
Sunday, May 3, 2020

A week

It has been a long week of nothing to do and nowhere to go. There was a "somewhere to go"; the end of the week held out mandevillas. 

Last Monday I went grocery shopping. It was very cold, raining off and on. In the parking lot I spied a top down Corvette. Still there when I left. A very brave person.

Years ago I saved a foolproof crostata recipe. It started with a store pie crust, then a simple fruit and sugar filling. Fold the crust around the edges, bake and try to resist eating. The girls never were interested, so finally I got to it.

I made it last two days! I pulled out the sheet and scratched the egg wash and sugar glaze. The crust of a dozen puff pastry shells does not need it. When thawed, I mushed the edges together and rolled and rolled it out. Add filling, pull up edges, and bingo, it's a crostata.

I told myself, make one every time I go shopping, one fruit at a time. Blueberries, peaches, apples, cherries, maybe strawberries.

Nancy called, and I'm OK. I will be far better when I can again see friendly faces. I doubt we will play cards tomorrow. People I could count on, week after week, to be there.

Nancy told me of a series she's fallen into on Netflix, Anne, based solidly on Anne of Green Gables. I remember a PBS series, years and years ago, so I gave it a go.The first time I've watched television since last winter, Grace and Frankie.

The first afternoon I went on through so many episodes of tear jerking. Literally, my handkerchief would hold no more, and I couldn't leave for a Kleenex. Then it was dark outside, after nine. I pressed pause and went to bed. It is totally young adult, quite interesting, at least in a time of compelled isolation. And now I don't need a tissue.

Toward the end of the week I phoned another reliable and asked Jan if she and Tom would help me with mandevillas this weekend. I picked Saturday as the best potential day, and we went across the road to Suncrest Gardens. I returned with three mandevillas and a little begonia to replace the gerbera daisy that spent last winter in the living room.

I think outside now looks as if I live here:

The glass dancer who came cross country from Ellen Abbott's side yard in Texas floats serenly  in space.

Mandevilla, white, pink and red, survey the neighborhood.

My wonderful water lily from a sculptor in Michigan overlooks all.

The old crew is in place. A pot of ranunculus in front of Pig, growing to bloom.

A great pot of two small anemone in bloom and so many unknown bulbs, waiting to burst.

I can enjoy from my window. So can the cat.


  1. Plant therapy is the best therapy.

  2. Sun and plants who needs more?

  3. I'll bet you felt good after a day in the sun. You will finally have some color to look at in your yard.

  4. Yesterday I planned to go to our garden center which sets up every spring at my grocery store.... BUT when I got there it was mobbed and people were not socially distancing at all. And the parking lot was packed. So I kept on going and returned home. I'll try again early Monday..

    1. Suncrest was very orderly, we were marched in six foot increments. It was no fun; no wandering, no looking, no choosing. At checkout they took my cart and one employee read off the numbers to the cashier. When I thought she was done I stepped forward to pay and the number reader told me to get back behind the line. She wasn't nice. I backed up. She left. The cashier said "OK, you can come up now."

  5. oh, your blossoms are so pretty. Everything looks glorgeous, a combo of glorious and gorgeous. Your little invention of berry pastry just looks delish! I might add a bit of cream cheese on the bottom before the berries because Cream cheese is how I roll. I am sure it was as tasty as it looks! AND that car! how perfect! You would look good wearing that!

  6. Super photos. Especially the Corvette and your plants in their plant pots.

  7. I lost track of that Anne series a few years ago. It was a departure from the series from the 80s (I think) that I really liked.

    1. This has tossed in a lot of "adult" topics, and handles them well.

  8. I'll have to check out that Anne series on Netflix. I love your plants and decorations! Hopefully the weather will warm up some and you can sit outside to enjoy more of the beauty!


  9. Those plants looked great! I went out yesterday to snip a few blooms but I had nothing to clip yet! The lilacs are getting ready tho so I have that to look forward to. Your garden decor is just right for your steps! Thanks for sharing!

  10. Your garden area does look well back into place. Very nice.

    I have never heard of a crostata, but would be keen on trying to make one. -looks very tasty.

    1. I guess I'll pass out the recipe. It suggests a mound of ice cream in the middle, but that wouldn't appeal to me.

    2. Oh, but I will eat the ice cream.

  11. Spring nesting is the best nesting. How beautiful, Joanne!

  12. Joanne, I really enjoyed the series ‘Anne with an E’. At the moment I’m re-visiting ‘The Outlander’ . Finished 1st 3 seasons on Netflix and now on Season 4 on Prime. Love the Crostata and the mandevillas...

  13. Sign, I'm jealous that you live across the road from a garden center. The flowers look so delightful.

  14. How I love your garden. And the sculptures.
    Plant therapy works for me. Every time.

  15. Your flowers are beautiful Joanne.

  16. The mandevillas are beautiful! I love the color selection. I also love seeing the old crew back in place on your steps - old friends are good friends. That crostata looks delicious - I bet it's extra good with a little ice cream too. It's wonderful to see Toby again. Does he still have the friend in the window next door? ; )

  17. Hari OM
    YAY - 's all today! YAM xx

  18. Having installed all your 'familiars' the place is your own...

  19. Lovely flowers. Does Pig have a name?

    1. I neglected to introduce, after Pig, Toad, on the top, Lambie, and below Pig is Hedgehog.

  20. I guess the gerbera didn't make it. yes, mandevillas in place, pig et al. must be Joanne's. I'll have to try the crostata.

    1. It made flower after flower all winter, but no new leaves, so when the last flower put its head down on the window sill, that was it. I put zinnia seeds in the pot (per my friend Deb), and we shall see what grows.

  21. If you lived in my neighborhood I would show up at your front door for a piece of that crostata.

  22. I read the original Anne book the year we went to PEI and visited the house. Must dig it out and reread it. I'm not really interested in any movies or offshoots. Just me and the way I am
    Looking forward to seeing how your potted garden progresses over your summer.

  23. I love the glass dancer and the water lily sculpture. The mandevillas are lovely.

  24. It's good to get the old familiar pieces back in place. We were doing exactly that yesterday and it was even warm enough that we sat out for a while.

  25. Many lovely looking things at your house. Spring come at last to the frozen northlands? I like the water lily sculpture.

  26. It's good to see things growing. We had a lovely springlike day yesterday, but it has turned cold again, and is supposed to remain that way for a few more days. Damn!

  27. I've gotten hooked on The Repair Shop. People bring in old busted stuff they treasure way beyond their appraised value and people fix them. I appreciate the stories and the skill. I'm with Bea; I'm curious just how you do that crostata. I get puff pastry sheets to make turnovers - a rolling pin, a can of pie filling, and you're done. Easy and tasty.

  28. Mandevillas are bright and elegant..bringing joy to the home. A good choice.

  29. Your flowers are going to give you a lot of happiness this summer, I think...I will try to get one this year. My daughter Alice always has one near her back door.

  30. Just catching up on your last few posts......your plants look lovely. There are some definite signs of spring here as well...trees are leafing out and bulbs are in bud. Sadly it s NOT a warm and sunny day here.

  31. The Anne series is based on the work of L M Montgomery, a writer from this island. There is a tourism industry build on her writing.

  32. Did I ever give you this link for Russian Bank online? The rules are slightly different than ours, but there is a tutorial to watch first.

  33. I've never read Anne of Green Gables, but our tour of the Canadian Maritimes last September included a trip to the two Anne of Green Gables houses on Prince Edward Island and I learnt about the story.

    The crostata looks delicious!

  34. I had seen the PBS series Anne of Green Gables a few years ago and loved it. Last year my granddaughter introduced me to the series on Netflix and I was hooked. It is a lovely story and done beautifully. I was sorry that the third season was the last.

    I was going to get my Mandevillas but then I looked at the forecast for the next two weeks and we will have nighttime temps in the 30’s. They are not inexpensive plants so I am going to wait till I know the weather will not kill them.

  35. I'm home. It's heaven. I found my green towel stuck in a bookcase. Hurrah. What do I owe you for it? And thank you. Next time I can freely grocery shop, I will make one of those fattening things. Looks wonderful.

    1. I sent it for you to hug and get better. I'm so happy you're back.

  36. It all looks lovely already. It doesn't look as if this summer's going to include many nice visits or outings so we'll all have to have our own Flower Show and you've inspired me.
    I've got a box of seeds for bee-friendly flowers and three big pots so I'd better get started.

  37. There is nothing like a mandevilla vine (or three) to cheer you up. We got my sister one for Mothers' Day (early) and it had the hoped-for effect. I'm waiting to see if my favorite place has them. I think the thing I will look forward to most, after it is safe to step out, (besides a haircut!) will be getting to sit and talk with friends.

  38. Oh how lovely to see you settling in to your new spot. These plants will give you a wonderful summer.


  39. Loved Grace and Frankie. I haven't latched onto a new show in awhile. I was watching Ozarks and it's good but the violence gets to me so I only watch it in small doses. Looks like you're ready for spring now. That crostata is giving me ideas!
