
Friday, August 14, 2020

Make a plan

 I'll start with the disclaimer bit and get it out of the way. You know I've had two brain injuries, one far worse than the other. I made a good recovery from the massive stroke in 2010, but the head crash on the DC bus, whenever that was, has left my command of time, dates and facts sketchy, at best. If I don't write it down, I won't remember. But...where did I put that note?

Living alone compounds my need to be organized. Consequently, I live on plans. Tiny, easy, plans.

I had a scare today. Laura and I were going to lunch, at the little deli Cathy and I have scoped out and tested and passed as a safe addition to our bubble. Laura called at eleven to cancel.

She and Kamaria, her house mate, have been out shopping and to eat earlier this week, and today Kamaria has a fever and a headache and just feels bad. Bad enough to miss work, not bad enough to trigger a Covid-19 test. So, Laura called and cancelled.

Good for her. She knew what to do. Had a plan.

I made a small plan the other day and began its implementation. I called our Board of Elections and asked for the first day of early voting this year. It is October 2nd, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. I will be there.

I trust the Summit County Board of Elections. I love the United States Postal Service, but I've lost confidence in its ability to do its job. Through little or no fault of its own, I believe. At the Board's web site I even can track the progress of my ballot, in person, delivered, mailed or cast in November.

We still can beat this man at his game. He wants ultimate authority. It might have happened, except...he did not get enough power soon enough, and his grip on the power he does have is as weak as his grip on reality, as the New York Times so succinctly put it. And finally, I believe Joe Biden will win and if need be, see the former president escorted past the gate by the military.

So, that is my plan. Cast my ballot in person on the first day of early voting.

And, Covid is serious. It's now near the door of someone you know. It may be lapping at the toes of her granddaughter. So, have a plan to say safe, and laugh at the poster I've borrowed from Susan Kane.


  1. Hooray for Laura for her decision not to put you at risk.
    Love that poster. Smiles are so very welcome - now more than ever.

  2. Laura is a responsible and considerate granddaughter.I love the poster.

  3. We are laughing at that poster! Humour is the best way.
    Hopefully all will be well for Laura and you all.

  4. Big smile for each of those boxes of words. And big smile that Laura still wants to be with you but values you enough to not be with you

  5. Bravo for doing all that you can to make sure this moment of madness in American history disappears for ever.

  6. made me laugh that poster. Grandchildren are of course floating around in the real world, but Laura thought of you, bless her.

  7. Great poster, and I'm so glad Laura is taking the virus seriously and protecting you. I also cheer your plan for voting. I see that states are looking at opening up voting early and setting up drop off boxes so Trump's plan to eviscerate vote by mail will not have its intended effect.

  8. Laura's concern is wonderful. I am stealing your poster. some of my days are the shitz too. Today for example. I couldn't make it out the door for a much needed appointment for my feet.


  9. Hari OM
    Fabulous poster, even more fabulous granddaughter... YAM xx

  10. wow, I did not know about your brain injuries, I am kind of new here, Could have fooled me! you are the sharpest pencil in the box so whatever challenges you might have the rest of your REALLY GOOD brain compensated for. Impressive! When ever i make a plan it never really happens the way i think it should, but i always check the room for a way out, just in case.

    1. You would laugh at my writing. Google and I play charades: Sounds like; synonym for; antonym for; singer in the fifties who...; etc. I only remember that I knew something once. Really don't like it.

  11. Love the poster and love the grand daughter for being so responsible.

  12. Laura was wise to cancel. Well done Laura. Fear poster!

  13. Yes, and for the two of you, I will have desert tonight.
    One of my granddaughter's dads had a stroke recently. They kept him in bed for a month, and only now have him up in a chair. I'm grateful in a way that I have never known when I had my strokes.

    1. My sister was sent once to see if she had a stroke. The answer was Yes, and the neurologist said "Hey, it could have been when you were born."

  14. Super poster!
    I make plans...other people bugger them up.

  15. wow! a lunch date with Laura? who's suggestion? I'm glad she canceled though.

    1. She's been here to visit already, and I hugged her, hard. I may have kissed her; I don't remember.

  16. Early voting is what I plan to do too. I want to make sure that my vote for Biden/Harris is counted! I hope we will be rid of Trump!

  17. I didn't know about the brain injury or stroke and am utterly impressed by how eloquently you write this blog. You don't seem forgetful! (I would repeat myself a lot, and probably already do) I'm sorry that you missed out on your lunch, but it was a good decision. I'm heartsick about the USPS and can't believe that you-know-who can get away with this. I hate him SO MUCH!

  18. Kamaria should have a covid test and should self-isolate until the results are known.

  19. Yes, but I'm not in charge. If I were, I probably would be more relentless than my mother!

  20. That's a cute poster with Covid 19 memes :) Brought a chuckle to my face to see them all in one place. Had seen some on social media before.

    Good for you for getting a plan to vote in person. I don't trust the post office and a recent thing that happened at work confirmed that. We got a box of letters that couldn't be delivered from a small town here in Phoenix. Now instead of putting the yellow stickers on that saw "unable to forward" or "return to sender" they didn't bother. They stuffed the box full of mail and the funny thing was half was not even our mail but mail from other companies that weren't able to be delivered. I mentioned that it seemed like they just wanted to dump what they could to someone else. So how can I trust they won't do the same to ballots?

    Hoping Laura's roommate feels better soon but glad Laura was aware not to be around you after she was exposed like she was.


    1. My own formerly impeccable little post office has made several mistakes lately with my mail. I still use them; I don't have an alternative now, and I think it will be straightened out.

  21. That's a great poster! Sorry about the cancellation when you were looking forward to it - but take care.

  22. Good for you. You are well aware of your ability and have made a plan to be successful. Stay safe. Keep well.

  23. Good to make plans and lists. I do it all the time.I'm so glad that Laura knew what to do when her housemate was ill. Keep well, Joanne. Be safe.

  24. My grandson leaves for Ohio on Monday to start his freshman year at Case. Things are definitely worse there than here now. It seems so sad to start college in this mess. Glad Laura is being cautious.

    1. I graduated Case. The campus is so different now, when I drive through, but the students still seem the same as I was in 1961, when I started. I wish him every success in this crazy world. I'd love to know how he gets on.

  25. Super-super granddaughter!! Air kisses to her! Wise and very thoughtful girl that. Stay well. I'm going to see when our first day for voting is and follow your plan. I refuse to let him get away with his little plan. I took banana bars with browned butter icing to my post office girls... no nuts as per my personal rule when giving treats to others since I don't know who will be eating them and who might be very allergic to nuts. As I slid the tray across the counter the mail clerk at the next window was just closing up and he asked if there were nuts -- I told him no. Enjoy all you want! Come to find out he's violently allergic to nuts. So glad I thought to not put nuts in, even though the recipe called for them. Take care and stay safe!

  26. Laura has my respect for doing the right thing, but I also believe Kamaria needs to get tested, even mild symptoms can be the beginning of Covid, then Laura will need to isolate too.
    I'm glad you are voting in person rather than by mail, we all know a certain orange person "owns" the postal service, or thinks he does and mail in votes will get lost on purpose if they aren't votes for him.
    I love that poster, which I saw on a different blog and saved to send to my kids.

    1. Actually, I am as relentless as my mother, and will follow up daily.

  27. Love the poster.
    I think anyone who can thread a loom and weave has a brilliant brain!

    1. Forgot to say over here in the UK we are just hearing about your "problems" with postal voting and the reasons for no extra cash to make it better. Doesn't sound good at all

    2. Thank you, Sue. In fact, weaving is just having a plan.
      As for the post office, it's only just begun. News travels fast.

  28. Covid is definitely serious. It bothers me terribly when I see people not taking it seriously. We had always done well here in my little Sunset Park neighborhood, but now there seems to be a cluster that broke out. I've been receiving texts and phone calls from the city and they also plan to go door to door. One thing here in the city, they do take it very seriously. When I mentioned this on my FB page a follower wrote, "Are you sure it's real or is it fake?" It took all I had not to respond. I'm so sick hearing that.

  29. You have a great plan. I've been thinking the same thing. Go do early voting even though I have ballots to mail in. I don't even know if I trust the in-person voting anymore. If Trump can figure out how to rig it (or pay someone to do it) he will. That's all there is to it. Why in hell does he even want to be president? Seems like he hates it.
    I think that Kamaria should probably get tested too. That's the sensible thing to do. Who knows who, besides Laura, she's been around?
    What strange times we live in.

  30. That graphic is a pretty good compilation.

    You may have short term memory problems but I'd say from your writing that, otherwise, your brain work just fine.

  31. You've mentioned the brain injury before, and I have to say youve compensated brilliantly. What you do to remember is good advice for anyone. Likewise having a plan. It's good for your nerves, aside from keeping life a bit more manageable.
    I'm glad Laura was conscientious about cancelling even if it's disappointing.

  32. Laura shows respect and good thinking. I also plan to vote early. It's unbelievable how obvious our dictator-loving president doesn't not want a high voter turn out. His loyal friend that heads the USPS should be jailed.

  33. I'm sorry your day's plan didn't work out and hope you can meet up soon.
    Love the poster!

  34. Poster’s good, granddaughter’s better... a good call.


  35. Love the poster, especially the bottom left bit. Fingers crossed for Laura.

  36. From here in the UK, the way Trump is trying to control the US postal service and the way the postal service is removing and sealing masses of drop boxes to deter postal voters seems outrageous. I can only hope his attempt to rig the election doesn't succeed.
