
Sunday, August 2, 2020

Raining and cold

It has rained for two days and two more days in the forecast. Nancy called me this week, a nice surprise. I'd noticed tents on the lawn of the Methodist church and she said yes, their General Conference has authorized outdoor services. No card playing, though.

Talking to her was so nice I wound up saying I'd come to the service today, though I did add I had no chair. She immediately countered, there are chairs available and someone would surely bring me one. We crossed texts last night. I told her it would be wet and cold today, so count me out. She texted services were cancelled.

At the informal graduation gathering last weekend, Ruth and I made tentative arrangements to get together this week, and settled on Friday. That morning she called to tell me her trepidation level was high and she has decided not to go.  

Cathy and I did go to lunch yesterday, and then we stopped at Kreigers.  That pleased me; I've done most of my grocery shopping for the month (of August), but I suddenly wanted more tomatoes for more Bruschetta Spaghetti.

So there's that! And this morning my sister called. She had two big red tomatoes from her twenty four plants, and could she drop them off on her way by. Sadly I said no. Not that I wouldn't make a big batch of Bruschetta, but then I'd have to go back for more spaghetti.

By the way, they could have posted a simple "Masks Required", like every other store and business. This bit of signage says to me they are not in favor of this order.

And finally, I spent the day tying the knots. Tie, tie, tie. Then I pulled all the knots through all the heddles (not a bad job), and trimmed off all the loom waste and tidied up to tie onto the apron tomorrow.


  1. I think you are right about the store not being in favour of masks. Reluctantly or not I am glad they complied.
    And hooray for all your work on the loom.

  2. Your blog has been such an education about weaving. Who knew!

  3. Get your motor running! I see work ahead. But is it work if you love doing it?

  4. I have spent most of my time outside in my gardens lately and it shows! I love working outside, so I am happy to transform my unruly gardens. Hard work makes me tired enough to sleep and not dwell on losing Kevin and worry about Drew's sister. The report today was encouraging. They gave her convalescent plasma and I doubt they would do that if they thought she wasn't strong enough to recover. I am just happy to be able to comment again after such a long time!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. See how our opinions differ Joanne. I read the sign and think this is just a bit they have added to make people understand why masks are being worn. And you turned down the lovely looking tomatoes. I would not have been able to resist taking them and finding another way to use them.
    I always look forward to your posts, hope the wet weather moves away...

  7. I love homemade tomato soup and haven't had it in years due to not getting really good homegrown tomatoes.

    You must be delighted with the loom accomplishment.


  8. Agree the signage is passive aggressive. Rain and cold might be better than melt.

  9. I think the sign is to deflect responsibility and try to avoid confrontations with customers. They may or may not agree with the order, but they want to make it clear that it wasn't their decision. (even if they think it's a good idea) My younger daughter lives in Ohio and I'm worried about her. She's 30 and not always the most careful. It's difficult to control her from thousands of miles away. :(

  10. We have lots of similar signs here for stores and restaurants. I think they word it that way to tell people it's been mandated and not to complain about it to them.


  11. Congratulations Joanne on finishing up the loom! I bet that felt good! I am glad to see you have state wide orders for wearing masks. It should be nationwide. Missouri has a Republican governor that strongly supports Trump and he refuses to set up a mask order in the state. The county I live in does have one though so I'm glad for that at least. Bruschetta Spaghetti - yum!

  12. You can freeze the extra bruschetta amount until you next go to buy spaghetti.
    You did good getting all the knots tied and the loom ready to weave.

  13. I can't wait to see what you are doing next on the loom. It takes a lot of work to get it all set up and so I know you have a lot of patience and that you also pay attention to detail. I'm glad you are getting out. You are doing much better than I in that regard.

  14. Hari Om
    The mask situation continues to be a debate here too - in spite of the overwhelming evidence that it cuts down the infection rates. Doesn't eradicate because there is also all the pesky hand washing and distance keeping to be maintained... but all these things pulled together surely do make a difference. I am inclined to think as others here have that whether or not the managment of K's agrees, they are making the public aware of their responsibility and to minimise aggravations.

    With several resurgences around the place, everyone really does need to keep aware and be responsbible. YAM xx

  15. There are whole communities here who are starting to believe that the whole Covid thing is a government conspiracy to control the masses. One of the unfortunate effects of the lockdown is the exacerbation of stress-related mental illness in otherwise perfectly sane people. Coupled with many young people's complete disregard for distancing and the government's confusing mixed messages, this is now causing fresh outbreaks in the poorer areas. Ironically this will mean more lockdown measures in the worst affected places.

  16. Yesterday when I went out with the mask I thought to myself that this is the best thing against wrinkles. No one sees them.

  17. Your day sounds to have been busy and keeping within the bounds needed to avoid Covid. I expect to hear that today you will be off with your weaving again. Enjoy

  18. There is a holy roller, honk if you love Jesus, type of church not too far from here, and it looked like they had organized some kind of outdoor event/service. Gotta think of new and creative ways to hit up the suckers for money.

  19. The new norm. Social distancing. Masks. I have to go to the bank today and we have to stand in line outdoors. Inside banking isn't open yet here in the city. On such a hot, humid day too. Those tomatoes look yummy. All I can think of is a tomato sandwich with gobs of mayo. Yummy.

  20. Glad to see that your state is taking precautions. I don't think masking has been required by our provincial government, but it is being mandated by most local health authorities and governments.

  21. I think trepidation levels here are pretty high, even though NI has the virus well under control. Perhaps people are still mentally in March, when the infection rates were going through the roof.

  22. Good morning from Florida, Joanne. I have just woken up and am feeling some trepidation myself but it will pass. I hope this week is good for you. Stay safe. Be well.

  23. I am gkad that you managed to go out...nomatter how busy one can be at home a change of scenery does wonders.

  24. I can't believe you turned down fresh vine ripened tomatoes! there are other ways to eat them besides bruschetta spaghetti.

    too bad there isn't a card playing game that you can play online with your group like the games my son and grandson play with their friends.

  25. I was going to make that bruschetta spaghetti tonight BUT now I can't. I had to throw my onions away in case they came from California. There's a big salmonella outbreak here in Canada (and the US) due to onions from California. . . . Oh wait! My Rare One just phoned. She's back in town early from a little jaunt out to a lakeside cottage, so I can go over to her place this afternoon and get some safe onions out of her garden! The bruschetta spaghetti's back on!

  26. It is good to get out and about for a bit. I need to get fresh air periodically, otherwise, I feel depressed.

    There are outdoor services going ahead here these days at some churches.

  27. I went to lunch with my sister-in-law last week. We went to a restaurant we knew. They have the tables spaced 6 feet apart and a limit of 6 people or fewer per table. Hand sanitizer at the door is a requirement for all who enter. It was nice to get together.

  28. It's funny how some statements can be interpreted in different ways. I would have taken that sign to be a simple statement of facts when communicating a new rule. It's the kind of thing I would write if I was responsible for signage! (And I'm all for mask-wearing and expecting others to do the same.)

    Enjoy your spaghetti bruschetta!

  29. Heavens, never turn down a homegrown tomato!!
    Masks are really only been worn on buses here and in museums and cinemas, both socially distanced. The pharmacy had a nice one on display but they don't seem to have caught on.

  30. A friend recently gifted me with wee orange tomatoes & some of the best apples I've eaten in a while. -so grateful to friends with gardens.

    As far as the mask order goes, not all of us here seem to want to be in compliance. Signage with respect to why one wears a mask varies from business to business. Would that the effort was simply standardized.

  31. Quit bitching about 'cold' and 'rain''s been near and above 85 here, no AC, etc. Send it west.

  32. The loom photo is very exciting.

  33. Thanks so much for your kind comment on my Wetcreek Blog. The spaghetti sounds delicious. I will have to Google that recipe. Stay safešŸ˜·Linda

  34. The plants are happy to have the rain.
    Prayers for folks in flood zones.

  35. I'm not sure how to interpret that sign. Maybe they just want to stress the official nature behind requiring a mask. The whole mask debate (oh don't say that phrase repeatedly too fast) seem so ridiculous. It helps everyone so just do it. But I think about wearing helmets and seat belts so maybe this should not surprise me.
