reminder to make scalloped potatoes for supper tonight. Far easier to put the reminder on the counter than find a visible place to paste a note. I should have secured it here to begin with. 

Who am I fooling? He knows the table and counters are so far off limits that he puts everything back the way he found it. Who am I lying to now? I sound like the prez.

I had a sack full of things to mail yesterday, and went to the post office right after breakfast. After the clerk circled the delivery date and the web address for the survey she added, for the first time ever, "Please take the survey. We must stay in business."

This current horse play by the president to shut down voting is going to blow up in his face. I don't know what the legislature will do, but this calls for the arm of the law to strangle the president's attempt to strangle the ballots.

I am reading Mary Trump's Too Much and Never Enough. It is a difficult read, and I'm perhaps half through. My biggest takeaway is that Trump's life is a lie, The Art of the Lie. It truly is boggling. Unfortunately, my current book on tape is Michelle Alexander's The New Jim Crow. I must finish one or the other very soon!

My little world just goes along. My hair is so far into my eyes! Yesterday I called for a cut. Melanie's first appointment is Thursday. At six in the evening. I groused a bit, hoping Lindsey would spot something earlier. And no, Thursday at six it is.


  1. Part of me wants to read that book really bad, but I'm afraid I'll develop an ulcer -- just kidding, but knowing what I've seen him do already is bad enough. Sadly, my trust in our government is all but dead at this point. I will continue to vote and try to support those who try to do good. It's all anyone can do.

  2. Hari OM
    some deep reading going on there! I struggle to hold a book up for more than two minutes these days (or tablet with Kindle, as the case may be). Hope the potatoes were yum. YAM xx

  3. It is hard for the world to contemplate the slide towards authoritarianism that is occurring in the United States, I hope it will end in November.

  4. I'm still reading the second book about Walter Anderson and it's just depressing as hell. But I'm going to finish it. Frankly, I do want to read Michael Cohen's book. I am sort of white trashy.
    Scalloped potatoes. I bet they'll be delicious. I'm going to go make a focaccia.

  5. that is a cute potato!
    We are also reading Mary's book and feeling so sorry for little baby two year old Donald. I have so much compassion for that little boy, he should have stopped there and not gone any further into life. Also reading Begin Again, nothing that we who have been paying attention are not apprised of, should be a mandatory read for all high school history classes.
    I have scissored my hair- no pride!No patience.

  6. I've not read Mary Trump's book, but my takeaway from hearing about it from multiple sources is that the entire family (going back for generations) is deeply flawed.

  7. I hope November changes leadership in the U.S. The rest of the world needs it too.

  8. The roots of Arrested Psychological Development are from past traumas or disturbances in childhood, adolescent or teen’s family of origin—specifically, to problems in the parent-child relationship in each childhood developmental stage. For example it is believe by some that narcissistic personality disorder is created before a child turns three years old. This early origin is thought to explain why narcissistic are so difficult to treat in later adult life. (And is the reason that some adults act like children emotionally). - taken from the interweb psychology dept.

  9. if it is, in fact, 'raining and cold', you shouldn't rub it in, ok?

  10. Never a dull moment with Toby is there?
    I may read Mary Trump's book when I find some time. The post office debacle seems unbelievable to me.
    As for a hair cut, we are under lockdown here and it will be weeks before I see the inside of the hair dressers. :-)

  11. The potato is a perfect reminder to make scalloped potatoes! Our kitchen counter is one of the few places that our cats are not allowed to get on. Therefore I am convinced that every night they have a cat party on the counter. It sounds like Toby had a cat party on your counter and the potato was involved!

    It is making me sick to see what our president is trying to do with the postal system. I believe this is the most important election in our country's history. I pray enough people vote so we get it right.

  12. I cannot believe that someone with a vested financial interest in its competition was selected to head US post. I do hope this debacle can be sorted in time for the forthcoming election.
    I don't think I am brave enough to read Mary Trump's book yet. The results of his upbringing/personality scare me witless as it is.

  13. Oh gosh,your post is funny and sad at the same time. I think you know which is which. As for hair, I really do need a hair cut but not sure when I can get one. I've only recently started trying to buy things (on line with pick up in store) for some soap refills and oils I desperately needed. I don't know if I want to spend lots of time with the hair dresser though one I'm thinking of seems to have some good policies in place.

  14. Yes, surely there must be some legal way to stop the attempted disruption/destruction of the Postal Service -- some kind of court injunction or intervention to enable a fair election vote to occur? I hate to think that the USA has truly become a banana republic controlled by a tin-pot dictator who rigs elections.

  15. I now have a ponytail, after having a short pixie cut for most of 40 years.

  16. My first appointment to repair the bad haircut was supposed to be today (yes, Sunday) at 4:00! But then she realized she had double booked and asked if this Friday at 1:00 was o.k. WE have a cat toy similar to the one you showed. Scooter has played with it perhaps three times. It is now in a closet.-Jenn

  17. Empty shelves, put your name on waiting lists for everything. It’s become the way of life.

  18. I could use a little rain and cool air right about now. I've blown off my haircut for this year. will struggle through with it long and getting longer til next spring. I think Trump's whole schtick is blowing up in his face. he's got nothing new, just reruns from the last election which excited the crowd but now it gotten boring. hopefully the House will show some balls and arrest LeJoy when he refuses to come testify on the 24th. did you see pictures of the demonstration outside his house? he may be Trump's biggest donor but I don't think he'll go to jail for Trump.

  19. Mary Trump's book explained a LOT.

  20. Lying for no reason does sound like Trump. Also being self-centered and narcissistic enough to try to destroy an American institution like the USPS. We can't let it happen! My stomach is in knots about it. I don't know if I could handle Mary Trump's book. I would probably lose my temper or my mind, or both!

  21. Can't tell you the last time I had homemade scalloped potatoes! They are delicious, just haven't taken the time to make them. Cute Toby toy. We have bets on how quick Winslow will destroy a toy here. Record is about 5 minutes after we give him something. Even toys labeled indestructible he manages to destroy.


  22. I don't want to read the book. I can barely stand to hear anything more about that man. But I have heard from many who have read it. As for Toby's toy, we recently bought a new one just like that for the outside cats. (Ghost doesn't play with toys) The outside ferals have a very old one that has a circle in the middle that they love to lie inside... so we haven't taken that one away. The post office situation is unbelievable. And I too now have a ponytail!

  23. There's a lot about the post office and mail in ballots that I don't understand.

  24. You could have gone all day without saying "Raining and cold". ;-)

  25. It is hard to believe that the President has gotten away with already having so many of the postal sorting machines removed, but the sneaky snake managed to have it done. It is now starting to seem to me that the Covid virus may have been allowed to get so out of control here in the USA so that people would be worried about catching the virus and not vote at the polls, and if they planned on voting by mail, he may be able to cut that route off, too. I doubt if this plan was his own plan, but someone who works in the background at the White House.

    Anyone who has not seen the inside of a major city post office or a postal processing center cannot even imagine the volume of mail and parcels that go through. It is mind boggling.

  26. I hope everyone ignores the postal vote option and goes in person to place their vote. It's the only way to be counted this time.

  27. It was raining and cold here yesterday- today has been sunn6 dry and (for a couple of hours) warm enough to sit outside.
    I haven’t made Potato Bake for a long time, maybe I’ll give it a go sometime soon.

  28. Hi, Cathy, voting by mail is the only option in our state. My husband and I called every rebublican senator yesterday to urge them to action. Nothing much else to do. I'm livid.

  29. Potatoes go on my shopping list this week.
    Mail ballot out...drop ballot off in person. Every deliver system for mail and packages has an inherent Lost in Transit factor. It is not a far stretch to worry that areas known to be heavy in both major political parties, might experience a Lost in Transit problem.

  30. I need to back away, hands up in surrender, from US politics at the moment. None of it makes sense and by "None" I mean the electorate. The mad man in charge and the citizens in a state of suspended animation. So I've stopped reading any of it and am grateful I don't have cable TV. It can make one ill.


  31. I had a toy that was similar and SlimBo worked and worked at it until he released the ball. I reinserted it, but he had totally lost interest. I have a flurry of post-it notes around the house - it is the only way I can function. You can almost feel the desperation in the Orange Stain's erratic behavior. In a more perfect world, he would lose badly (very badly) and go directly to prison.

  32. There are so many books about the orange sleaze but the information about him never seems to matter. Now with him openly admitting that he is (probably will) suppressing the vote and little or no outrage coming from the majority of congress, I have great fear.

  33. I listened to Mary Trump's book on Audible. She reads it herself. It certainly does explain a lot about the development of a tyrant. And, that's what he is. Totally devoid of normal human emotions. He is like Data, on Star Trek. Unfeeling, with the intelligence module replaced by animosity. Every single morning there's another atrocity. Today, so far, it's the drilling in the Arctic. Nothing is sacred in Trump's world.

  34. Mart Trump's book is next on my list. It is waiting for me to read. Right now I am reading John Bolton's book. So far what I have read seems to show that the whole Executive Branch of our government is full of incompetents.

  35. I'm working my way through Dick Francis's books, and I am having a wonderful time. They get so deeply into my subconscious that I dream about the characters.

  36. Should I read Mary Trump's book? Everything about that man upsets me terribly. I don't know if anything will ever blow up in his face. He's gotten away with so much already. Being impeached but not convicted probably made him even more convinced that he's above the law.


  37. I won't be reading Mary Trump's book...her uncle is so like the clients my commercial colleagues had to deal with over the years - ignorant, arrogant and disrespectful of local cultursl norms...he is not as abnormal as he his painted!

  38. Mary Trump's book is a bit depressing but not at all surprising...I need to ask my daughter for another haircut, I think.

  39. I just want that man and his family to go far, far away but that isn't going to happen because even if he loses, he will still get media time. Hang in there until the haircut time.
