
Wednesday, March 11, 2020

New drivers' license, little else

I put reminders of everything on my Google calendar, so I don't come up short in the remembering department. March first announced (and still does), New Drivers' License in March. Eleven days into the month I have done little more than think about where everything is to get my Real ID.

Today is the day, I announced to no one on the house, and rounded up my passport, my social security card, a bank statement, and after a good breakfast, set out for the DMV. Sadly, all my ID had my old unit number for the same address. Only my bank statement was correct. Back home to get a utility bill to second the address on the bank statement.

Back at the DMV, I held the door for a very frail looking old woman wielding a four pronged cane, and we commenced a very slow march into the building. Eventually she stopped and motioned me to go ahead. "I'm the slowest in the line," she said. I turned her down, and did tell her it was a pleasure to give up my "slowest one here" line.

I'm very unhappy with my picture. It's the best one I've ever had, except I had to remove my glasses, and it does not look like me at all.

How about Joe Biden? I take it as a sure sign this coalition is about to stop messing about with what might have been and get on with electing a president. I think he will reach into the pool of might have beens for vice president, and I wonder who it will be? I can venture a pool of possibilities, but can't even make a guess.

There was a new recipe to try for supper, Mac and Cheese with Cauliflower. It's basically every day mac and cheese in a slow cooker, with cauliflower flowerettes broken in. I measured out 12 ounces of macaroni, added a frozen tub of shredded sharp cheddar, two pints of half and half, and half a head of cauliflower skulking in the fridge.

I stired it after a couple of hours, per directions, and was not impressed. The macaroni had almost cooked, but the cauliflower had not. I added some salt and pepper and went off for a half an hour. When I stirred it the last time, I wondered what on earth were all those marshmallows bobbing in the mac and cheese.

They were the cauliflowers! And, it was good! One leftover container in the fridge, one in the freezer.

And here is my one pot of three bulbs. There are more, but these are biggest. I packed one pot with paper narcissus. Apparently not this pot, and the other two have not made a stir.


  1. I need to check my driver's license. I think I may be up for renewal. Ugh. Why is that so daunting?
    Isn't it amazing how sweet it is every year when things first appear in the dirt? I mean- it's not like we've never seen this before. And yet.
    And yet.
    Cauliflower appears to be in everything these days. Which is fine. Why not? Fiber and a veggie-boost. And the taste is mild and ends up tasting very much like whatever you add it to.

  2. I got the notice for mine in the mail this week. I had to do my gun license last week. Both require a photo. Gun license at one place,because it is federal, drivers license at another place,which is provincial, so separate photos. I wonder what will come next? Car plates I expect. But no photo required.

  3. Drivers Licence photos NEVER look good, do they! And passport photos are WORSE! I always look like I just got out of the slammer.

  4. I have to figure out a way to keep this current drivers license, the photo is actually OK, Miracle.

  5. I don't need to get my new DL until next January and I think I have everything. But who knows what my world will be like by then? Not I.

  6. My Driver's License is up in August and I'll have to get a Real ID then. I don't look forward to it.

    We voted this past Tuesday. I tried to do my part but then there really wasn't a large choice. I'm hoping for good things in November - isn't it about time for us all?!

    Your mac & cheese and cauliflower sounds good. I'd like to try it with broccoli.

    I love that beautiful, little green sprout!

  7. I was told to take my glasses off for my last ID photo card too, which was taken just before I lost a bit of weight two years ago, so my face is all round and puffy with tiny eyes.
    I've never been a fan of Mac and Cheese, which is a good thing because it wouldn't be on my "allowed" list now.

  8. That mac and cheese with cauliflower sounds so delicious! I don't think anyone likes their pictures on their driver's license. I think the people taking the pictures specifically look to see when it is the worst time to take the picture and that's why they always come out looking so darn awful!


  9. My husband obtained his Real ID recently, but he was allowed to keep his specs on. It does seem weird that someone should ask you take off your glasses, so that you may better match your ID photo.

    Mac-n-cheese with cauliflower sounds like it would have gone off without a hitch. Sounds like you rescued the recipe!

  10. Yum.
    And I hear you on the photo not looking like you.
    None of mine do. Ever. I may be deluding myself.

  11. Now you can take your Real ID and fly somewhere wonderful... that is if it was safe ( ie virus safe) for you to fly.

  12. Sounds like you had a good day. I'm wondering why they made you take your glasses off for the photo. That doesn't make any sense since you always wear your glasses.

  13. Wondering if we need to get a 'Real ID' before we take our flying trip in May. Will have to check into that! I don't think my license expires for some time but again, will have to check. Love the little point coming up through the dirt!! "Hope Springs Eternal!"

  14. I thought for a moment that was a photo of your mac and cheese, and thought "Hmm, I think I'll pass on that!"

    I had to get a new passport last year. Wasn't a great fan of getting a new photo of me looking 10 years older, and yes I did.

  15. Hari OM
    I adore cauliflower as a vegetable and will take it in any form! I am gathering that 'real ID' is kinda like a national card cover-all identification thing? The removal of glasses when one is permanently wearing them seems to me to defeat the ID purpose!!! YAM xx

  16. We only have to renew our drivers licence when we reach 70. Do you have to before then?

  17. Jobsworths. It's almost as if you have to drive without your glasses.

  18. Cauliflower is an under-appreciated veggie. I really enjoy it and usually serve it with a cheese sauce, my favourite of which is made with Asiago. Macaroni and cheese in the other hand is the most overrated dish ever conceived!

  19. My last photo at the DMV was horrible too. Oh well. I rarely need it anyway.

  20. Thanks for the post. You just sent me to rifling through my stack of mail to renew our own licence.

  21. I renewed my driving licence by post. Very simple. I didn't even take a new photo, I just submitted the one from the last renewal. The new licence came back very promptly. I could also have renewed it online, but the photo part of it gets a bit fiddly.

  22. I hate my current DL picture. the one before it was great. I was able to renew mine online for the gold star which was great because last time I had to get glasses to pass the eye test and I lost them in the flood and haven't ever gotten new ones. and lest people think I'm driving blind, I could never tell the difference driving with them or without them. in fact, I think my eyesight is improving, either that or all the books I've been reading have large type.

  23. I agree that if we need glasses to drive, the picture should include them. But maybe it has something to do with facial ID? Who knows? Your mac and cheese with cauliflower sounds good.

  24. That sounds like a whole-day job to renew your license. Ours must be renewed, with a new photo, every five years. I thought I looked old in the next to last one, but when I got the last one it was worse! And they've started required a glasses-free photo here, too. I think it's to make ID easier without glasses in the way. But I felt naked when they took the photo.

    Any meal in a slow cooker feels to me like having someone else cook for you. You do all the work, yes, but it's so far removed from the time of eating that it feels like somebody else did it!

  25. You can see it clearly now...that bulb has made a bid for freedom. Go Spring!!!!

  26. It used to be that glasses caused reflections in the pic. But I agree that if you'll be wearing them, that's how the pic should be too.

    I'm not bothering with real id since in this state it's only for flying which I don't plan on. One of my friends couldn't complete hers because she pays bills online or via direct debit, and there's no paper trail. When she printed out the information, they wouldn't accept it as genuine.

    Heck, one of the state programs I use, the program stabilizing property taxes for seniors -- we lead the nation in high property taxes, dubious honor -- anyway, the forms demand cancelled checks to prove we paid the taxes. Nobody has had cancelled checks for years! I have to get my tax collector to fill out an alternative form.

  27. My last passport photo, without glasses, almost scared me into staying home.I would have been well advised to "not leave home with it" but that wasn't an option.

  28. I still have my photograph from almost 20 years ago on my DL. In this state, you can keep using the same photo for renewals. I'm afraid that I'll be stopped one day and they will refuse to believe it's me. Thanks for the reminder - I need to renew my passport!

  29. I'd enjoy that mac and cheese variant.
