
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

It's not spring, yet

Each morning I put on my light weight spring fleece and proceed with the morning. When breakfast is done, a couple of hours later, I still am not warm, and change into my heavy duty winter fleece for the rest of the day. It really isn't spring, yet.

Our governor and his team are staggering reopening of the state. This poor fellow is a Republican to the end of his toenails, yet his plan to have us up and running again has his fellow Republicans beating on the statehouse door in frustration. A couple are suing for the "right" to throw everyone back in the arena, say on Friday. 

I went outside to admire my "garden", all of one plus pots. I didn't try for pictures, but the zinnia pot is littered with little green double leaves. The ranunculus  pot has little specs of greenery here and there. If saying anything to me, it is "Don't forget Friday is mandevillas! Don't forget!"

And I spent the rest of the day hemming the black and cream towels. They seemed iffy to me as I wove them, but the rest of the process melded the weave together. Charming, right out of a twenties kitchen.

Because I put the last full bobbin in the bobbin case when I started, I concluded my day filling all my bobbins again.

Good to go for quite some time. I cannot remember when I last had twelve bobbins full.


  1. I've been using bobbins I filled 11 years ago before we set out in the RV and put the sewing machine in storage. The manual will have to be read once again before I can wind another bobbin. Muscle memory came back for changing a spool of thread, but remains mute on the subject of bobbins.

  2. We had 1 C today with high wind. Our walk included all of our warmest gear. It is far from spring here too though the sun is strong when it shines.

  3. I love those towels! Our governor is a Dem and putting up with all sorts of noise from the GOP about how he's destroying the economy and needs to open completely up. He's doing a staggered relaxing of some things, but keeping other strictures in place. A smart man having to deal with idiots. Stay warm!

  4. Try a wide shawl of fleece around you. Careful, though, to keep the ends from moving as you walk or else you'll hear little noises behind you as the ends sweep stuff onto the floor. If I wear a scarf around my neck, it helps me feel warmer.

  5. Joanne, I know nothing about weaving, but do know bobbins. I’ve emptied almost all the bobbins in this old Singer making masks for family and friends paying no attention to color of thread used. Now I have to fill them all...

  6. If your sewing machine is set up for holding two thread spools, or if you have or can set up a separate spool holder, you can sew forever (well, seemingly) using only two bobbins. Just set up one to fill as you sew. The bobbin winder will pop loose when the bobbin is filled and wait there for the one you're using to empty. This is how many factories run their sewing lines.

  7. It is very far from Spring here but yesterday I noticed that we have our first anenomy flower and that two of the paper while jonquils are in bloom. Weirderoonies.
    I do hope that your country is not opened up too soon. I watch and I worry and am grateful that ours is much slower.

  8. It is still cold here too. I had to double my blankets last night to keep my feet warm and indoors before sleep I felt the cold on my feet. It's also been raining for days now. Mostly at night. My poor little garden is already waterlogged but that's okay because rain seems to be so very good for the garden especially after the sun comes out again.

  9. The rains are starting must be colder at night as the bed is full of dogs in the morning.

  10. Perhaps you have to thank Covid-19 for having all those bobbins loaded and ready to go!

  11. I remember winding bobbins on my mom's sewing machine. So much fun. We skip spring every year and are heating right up with over 100 degrees weather.


  12. Not spring yet, but I am constantly amazed at how late it is light...A zinnia pot is a lovely thing to have!

  13. We are heading into colder weather here so I am also wearing fleece. I love it because it is warm, but hate it because it takes hours to get the cat hair off it before I can toss it in the machine for a wash.
    I've been thinking of Zinnias lately and may have a pot of them next spring along with some cheery marigolds.

  14. I'm just living in my winter fleece at the moment. It's about ten years old and a peculiar shade of green, having been washed to death, but it's my security blanket.

  15. Hari OM
    We had mini summer last week. This week I am back in thermals... and we had a power cut this morning. I don't know whenever Edinburgh last had such a thing! Getting dad upright from the now inoperable recliner chair was an interesting diversion... YAM xx

  16. You-know-who is desperate for a revival in the economy by November and if that means 30,000 more deaths, so be it.

  17. The warmth is coming, Joanne, and your pots should be popping with growth within a week. I put many of my seedlings under my tunnels yesterday and crossed my fingers.

  18. Daty safe, no matter what decisions are made about re-opening.

  19. The more you post about weaving, the more I think it is magic.

  20. TX will open officially this Friday. There are some restraints in place - only 25% capacity allowed in at any given time. Hands touch you places - hair, nails, massage - on still on hold until the 5/15. Now we wait and see.

  21. What those so anxious to let us out to range free are not taking into consideration is that not all of us will be willing to take that chance. It is against the law to force us to do anything unsafe.

    1. I think officials be damned, reopening really will be up to the people, who will decide whether or not to shop, wear masks and gloves, hold up the line by observing six feet, continuing to have goods delivered, and so on and so forth. I think merchants will observe safety, if for no other reason than fear of a lawsuit over a case of coronoviris occurring on their premises.

  22. The weather is so unexpected this time of the year. I'll be in shorts one day and can't get warm the next. I hope we get some nice Spring weather before it turns hot this summer.

    Our state (Missouri) is supposed to open Monday but the county I live in doesn't open until the 15th because we have more cases around the city. The state line runs through part of Kansas City so it is also affected by the Kansas rules. It really gets crazy when you have so many different rules in one area. We have been told we are to follow the stronger rules of the county unless you cross the state line. Too many cooks in the kitchen!

  23. you are correct! It is not spring and it is way too early to go out and bout with covid 19 just waiting for it's chance! NOPE

  24. It felt like summer today. We almost got up to 90 but then it's going to cool off into the 60s in a few days. Spring is always teasing us here in Idaho. Speaking of Idaho, our governor is planning on opening up the state in May but in phases. Phase 1 starts May 1 and if it goes well then we will have Phase 2 in 2 weeks. I think we will be stuck in Phase 1 for a bit.

    1. It will get to us by Saturday, my mandevilla day.

  25. I did not vote for DeWine, but I can't fault him his approach to thinking of US primarily vs the almighty $$ (which is useless without a vaccine). We're waaaaay better off than the plain states. And while the jackass in the oval refused to use the WPA (war power act) for PPE, testing, tracing, he'll FORCE disease infested meat packing plants to remain open so he can have his bacon burger. Is it November yet? I WOULD risk covid to vote him out!!

    1. Hello. I tracked you down to your bio. I followed you years ago, and then you just slipped away. Like your bee sanctuary, it seems. I didn't realize you were an Ohioan. Nice to hear from you, and close in on who you are.
      I could never vote for DeWine. His religious beliefs put his pen to a heartbeat bill. He is the governor of all of us, not just Roman Catholics and born agains.

    2. His approach to the virus is what I was talking about. And VERY glad he extended stay-at-home until end of May. But his heinous stance on women's reproductive rights is sickening and he.must.go next election.

  26. I can't believe you have 12 bobbins! I think I have two that fit my machine. the weather has been just as crazy here. it was supposed to get down to 48 last night though I don't know if it did and tomorrow and Sunday it's supposed to be in the 90s. our governor is opening Texas today with some restrictions. stupid republicans.

    1. I bought them so I could keep a supply. Actually I have another box of 12; never bothered to fill them.

  27. When the red red bobbin comes bob-bob-bobbin along, along .. . . . it'll be joined by the kiwi, the rose and the blue before too long . . . . sorry, it's an illness. I love my towels. Something is so comforting about them...the colors, the texture, not sure what.

  28. Hawaii is still on lockdown but opening up a few places that don’t require close contact. We have tourists trying to come here to escape COVID in their own state.

    1. My friend in Georgia was livid; she lives in a gated community. NY kept renting homes there to escape COVID. Finally the HOMA came to understand the cause of the massive influx of home renters and put a stop. My friend is immuno deficient, the last thing she needed.

  29. Still a lot of debate in the UK about whether to ease the lock-down or not. A lot of people are afraid any premature easing will lead to a second wave of infection. In the meantime, a big increase in home baking!

  30. Hi Joanne, hope you are enjoying the same beautiful weather we are this weekend. It should warm you up! Your governor seems to be doing a good job balancing the polarity of these times. I'm sure it's not easy. I empathize with the meat processing workers who suddenly find themselves essential and can't collect unemployment if they decide they don't want to work in a petri dish. Like we all couldn't live on beans and rice for a couple weeks? Our governor is doing a great job but if she wasn't and opened everything up, we've already agreed we wouldn't be participating and we know we're lucky to have the choice.

  31. We are easing here with no new cases. It's in 5 stages. We are 2 weeks behind NZ but not re-opening schools till September. So in stage 4 now, which means rather than a single bubble, we can have two bubbles. Safety for all citizens.

    Love the black and cream towels. And your diligence.

