
Monday, March 9, 2020


Sunday morning I turned off the alarm and slept an extra hour plus.  I thought good thoughts about getting up, and just did not. And when I did, I accomplished everything I intended to do yesterday, except run the vacuum.

Today I turned off the alarm and slept an extra forty five minutes. I still have not run the vacuum. I did go to cards today, needing to ask Nancy if Grace and Frankie ended after seven seasons and what I should watch next. But she wasn't there.

She recommended the series about the British Crown, but I can't remember the title, and that's my current method of finding things on NetFlix. I wish I understood that little clicker like Laura did.

Several days ago I found the first indication of a bulb in one of my pots. It's just to the left of the flower pot standard.

Of course it was cold and snowed over the weekend, but there is the bud, between the bird and the standard. I looked closely today (no snow) and saw several more. None in the pots around the corner, yet.

The weather for the next ten days is sunshine, with warm days, and probably freezing and snow overnight. (Perhaps the other two pots heard this on their secret radio in the glass bird.)


  1. I will freely admit to watching the ground with intense interest as the bulb season nears. Himself accuses me of counting the shoots which is not 'quite' true.
    However I noticed an anenome shoot coming through last week. Way, way too early (much as I love them).

  2. Yay for sprouts! Good find. It is small to see.

  3. I think the British crown series is The Crown! I'm waiting for my library to get season three so I can see it.

  4. it always amazes me that blogger Bug in Ohio and blogger Steve in London get daffodils before I do. your iris foliage never died down during the winter but now when they should be doing something it looks like the old foliage is maybe giving way. maybe some new growth there. I can't wait til they bloom.

  5. We have winter aconite and snowdrops, not much sign of daffs yet (upstate NY)

    1. I have one lonely daffodil and since it was an orphan, I picked it and have been admiring it here on my desk for days. It's just beginning to show signs of tiring. Love the Spring!

  6. I wish this hour change was discontinued. Would we miss it?

  7. I am resolved to buy a half barrel and plant it with bulbs so I can have all kinds of daffodils and jonquils and snowdrops. Love them!

  8. Oooooh.....THAT left. I don't know my left from my right tonight.

    1. I see. Perspective is everything. I should have said "by" and been done with it.

  9. Sleep is good...We are an ages where we can sleep as much as we need to and no more.
    Go to and browse through what they offer. You will likely find something good!

  10. The series you are lookng for is simply called The Crown. There are three seasons, and I liked them, especially the third as it fit into my own lifetime better,

  11. Last Tango In Halifax is worthy, I think you might like it. The Crown is very good, also.
    Nothing beats sleep though, Sleep is the most entertainment I get these days. Not complaining mind you, my dreams are fantastic.

  12. I adore Grace and Frankie. And I'm with Linda Sue, Last Tango in Halifax is worth a gander. If you're into procedurals, then I would recommend Scott & Bailey (also written by Sally Wainwright, writer of Last Tango).

    I've slept in the last two days as well. -happy that the days are longer now.

  13. I think someone above in the comments mentioned the British series was called The Crown. I enjoyed seasons 1 and 2; I have yet to start season 3. I'm watching a mindless reality show on Netflix these days "Love is Blind" only because I am learning my job and am pretty exhausted after the workday. I do think I will start Grace and Frankie some day down the road.

    Wish they would leave the time alone; it messes everyone up!


  14. You can go to the IMDb website and type in the name of that series you are watching and all the information about it comes up, including how many seasons. It's wwwdotimdbdotcom

  15. Yeah to buds coming out in Spring. I love seeing them come out. I see several people have already told you the name of the British Crown series. I'm watching season 3 right now. I think I enjoyed seasons 1 and 2 much better. They will end this series after 5 seasons.

  16. If you ae interested in the British Royals and history then you would enjoy The Crown. I am in the third season of it and have enjoyed it. I like that it is following history too.

    I've been slow and dragging since the time change but I will get used to it as I have no choice! I would be fine if we did away with it. We can always get up earlier or later without DST.

    Not much Spring here yet but I sure am ready for it.

  17. I enjoyed this post. I wish I understood my tv recorder like my BT engineer did too.

  18. Gave up on Netflix a few months back, I find the lists you scroll through tiring. But The Crown was good, here in England we have BBCiplayer which keeps me interested.

  19. Hari OM
    I see you have been advised the series you mention is simply called THE CROWN... I've only seen series one, but was impressed with the historical accuracy... the personal level is, of course, open to interpretation. YAM xx

  20. Every night as I climb into bed I think tomorrow I would love an hours lie-in. It never happens as by seven my body is awake and ready to go. The other sneaky thing is, I can’t help thinking... when I die there will be plenty of time for snoozing!?!


  21. The fascination with British royalty never seems to end, and not just in Britain. It baffles me.

  22. Don't need to vacuum. As Quentin Crisp said, after the first four years it doesn't get any worse.

  23. It's great fun as spring approaches watching for new growth and flowers suddenly appearing. But our lazy camellia bush is doing nothing while the ones in other gardens are teeming with flowers.

    I love the green bird.

  24. I had thought that I was adapting to this time change very well and then just a little while ago woke up to realize it was 9:30. I guess maybe not as well as I thought.

  25. You're thinking of The Crown, maybe - on Netflix. It's pretty good though it has lessened my respect for the British royalty. Spring is coming your way! Yay!

  26. It takes me weeks to adjust to the time change. And with the time change falling at the same time as the super moon, sleep has been elusive. I cannot wait to see green things coming out of the ground!

  27. When I gardened (all I do now is put up hanging herbs in the front - love the smell of mint, rosemary, lavender, etc.), I'd get so excited when I saw new growth. So I understand. I also fell back asleep this morning and slept another 30 minutes or so (never usually do that). 'The Crown' on Netflix is a good one to watch. I also like the British ones, 'Last Tango in Halifax' is interesting.

  28. I think she must be talking about 'The Crown'. It's good, but maybe not if you don't know our royal family.

  29. I thought "The Crown" was terrific! I really enjoyed all three seasons of it.

  30. Harry and Megan have really screwed up the royals. Now what?

    I always lie in bed and deny the presence of the sun.
