
Saturday, June 20, 2020

Job done

Today I finished the aqua; I hemmed the stack of towels off the loom.

I'm becoming quite the marketing pro the last couple of runs:

Collar the cleanup! Not bad, eh? Quite a nice color, too.

And when this is all over, I will know how to fold a towel into every napkin shape I want.

My right leg has hurt for the last several weeks. After the futile trip to my primary care and the extraordinary dose of the "water pill", I saw my nephrologist. He straightened out the dose toot suite, but threw up his hands at the pain. He doesn't do vascular! 

I'd made the vascular appointment some time back, and now it's come up on Monday. I do hope he has the cure.


  1. Replies
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  2. I like the rainbow selection of towels. Your latest color is fab as well.

    May Monday's appt. bring you good news. x

  3. My leg pain comes from my back:).

    Love that colour wheel - I tie a scarf in a similar way, hangs nicely round my neck and over my shoulders

  4. The collar looks nice and shows off the other colours well. I hope you get the pain sorted, I have leg pain from varicose veins and have a couple of different creams I can massage into the aching areas that work very well, but I've found the aching is much less with a daily walk and drinking more water. I hope your cure is as simple.

  5. All the towels are pretty colors. I hope your Monday appointment will offer the right treatment for healing for your leg.

  6. You are quite the marketing pro but then the quality of your work also speaks for itself! I'm sorry about your leg pain. It seems like these days there is not only a doctor for every part of the body but also for every pain! I do hope the doctor you see Monday can help you.

  7. Prayers your ailments are sorted out
    Beautiful towels

  8. Love the rainbow - and hope (fervently) the pain and its cause can be addressed.

  9. I hope they figure out what's causing the pain and stop it for you!

  10. Beautiful towels. I do hope your vascular fellow can address your pain. I'm wondering if maybe the blood is not flowing or circulating as it should and whether compression stockings might help.

  11. Hope you get answers from the vascular doctor. Pain is not fun to deal with!!

    Great looking towels!


  12. So beautiful colours, Joanne - soft and "true". I wish that you can get some at least some reduction of your pain, if not getting over it in total.

  13. Hari OM
    Your towels are art and deserve the marketing!!!

    Sending a little 'POTP' to your leg... YAM xx

  14. I hope you find an answer to your leg problem. Sudden mysterious pains can be a pesky nuisance.

  15. Your towels are good..and looking good!
    Why can't doctors communicate properly instead of passing the buck!!?

  16. Happy to order the aqua! Blues and greens are my favorites...
    So sorry about your leg pain. Hope you get some relief.

  17. Good luck with your appointment with the vascular specialist,

  18. You really are becoming better and better at those towels. Lets hop the same goes for the leg pain.

  19. All the best on your Monday appointment.

  20. Those colors are just happy! And the towels themselves are utilitarian art works. What satisfaction they must give you.
    Oh, honey. I hope the vascular doc can help you. Living with pain can drain you of joy. For sure.

  21. Best of luck with the new doctor.

  22. I'm hoping you learn the cause and find a treatment for the pain in your leg.

  23. I do love your color wheels! hope the doc straightens out the leg pain.

  24. Wishing you better days without pain

    1. I can no longer sign on to comment on your blog. I do believe I've mentioned how I dislike Discus. I can no longer discuss, and you know I am full of opinions.

  25. Love that new aqua (which looks like turquoise on my screen). I do hope your appointment goes well on Monday.

    1. I call it what Maurice Brassard calls it. No arguments that way, and no renaming errors on my part. Looks like turquoise to me, too.

  26. I like aqua. All of the colors together are beautiful. I'll say a prayer that the vascular person has the answer.


  27. Are you sitting on a hard bench when you work? I have leg pain from sitting too long when doing my research.

    1. Actually, it's a lovely, padded piano bench. Storage under the lid, and everything.

  28. Sorry to hear you are in pain. Hope the vascular dr. was able to help?

  29. Dear you....please consider giving us a follow up on this. It is Monday :)

  30. I hope he has the cure too - being uncomfortable is just no fun. Lovely rainbow of lovely towels!
