
Wednesday, July 29, 2020

A long, tired day

I arose this morning with every intention of accomplishing much. Much! I took a shower, stripped the bed and started the laundry. I followed the cat to the other end of the trailer, fed him, cleaned the litter. Washed my hands and made breakfast. A time to sit and think about what to do today.

First, plant watering. It has rained decently over the last week, but not for the last day and a half.

Hooray Mandevillas. They make me feel like I know what I'm doing, most of the time.

And the Gerbera and the zinnias! The whole step menagerie is still going up the steps, and like me, falling apart a bit at a time.

Next a problem to resolve. Seeds I'd ordered from Etsy to gift my daughter on her birthday did not arrive, not even in time for the party. But the tracker said they did arrive, on the 20th. I called the post office, and once again I'm dealing with my address being scrambled by Etsy. So old. Tomorrow they will look in all the boxes. My money is on not finding it.

Now it's lunch time. More crostata and a good start on new books.

Folded the laundry, put it away, and remade the bed.

But I was good to my resolve of accomplishing much, especially tending to the warp on the loom. I picked up and delivered a package to a neighbor, stopped for my mail, drove cross town to retrieve my repaired hearing aid, stopped at the drugstore and came home. Dragging.

Nevertheless, I sat down and tied on one more bout of forty threads, and decided it was time to make supper. A family favorite, cabbage and noodles. Yum. My lovely new cabbage took a while to cut and half an hour to cook down. OK, I was deep in birds. I dished up, and ate and read birds.

After supper, cleaned up. Not too big a mess. Started the dishwasher. Locked the door and shuffled to the soothing office chair. I sat many minutes, too tired to change to slippers. Finally leaning over to untie my shoes, I had such a thought. I forgot to make noodles!

Oh well, lots of leftovers for several kinds of bubble and squeek.


  1. Some days are just more productive than others. Sounds like you got a lot done to me.

  2. Yes, but not enough of what I wanted done. Tomorrow.

  3. You do waaaay much more than I do, Joanne, I got tired of thinking of a 6 a.m. rise tomorrow to get my car looked at as they wouldn't give me an appointment until Aug 31 (!!!!) even though emergency and I thought: I can't handle hanging around masked in a dealership all day waiting for a gap in their busy day. it will do me in for days. So back to reading and knitting design and some paying editing work. Be like Scarlett sez I.


  4. way better than me. I got nothing done. read a few more pages. went to yoga. no idea what I spent the rest of my time on.

  5. You did more before breakfast than most people in half a day! Sounds pretty ambitious yo me. I love your doorstep garden. Tiny terracing.

  6. you sure kept busy... I think you accomplished quite a bit!!

  7. Looks like you're going to be deep into bird books shortly!

  8. Your flowers are so pretty. I am loving my mandevillas this year,too. For a few years I have had a big hibiscus that had white blooms with dark pinkish red
    middles and huge flowers. This year we got to see a few of those beautiful big blooms and suddenly the plant is just yellowing out and shriveling to death. Tomorrow I will cut it down. Meanwhile my mandevillas are looking beautiful and growing like weeds, with all kinds of blooms. I wish I could find another mandevilla plant. I am going to pot it in a little bit larger pot and set it close to my rose bush that only has three blooms on it, and keep my fingers crossed that the mandevilla will twine, vine, and bloom using the rose branches as a trellis, it will sure improve my near naked rose plant.

    Your cabbage and noodles sound so delicious, now I know what one of my dinners will be after the next grocery trip. I like to put some sausage links or bacon in mine.

  9. That's a busy day,but it's very good to keep busy.

  10. Sound like a good day, from beginning to end!

  11. Would you post a link to the cabbage recipe please. Sounds excellent.

  12. I know someone who sells items on EBay. A lot of the packages get lost by the post office. Some eventually arrive long after a refund has been made. Others eventually return to sender. And I thought I had problems with that sort of thing!

  13. So you just had cabbage for dinner? Your day was productive though!


  14. Busy day! Your flowers are gorgeous!

  15. You are amazingly busy! Love your flowers and we really like cabbage and noodles...But you can use the cabbage other ways, of course. I am a bit tired just reading about all you do.

  16. What a busy day! It wore me out just reading about it. You really did accomplish a lot today and the loom will still be there tomorrow. I seem to get worn out before I get half the things done I want to do each day. Of course it doesn't help that I get distracted quite easily. The Mandevillas have really grown and filled out. They are absolutely gorgeous! I hope you get a good night's rest tonight!

  17. Hari OM
    Living alone, it is essential to have things to do. And you certainly get to the doing! YAM xx

  18. "too tired to change to slippers" I know how that feels and I'm betting a good many others do too. Some days are like that. Your plants are looking really great.

  19. Don’t be hard on yourself!


  20. I'd quite like to be a bird. Just flying around all day, plucking food out of lawns and flowerbeds. No worries about mortgages or tedious relatives or coronavirus!

  21. You admit to losing your noodles? :)

  22. Great choice of books. I actually met David Sibley a few years ago and had him sign the various books I have of his. He is almost painfully shy, or at least was then. As for Jennifer Ackerman, I have "The Genius of Birds" which I thought was okay, but it didn't compel me to look at anything else she has written.

  23. I am enjoying the Sibley book.

    No wonder you’re tuckered out! Well done. Rest tomorrow.

  24. Sounds like a busy and productive day. Now, the trick is to repeat it or something like it at regular intervals!

  25. Cabbage and noodles ... without the noodles :) Wasn't there a cabbage diet many years ago? You don't need to diet!

    Your day sounds busy, and I know how it feels to be too tired to change into something more comfortable. Those times I end up having a nap.

  26. Yes, I do way less than you... and still need a nap in the afternoon. I have heard of cabbage and mashed potatoes (colcannon) but never cabbage and noodles. Sounds interesting.

  27. It is frustrating to be so busy and Still not do what you intended

  28. I gave up on things intended. It took me over four hours to wash the upstairs towels. Tomorrow i'm going to tackle the leftovers of three walkers.

  29. Busy, busy day you had. No noodles? A minor thing compared to all accomplished!

  30. Sounds to me as if you got a lot done. Lovely flowers!

  31. Dear Joanne, the moving from one unplanned activity to another--blogging and writing not being among them--is what I call "potching." As I've aged, I do more and more potching. And I find that often it leads to me simply lying on the couch and staring through the three windows that separate the living room from the screened-in porch. And in that staring, there is quiet in my brain and I let go of having to plan or think or solve problems or consider what next to write. I simply let myself be-in-beingness. I suspect you do a lot of that. Almost all your posts reveal you to be a woman content within herself. So beautiful to be that way. Wisdom is within that being. Peace.

  32. I remember Helyn's stuffed cabbage was always the best when she forgot the rice. Well, her stuffed cabbage was always the best rice or no rice.
