
Monday, June 22, 2020

Do internet trolls own us now?

Something I've never done before, I'm at the computer with crackers and cheese and coffee. Look at that, the 3 c's. The vascular doc appointment actually is tomorrow, and my sister is taking me. If I like it, I'll go back and use the valet parking. 

I thought I'd sneak a peek at the news before I got on blogger to ask you all a question. My take on the news is Holey Moley. A Mega Trump Rally to a pretty empty stadium! I love the column blaming it on Korean Boy Band aficionados ordering an extra million tickets and prompting accommodations for overflow.

But in my heart I think it was just damn poor planning on the ground by the planning committee. How I hope that Covid19 concerns knocked a zero off the attendance. Six thousand don't fill a sixty thousand capacity stadium. 6,000. 60,000. Ninety percent no-shows.

I did have a question about that part of the country to throw out to you.

Back in the eighties or nineties, I read a book I believe was this: an autobiography of a hardscrabble upbringing of a boy in the difficult plains of west Texas. The father of the boy was dead, the mother attempting to keep together the family. The mother remarried and a farm becomes involved. I believe there was a train ride to the farm. 

I lent the book to someone because there was a reference to Sears and Roebuck prefab homes and to how much prairie families bought from the catalog. The book never came back.

I recently snapped up a copy of Russell Baker, Growing Up. That was the book! I just knew! Well, it's not. I've read Russell Baker, and it's about a boy who lost his father in the same time frame. I remembered the book when I read it again. I even bought another Russell Baker, Good Times. I've probably read it already, too, but no matter.

In the meantime, I have such a desire to read this missing book again. To at least know what it's about. On the chance it's Horton Foote, I ordered it. I seem to be keeping the publishing industry solvent! But if you have a better idea, please let me know.

Do you need rain? We're in for four days of it, between now and next Saturday. I will be lugging the cat to the vet on Wednesday, when it may not rain so much. Sort of like Covid in people, cats cannot go where there are other cats unless their current state of health is certified. And, Toby has an appointment for a crew cut next week, but not unless he's certified.


  1. Did you see the pictures of Trump getting off the plane after the rally? Boy, did he look sad. Sad as can be.
    Oh well!
    I wish I knew what that book was so I could tell you but I don't remember ever having read it. I hope you find it.

  2. To answer your post title
    They think that they do

  3. Internet trolls don't own us. They just pester us from time to time like mosquito hunting for dinner.

    I can't tell you how my heart jumped for joy when I saw what a flop Trumplethinskin's rally was. I knew a excuses would come pouring out like a leaky damn. He really needs to stop using people's music at his rally's without their permission... Tom Petty's Estate just sent him a cease and desist letter to stop using "Won't Back Down" at rallies. I guess he doesn't think he needs permission and why would he? He's a thief among other things so why not steal the use of people's music and make it look like that artist backs him by using their music. He's tried that a few times and the same thing happens. you'd think he's get the hint, but he never does.

    And oh no...I don't need rain. I was out in the rain today transplanting several things. A friend of mine is moving back to Maine and she wanted me to have several of her plants so I dug them up and worked in the rain. Needless to say, I looked like a wet noodle by the time I finished.

  4. I think the convention center in Tulsa only seats 19000....but it was great to see it so empty and no overflow area needed. Phooey on blaming the protesters there were even less of them and most were in a different part of Tulsa...near Greenwood. Hope the story of kids ordering tickets is true...also hear that the campaign forgot to add the age button so it will be liable for lots of fines. Couldn't happen to a "better" organization

    might be helpful^^^

    The rally did not deliver and i am so glad for that, The TIK TOK kids helped BIGLY !

  6. I am hoping that some people are waking up to the danger that is Trump and his dangerous "leadership." (lack thereof) However, I'm not holding my breath. My vet wants my cat in for a check up, but I'm not ready to take her except in an emergency. We have beautiful weather this week after a rainy beginning to June. So, no trading!

  7. Hari OM
    Nah... Trolls have always thought themselves bigger than they are... hiding under bridges as they do they will always skulk and we shall ever walk in sunlight. &*> Doesn't mean they aren't a nuisance from time to time. Bit like some politicians. YAM xx

  8. Have no idea about the title of the book but it sounds interesting. Trump comes to Phoenix tomorrow to a church that holds 3000. I am thinking of being off all social media for the next few months. I am tired of all the madness going on.


  9. We need rain again. Hot and humid these days. Rain next weekend maybe. Good luck at the doctor.

  10. I like Russell Baker's books. The story you recall seems familiar to me, but I can't provide you with a name. Horton Foote seems likely to me.


  11. Sorry, the book doesn't ring a bell -- but I hope you find it! That Trump Rally fiasco just made my day, LOL!

  12. Frustrating when you can't find a book that you read a long time ago.

  13. I wish I could help you with finding the book. They say you can find a book without a title or author using a description on Google. I tried it using your description and didn't get anything but you might do better.

    Good luck with your appointment tomorrow. I hope you can find some help. I'm glad your sister can go with you. Let us know how it goes.

  14. The Internet is wonderful, the Internet is necessary, the Internet is dangerous. What is one to do.

    I hope someone can find that book for you.

    We have had a lot of rain, like we do most springs. We have now been threatened with rain for the past week and only got a few showers. We could use some more so I don’t have to water the garden every day. It is a hot week.

    About the rally, well, you know how I feel.

  15. I hate not getting back books I've lent! I hope you can find the one you're looking for again.

    I was so glad to see that so many Trump supporters figured it was better to avoid COVID-19 than listen to him. It sent a powerful message. Whether it was received or not remains to be seen.

  16. I have no idea what that book might be, I hope you find it again though. We are in for rain here too, but it's the sort of rain where you look out and see it falling then go to another window and it has already stopped. Hopefully we'll get some proper rain soon.

  17. Sorry that I cannot help with the book (my experience - with really beloved DVDs, books and some people :-) seen some decades before: sometimes it is better to keep the dream, the remembrance instead of perusing it too closely again)

  18. Much as I loved seeing all those empty seats, it feels wrong that they’re saying K Pop something or other caused it buy ordering all those tickets. It’s 2 wrongs may not really make it right. Still they may have saved a lot of people from getting the COVID-19. After all, quite a few of the Trump staff have already tested positive for it.

  19. Maybe Trump's followers are scared of the virus after all.

    1. or people don't have gas/hotel money - since the powers-that-be have shut people out of jobs, over a supposed "virus" - and if people do have discretionary funds, will places be open? Will people be able to enjoy their meals inside the restaurant? be able to eat off regular plates, use regular utensils? With those kind of questions before you, why even bother going on a road trip!

  20. We need some rain here.We have to wait at least 4 months for that.

  21. I thought with all the social distancing laws Trump shouldn't be having a rally anyway? Large gatherings of people are still not allowed in the UK and won't be for months.

  22. There are online websites that you can search a book by subject. Unfortunately, the Library of Congress isn't working at the moment. Google search using keywords from you post, "Our Young Family: The Descendants of Thomas and Naomi Hyatt, by Perry Dean Young. They came from North Carolina. Good luck.

  23. Your book description reminded me of something but I was thinking of My Antonia by Willa Cather and thats quite different - so no help!

  24. The sweetest thing I have seen in many a long while was all those empty seats at the Trump rally. I hope it's an augury of the rest of the election season.

  25. Apparently Trump only posted once on the Sunday, but he was back to what he does best on Monday.

    Out heat wave will break tomorrow. We do need rain badly. We had a brief and heavy storm yesterday, but we need more.

  26. One time in my life a nice lady who I used to work with recommended and then offered to loan me three books that she had read. I took her up on her offer and read and returned the three books. Several months later she asked me if I still had one of the books. I didn't. I had returned all three of them to her. So when it comes to most things,especially books, forever more, my motto is "Neither a borrower nor a lender be."

  27. Sorry, no idea about the book here either. But one question, does Toby have to wear a mask for his haircut?

  28. I don't know the book. I read that Trump was so angry at the low turnout he didn't want to go on stage and missed his cue. took several minutes for his handlers to convince him to go out there. we're getting rain all around us just not on us. lots of rumbling though.

  29. You made me think of a book named Uncle John's Shoes. I read that book over and over and over. I found it in the attic of a home my husband and I bought. It was easy reading; about a young man whose Uncle John was the wealthy man in town. As the young man grew up Uncle John did nothing to assist his family or anyone else and the young man was constantly told that he should be thankful for his Uncle John. The young man grew up to be even more influential and wealthy than Uncle John and was a kind and generous person as well. When Uncle John died his obituary listed him as the uncle of the young man rather than the powerful individual he had once been. Thanks for reminding me of it.

  30. That's a new one to me. Certifying a cat. See if you can get a used copy of "Uncle John's Shoes and let us know if it is the right book.

  31. Well, our country is being run by the King Troll, so...

  32. The disregard he shows for the health of his citizens is monumental. The lack of turnout was monumental. All things are now equal. I hope.

    Good luck with the vascular and feline end of things.


  33. Any luck with the book? If not, I can run it by my mother-in-law as she has read a lot of stuff. Let me know. Take care.

  34. Never heard of that book. but. I know what you mean sometimes you just want to reread a book.
    Yes Trump does look like he is going down hill fast these days

  35. Good luck with Toby's hair cut.
    And why was Trump holding a rally anyway? So last year…..

  36. My home area in Illinois is getting flooded now, something they do not need. I do not remember June floods like that.

    I hope you find that book!

  37. I remember reading Growing Up years ago and liking very much. Think I need to do so again. Thanks for reminding me! Thing about the Trolls of Oklahoma is that they were quite open about what they were doing weeks in advance and it still caught Team Trump flat-footed.

  38. Here's my idea: I just typed this into google: book hardscrabble upbringing of a boy in the difficult plains of west Texas.
    And a whole slew of books came up.......try it, one may trigger your memory.

  39. Maybe one of these:
    Plains to the Pacific, by James Robert Harman and Robert J Slothower

    High, Wide, and Lonesome, by Hal Borland

  40. I see there's the start of a second wave of infections in the States. I hope that does more damage to Trump's credibility.

  41. We are getting rain this week - lots of rain. That's ok - we need it.

  42. Despite the coronavirus disaster, I'm afraid that creature who wears boxes for coats will be re-elected.
