
Sunday, May 17, 2020

How do you do it?

"I wonder, wonder, wonder, wonder, who wrote the book of...."

How do you all do it? Every day you have something to say. And it's interesting, or profound, or intellectually challenging (for me, at any rate), a well reasoned political rant, or just plain nice and fun. My treatise on the Road Runner beep, beeping was close to rock bottom.

I did see my oldest daughter on Mother's Day, an unexpected and nice surprise. She called to say she was outside, and would meet me on the deck. It did take me a mental moment to realize she was outside, and I said I did have a mask, to please come in.

She stayed about an hour and then left to join the family at Ruth's. In the course of conversation, I learned she over did gardening and is back in the leg brace. In or out, she cannot use a garden stool, it's too tall for her to bend comfortably, and she cannot kneel.

Over the course of the week I researched variable height stools, and found one on Amazon. I tried and tried, but could not get Amazon to add a shipping address, as I have often done in the past. So, I got it in the usual two days, and arranged to drive to Beth's house early Saturday morning.

I don't remember selecting a color, but guess I got a good one. Beth agreed that Grandma Lytle would approve.

I took a tour of the flower beds. I stopped under the robin's nest, but stood back from their long drop toilet.

I walked around and around her old flowering cherry, in awe.

And I came home.


  1. I'm glad you had a nice visit. And then pleasant little trip.

  2. How great it must have been to be able to get together with your daughter. I am sure it had great therapeutic benefit for both of you. Right about now,I would love to have dinner with friends. How long we will have to wait for that to be possible is anyone's guess.

  3. I learned something today. I had no idea there was such a thing as a variable height stool. That cherry tree, blooming from the bark is pretty amazing.

  4. Hari OM
    Oooh out and about - bravo! Yeah, filling the page each day isn't all that easy; sometimes am dragging the bottom. There seems to be an imperative though; and it is one of the few personal disciplines that remain to me at the moment. YOu have your weaving - me, the blogging! YAM xx

  5. Wow... will she get any cherries from those blossoms?? How utterly unbelievable it is to see the tree trunk blooming like that! And thanks for the tip on that telescoping stool. Cool!

  6. It's such a treat to get together with family, even far away and in masks. My daughters are in Ohio and New York, so I had to make do with a phone call and FaceTime.

  7. Love the tree. We had cherry trees here when we bought the park until the year we had a hard freeze after the trees were in full bloom. They died off one by one. I was so sad! I need that stool. I can kneel, but the getting up is an awkward affair!

  8. LOVE that tree.
    Selfishly I am focusing on the variable height stool. I can (gracelessly) kneel to garden but the getting up again is a very different issue. So thank you to you and your daughter.
    I am also very glad that you had both the visit and the little trip - and still chuckling at the long drop toilet.

  9. Lovely flowering cherry tree love the way the flower look like they are just stuck on the tree the stool is a bit different too looks like a mushroom.

  10. Cool stool!
    And my post about rhubarb and bed sheets wasmn't exactly earth shattering.

  11. How nice to get away and visit your daughter. And leave it to Mom to come up with a variable height stool to help her garden with her sore leg! Mothers are pretty special like that. That cherry tree is gorgeous!

  12. Great visit with your daughter. And you solved her problem. I just bought this stool for myself for inside the house. I have a stool but it is too low and I end up hurting my shoulder and not having enough leverage....Life is so too complicated.

  13. Flowering cherry trees! I did not how beautiful they are.

  14. I like your first paragraph. I think we should stand back from time to time and think about what we are saying when we write.

  15. I like the stool and the blooming cherry tree. So colorful! I am sure you and your daughter both appreciated the visit. Social distancing and isolation should never have been to include healthy family members who don't share the same house.


  16. I've never seen a stool like that! I use a little stool and sometimes a kneeling pad and sometimes I squat and sometimes I stand and bend over, but I always end up with my lower back screaming at me a the end of it all.
    That tree is amazing! -Jenn

  17. Is that an adjustable height stool? What a great idea! I hope it helps Beth with her gardening. I LOVE the old cherry tree. I plan on getting into my garden bed tomorrow, but we'll see what the weather is like when I eventually roll out of bed.

  18. I think our blogs are a daily output of our lives and that we should write what we feel. Our different cultures allows other to see how we live that is no bad thing.

  19. Lovely outing and lovely flowering cherry/

  20. I didn't know they could flower out of the trunk like that.

  21. How nice that you got to spend some quality time with your daughter! That flowering cherry tree is gorgeous too. Just FYI, on Saturday I made your blueberry crostata and it was delicious! I want to try a raspberry one next.

    1. I bought a little bottle of clotted cream. I think maybe a raspberry or peach crostata.

    2. With cream it has to be raspberry...

  22. That is wonderful that you got to see your daughter on a Mother’s Day. It is such a lift to see people not up close but personal.

    That is a magnificent tree.

  23. Visiting is a special event these days, so good for you.

  24. Glad you had a visit...and intrigued by that variable height stool.

  25. adjustable? nice. and what a fabulous old cherry tree. does it fruit?

    I don't know how people can write every day either and still be interesting. I'm doing good to get two posts a week and on the rare occasion, three.

  26. Small things just happen every day....
    Good to have a chance to see and help family. That cherry tree is something else!!

  27. We can visit another family here these days and things will ease up again on June 1st.

    The tree is quite something!

  28. So fine, Joanne, to have a visit on mother's day! I had a phone call from Bavaria - yet since my last visit I still have only seen lovely photos from the triplets, growing up so quick - but we all are rational and do not go by train to see them, though we long to.

  29. Joanne, I'm beginning to see that it's not so much what we write about as it is to continue sharing and communicating. Knowing what others are going through (good and bad) helps me to realize just how much we're all in this together. We're only in the first wave, there could be more. So I find it important to find some way to make each day good for either ourselves or someone else (or both if possible). I think you do the same (with or without realizing it). So glad you and your daughter had some time together.

  30. You missed out the BOOM: I wonder, wonder, wonder, wonder who - BOOM! - who wrote the book of...

  31. LOL'ing at Tom's comment above - I went through it too, singing, and noticed the boom missing :D

    For what it's worth, your Road Runner post was interesting and entertaining; I haven't had as much time to comment as usual and failed to comment because of that. But I do second-guess myself on nearly every post I write. It's one reason I've stuck with the poems on Mondays - I feel less squirmy about them. It's in the title - Poetry Monday - so everybody gets advance warning - ha ha

  32. The blooming Cherry is amazing! Glad you took photos i have not seen one like it EVER! Our neighbors have a raised garden up to waist height, it is brilliant, everything within reach. Knees, I am sure, are grateful.

  33. That lovely tree is not a cherry, it's a redbud tree. They're blooming everywhere right now in Northern Indiana, and just beautiful. They're actually a legume, and the blossoms are edible. Just beautiful to sprinkle into a salad. The blooms taste like sweet peas. The seeds will hang in big pods on the tips of the branches in fall.

  34. I have a very hard time trying to write something daily specially since I'm home - all the damn time! Your two visits sound really nice.

  35. Yes, both visits sound delightful.
