
Sunday, December 8, 2019

I am so pisscited!

Years ago, exhibiting at a show in Virginia, a customer came in with a young girl skipping, twisting, looking, saying over and over as she clung to her aunt's hand, "I am so pisscited! I am so pisscited!" If it included a knot in her stomach and a little buzz in her ears, then so am I.

I have turned the towel business into two separate pages; one with instructions and one with towels available for sale. I hope it is self explanatory, but if not, please ask me. I set up a separate email account for towels, to be sure those emails do not get mixed into and maybe lost in all the other email.

I just received a shipment from Brassard of thirty four colors to weave into towels. I have enough of each color to make a dozen towels.

That is the good news. The less desirable news is, I have no loom. I expect the big exchange to occur this coming week. I certainly hope so. This certainly is not the optimum start to a fledgling business, but, it is what it is. 

I will pack orders in the order received. I certainly expect to run out. There only are fifty six towels on the shelf at the moment.

If you see any glaring errors, or a way I could better say what I have to say, please feel free to suggest a correction.


  1. It is a comfort to know that life for you is moving along. I am sure you will be a success in your new adventure.

  2. Setting us all a good example to follow...Go Girl!! X

  3. It is better to have problems happen at the beginning of a business. People tend to understand glitches then.

  4. I understand why you're pisscited! I looked at your two new pages and everything seems straightforward, although I have one question -- in the invoice email you send in response to an order, you say there will be "a link" provided to pay you. Does that mean (1) PayPal? (2) an encrypted link for provision of credit card info? (3) an e-transfer of funds (not sure how that would work for international orders from, say, Canada)? (4) Something else? A bit more specificity might be helpful for customers.

    1. Tomorrow I will ask my credit card company to provide a statement of their bonafides for inclusion on my web page. They already have informed me to put up notice of all the credit cards that can be processed.
      Thanks for bringing this up!

  5. Joanne, I'm curious as to how you are viewd by the tax man.
    Are you registered as a small business with a 'business number' having to provide account books etc to an accountant or can you just plod along making money without having to declare it?
    Good luck either way:)

    1. For all practical purposes, I've been in business since the eighties, with a ten year retirement break. I have a "tax number" and I report income and pay taxes. And to be sure I always do it right, I have an accountant. My first accountant, Mr. Bob, moved on to an adding machine in the sky. My next accountant is younger than I am. And a woman. Yay.

  6. Pisscited along with you!! Good luck with it!


  7. Pisscited with and for you. And WHAT a wonderful term.

  8. Your new venture is very pissciting.

  9. Hari OM
    Joanne!!!!!!!!! I's pisscited and possibly a tad overcarned (a Mac family word for overcome) at your progress!!! Once I have seen how the payments go for you I shall be touting you on my pages: internationally speaking, payment needs to be as directly electronic as possible. woohooo... YAM xx

    1. In my family, the word for eating way too much of a good thing is "gouged". Pushing back from the table, groaning, and moaning "I have gouged myself!"

  10. I'll let things settle down and the new loom to be fully operational before I start ordering towels. Some time next year. My budget for this year is long gone already. Happy Sales :)

  11. You're demonstrating an admirable calm, pisscited or not!
    All the thread colours together must look wonderful. No wonder you're raring to go.

    1. As soon as they are on the shelf, I'll take a picture.

  12. Hurray! Congratulations on your new endeavor!

  13. Well done, you - I wish you much success. "Pisscited" reminds me of "pasketti" for spaghetti, and yet has SO much more inferred meaning to it - lol

    1. Yes, it was a wonder the little thing didn't dislocate her aunt's bolbow (elbow).

  14. Wow, wonderful! I hope it all goes well.

  15. I noticed you take payments via Zelle. I've been using that for various transfers among the family. It's quick and so far no problems. Good luck with your adventure.

  16. Good for you glad it is going so well.

  17. I expect you will absolutely sell out! I love your towels!

  18. Pissciting news indeed, oh well done you!! Very inspiring and your product is fabulous.


  19. The very kind young man who lives next door to me is remodeling his kitchen. I had hoped I'd be able to give him some of your beautiful towels.


  20. Congratulations! I'm very pisscited for you! Have enjoyed reading about France's travels also and btw.

  21. I am betting you will sell out, but I will wait until you make some more.
