
Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Since I can do absolutely nothing about it....

How strange this month has been, moving from one event to another. Now the month is a third gone.

I went to my small Boston Township Bazaar. The organizer offered to set up one of their standard six foot tables for my use. I thought that was perfect, until I considered spreading a few towels over six feet. I asked my sister to share the table.

It worked out very well. So well, in fact, she hopes to share a table with me next year, and have Tom along, selling his world renown back scratchers.  We knew artists from all over the country and some of the world, and anyone who spent the night with us went home with a back scratcher.

A lot of people had a good time, including some well mannered rain deer.

As you know, I was weaving away, planning my future, when my daughter surprised me by arranging the return of my wonderful old counterbalance loom. Having it would be worth the extra week it might add to my weaving schedule.

The opportunity arose for a good deed to be inserted into the moving of the Myra from Cleveland by inviting an old friend to move the loom. A friend from nearly forty years ago. A few extra days were added to my start-up, but what the heck.

Actually, I did suffer some mental "heck", because that's just how I am. Today I just tried "breathe in, breathe out" for several minutes. Tonight I learned the big switch would happen tomorrow. The universe heard I have enough thread on my shelves to weave 444 new towels.


  1. Whoa. That is a lot of thread! I like your color choices.

  2. Wow! A lot of thread and a lot of beautiful colours.

  3. That's a gorgeous display of thread! Did you sell some towels at the bazaar? -Jenn

    1. I have only 15 towels left in inventory. Hence my anxiety over delay in getting a new loom up and running.

  4. Looking forward to seeing what you show us!

  5. Wow, 444 towels. You will be a very busy lady.

    Your sister’s quilts look lovely.

  6. My goodness. That is a big undertaking.

  7. That rainbow of colors is irresistible! Have you thought of doing some rainbow towels? Fingers crossed for an uneventful installation of the new loom...

  8. That's a LOT of thread, but you know 444 towels will sell in no time. The colours are beautiful.

  9. Such beautiful colors....That blue is my favorite.

  10. 444 towels? Wow.
    And rather a lot of lucky and happy recipients.

  11. That yarn, those colours - truly beautiful!

    Hope the loom delivery goes smoothly.

  12. Wow 444 towels!!! That will be an accomplishment! All pretty colors though!!


  13. Woohoo!! Up and running at last.
    It's never an idea to do a stall alone... comfort breaks are needed and that's always when you miss a sale!!

  14. I'd like to be in the bazaar, everything looks so beautiful.

  15. How far would that thread stretch if you tied it all end to end?

  16. With my talent for wasting time, I could spend days stacking and re-stacking those colours...
    Hope the new loom is swiftly installed and you're happily weaving next week.

  17. So did you sell much? You sound very busy, but I'm glad it's because you are doing something you love.

  18. How beautiful those vibrant colors are!

  19. Happy 444!
    It is wonderful news the loom will soon be there with you.

  20. What a beautiful thing you're doing. I just am in such awe of you. And those colors- what pleasure you must get from working with them.

  21. I am glad the sale went so well. Congratulations on getting your loom back.

  22. getting those boxes of thread must be like getting a big order of frit. so much fun to unpack and glory over the colors.

    1. Exactly! and there were three layers! My UPS friend moved it in for me.

  23. So exciting! I'm in no hurry, so I will wait for you to replenish your supplies, but I simply must have more of your amazing dish towels.

    1. Thank you. That's what I decided, too. Towels will always be there, and so will I, until I'm not, so let's keep on keeping on.

  24. The colours are so beautiful. I could spend all day just looking at your shelves!!


  25. I'm glad the sale went so well. It's a beautiful looking table of wares! And yes, next year -- back scratchers! A good back scratcher is a necessity of life!

  26. Enough thread to weave a rainbow round the world.

    I will be keeping an eye on your website for some of those.

  27. The rainbow colours on your shelves are such a sight on the dull miserable day it is here today.

  28. Holy Hannah!! That's quite the supply you have there.

  29. Looks like you are going to be busy. Love the variety of colors. Good luck.

  30. Excellent. Lots of useful and well made tea towels on the way

  31. Mental heck is a new expression to me.
