
Thursday, May 14, 2020

Beep, beep, beep

Like many of us, I drive absolutely n.o.w.h.e.r.e. of late.  Friends are virtual. Doctors are virtual. Errands and groceries can be virtual if we let them. Unlike driving, car insurance does not go away.

After buying a tank of gas or less a month for the last two months, I decided to show them how little I drive and how low my insurance rate therefore should be. I asked my agent to sign me up for that Progressive program that involves plugging a little device into the appropriate spot on the dashboard.

"Are you absolutely sure you want to do this?" he asked me. That little device records everything about your driving. And I answered they were welcome to know everything. I've been a driver since I was seventeen. Though I've been involved in an accident, I've never caused one. I'll show them!

So, the little thing arrived. The internet showed me where to plug in on my car. Since I can no longer stand on my head, I drove it down the road to my mechanic, who could bend over adequately to plug it in. It was working, it went Beep, Beep, Beep when I left the shop.

I live off a 45 m.p.h. road. If I can, I make the left hand turn onto my street as efficiently as possible, so not to slow the traffic behind me too much. Which means making the turn while still braking. Which causes the little Road Runner under the dash to say "Beep!"

The first time I heard it, I understood it, but I certainly did not agree with it. "Fuck you!" I said. "I have a train behind me." I came home and looked up my report page, and there it was, "Hard brakes!" My only other possible sin at this point could be "Fast acceleration," and that's something I can never remember doing.

Since the Road Runner has been down there, checking up on me, I've left my drive twice, in a week. Yet it reports I've taken sixteen trips. I finally decided it counts every time I restart the car a trip. Stop for gas, another trip.

I've also been nicked for hard brakes five times. It's heard from me all five times, too. Coming back from the dentist today, it got me at least three times. One was the turn onto my street, of course. 

But it also got me for merging onto one of those exits you see all over New Jersey, and several times on my interstates, too. A usual exit lane onto a 25 m.p.h. circular exit to another freeway. I will never slow my car to 25 m.p.h. in a lane of 65 m.p.h. traffic. That's why my car has brakes.

So, I will stick this thing, and yell at it fairly often, I think. I want to see what this ride is about. Won't it have a fit, if I still have it, when I go to Ann's this summer.

Here is the allium pot, when I came home today.


  1. Let's hope your insurance rates don't go UP, lol!

  2. I am glad those things are not mandatory, I sure wouldn't want one. Sometimes hard braking is a safety behavior.

  3. Your alium is taking slow and steady to heart isn't it?
    I suspect the beeping and the invalid criticism would do my head in.
    Good luck.

  4. Wow. I hadn't heard of this. I would be afraid to see what I would get for a report. Almost like having hubby in the car when I sm driving and picking on it. Our insurance at thr auto club gave a 15% discount for several months because of fewer accidents overall with less driving


  5. Sounds to me like the Age of Big Brother writ large. That device can obviously only measure physical events and takes no account of traffic conditions, speed of other drivers, people cutting you off etc. You may regret having installed it.

  6. We once had a car that beeped when you exceeded the town speed limit (when you were most likely to get booked....if caught) - it was disconnected quick smart. There are times when it is safer to go faster!
    Another thing I'd like to disconnect is the beep Inside the microwave - drives me nuts. It gets rude remarks thrown at it all the time but simply takes no notice:)

  7. I have you don’t regret having that device installed.

    I bought that bird book you mentioned Joanne and I a really enjoying it.

  8. We got an email from Progressive saying that they were giving us money back since no one is driving. You shouldn't have to endure electronic surveillance to get a discount. Of course, we haven't seen that money or the stimulus money so there you go.

  9. My auto insurance notified me everyone's getting a credit. Didn't say how much. But it looks as if it's not money back, just a smaller bill next time. I'm already getting a geezer discount, a safe driver no accident in living memory discount, a low mileage discount. More of this and I'll be billing them.

  10. I just got notice from my insurance company that they had returned a portion of my premium (15%?) for the second month in a row. As well they should,since I've been off the property three times in the past two months.

  11. Hari OM
    All I know is that over here, the concept of 'no claims discounts' no longer apply, no matter how long a customer... sigh... YAM xx

  12. Oh, I don't think I'd be a big fan of that installed in my vehicle. Like having my mother in the car! -Jenn

  13. I'm so glad I don't drive. I appreciate it would be convenient, but I'd rather have a bus driver take care of things like turning and braking. The allium is going to be beautiful and worth waiting for.

  14. My insurance company has urged me to take this little device as a way to reduce my insurance. I googled and found that it does exactly what you describe. So you're smart to get rid of it.

  15. I've wondered about those things. I don't think I would have the patience for that. I'll be interested to hear how this turns out for you. Our insurance sent us a check since no one is driving much in the pandemic. It was just $50 but it helps.

  16. I received a notice from our auto insurance co. (Wawanesa) that they were giving us a discount of 15% and it would be applied to the monthly premium or added to the renewal as a discount -- THEN they raised our rates! LOL That Allium is one strange looking flower. I hope nothing happens to it before it opens fully. BTW, I loved the photo of your spindle with the purple thread wound on it. Fascinating...

  17. I would be yelling at it all day. I will not have a car telling me how to drive it. I hired a car (in the USA) once which would not shut up.

  18. I guess insurance is one business making $ during COVID. Internet providers may not be making more money, but they aren't taking a hit either. And we keep on using utilities.

    I don't think I would like that thing in my car.

  19. I'm glad I don't have one of those devices on my car. I'm sure it would beep me every ten seconds with some supposed driving misbehaviour!

    One UK insurance company has given all its customers a £25 refund because so many of us are staying at home (sheltering in place, to you), thus reducing insurance claims.

  20. That beeping would send me around the bend.

  21. I just love you, Joanne. I want to be you when I grow up.

  22. Wouldnlt it be good if the thing had to record your reaction to its beeps as well...would make good listening.

  23. I would go nuts, I had a beeper which goes off if I cross any line, which we have to do periodically and it drove me mad, I turned it off. Your device sounds totally Orwellian.


  24. My niece tried that. They agreed she was a very good driver with very low miles, but they needed to raise her rates because she drove at such late hours. She worked night shift. Apparently in their little world, only drug dealers work after dark.

  25. I was given some with my new car insurance policy last year. I forgot about them and never installed them. They raised my rates because of that. I'm looking for a new insurance company now.

  26. all those hard brakes and trips you didn't take will probably end up raising your insurance!

  27. Oh, having a device telling me what for might bug the bejeezus out of me! May it not drive, no pun intended, you mad!

  28. We had one of those Progressive devices a few years ago but I don't remember it being that detailed. Maybe that's why we didn't get a good insurance deal with them. I have filled up my car once since March 13. Stay safe and good luck with your insurance device.

  29. Ugh - I think I'd worry that the insurance co might decide premiums should go up rather than down because of all the notations. Insurance co are not knows for realistic thinking.

  30. The Alium is doing wonderfully.
    I haven't been behind the wheel for 7 months.

  31. Our auto insurance also gave us a discount due to the fact that no one is driving. Don’t know how long they will continue...

  32. MeMa is my Road Runner and she is just as critical as your Road Runner. Good luck with that.

  33. I don't think I'd want one of those things on my car, it will start bleeping if my music is too loud!

  34. Oh, Joanne! I don't know if you intend to be hilarious, but you really are! And thank you for being so funny - we all need some belly laughs right now! I love your spirit, and your fierceness! Like Ms. Moon, I want to be you when I grow up!!!!! :)

  35. I never heard of such a device.
    I do have problems to accept daft navigators, or google map sometimes if I know a better way - so: I think your little device in my car - that would mean "the beginning of a wonderful friendship".

  36. The insurance companies always win one way or another, but I admire the effort. At least you have a companion along for the ride, sort of:-)
