
Thursday, November 7, 2019

How about Don, Jr.

Today's wake up headline was Don, Jr. exposing the whistle blower. How low can they go? Eventually I worked my way to the studio to work on towels, and saw this cartoon on my Christmas present calendar last year, from Ann.

I didn't like beards fifty odd years ago, when they were the insignia of the dad in New Yorker's cartoon.  I think the current sprouting of dark facial hair is now, as then, indicative of a lazy turn of mind and disinclination to find a neater way to avoid shaving.

And if junior Trump is listening, your facial hair turns my stomach. So did your face.

The suppression of the revelation by two of the major news sources notwithstanding, I got down to work. I would have set to work in any event, and actually was very pleased that ABC and NBC flipped off a Trump.

Delivery of my towels is scheduled for Sunday. I have the loom wound on again, and the second batch of towels set to come off tomorrow. Today I hemmed a lovely pile of melon colored towels. Warm, summer cantelope. The towels to be off tomorrow are lilac.

I've spent part of the week playing. After thirty plus years in this town, I went to my Methodists' election day dinner. I invited Lynn and Jim, who were seated across from a couple who also attend E.J. Thomas musicals, but who they had not met. I sat across from Sig, who worked for the road department when I started. How much I learned about roads from Sig and Tim, the road super. It was a great meal on all accounts.

It was a very good election, too. For the third consecutive year, Trump failed to produce the votes he promised.  Enough of that for now, back to towels tomorrow.


  1. You are the woven towel guru, Joanne. They are beautiful towel. I’d love to see you working on them.

  2. Keeps you busy those towels of yours! I'm generally not a fan of beards no matter who is sprouting them, even my own son :)


  3. Definitely a case of 'new house - new life' for you Joanne.
    Re: the problems of your world. We've enough of our own down here for me to comment on yours:)

  4. To answer your question, "How low can they go?" the answer is that there is no limit. Whatever serves their supposed political advantage justifies any sculduggery for them, and if they jeopardize someone's life, too bad. It is truly sad to watch what political discourse has become.

  5. Excellent news about your election. Those melon towels are such a beautiful shade.

    A pox on Donald Jr. He's a chip off the old block, all right.

  6. Like Father, like Son.
    My partner has a beard. And has done for as long as I have known him with the exception of the time the hospital shaved him.
    I am not a fan, but it is his face.
    I am a big fan of your towels though and use them often. And often.

  7. DJTJ believes he will be president after his father. Poor delusional whatever he is.

  8. Well! So much for my beard, a constant since '70.....I should edit it from my pics from now on, eh?

    1. It's a pleasant, well groomed beard. Though sometimes not, I'm sure.

  9. Hari OM
    Have lost total track (and - to be frank - interest) in politix over your way as we are having a bit of meltdown over this side. Now Boris had pulled a general election on us before Christmas, so forget the carols and tinsel... sigh... if only the world consisted of good meals with friends and gorgeous home-woven towels. YAM xx

  10. Weaving seems like a magic act to me, coming out wonderful things.

  11. Many things about this election brought a smile to my face and hope to my heart!
    My husband always had a mustache, but in summers when he didn't have to teach he had a full beard which I always liked. I like just the mustache, too.What I don't like are people with the name of Trump.

  12. both my husbands had beards occasionally, the first when he was on holiday as he was to be always clean shaven otherwise, being in the Army, you have to follow their rules. The second husband just can't be bothered shaving until the beard irritates him.
    Donald Trump has a son? Oh dear.

  13. Don Jr's bearded face reminds me of that child's game where one was meant to create a sort of hobo beard out of magnetic bits.

    The New Yorker cartoon made me smile.

  14. It depends on the trimming of the beard. I don't like discovering the remnants of meals in there, yuck and some guys don't wash them properly. But whatever floats your boat.

    Love the colour of those towels. Well done you.


  15. Hipsters in this country pay barbers to tend to their beards now. It can be very expensive.

  16. As a bearded guy (modest and well trimmed) I can tell you that it does not save time or effort. Shaving around it is actually more difficult.

  17. Well trimmed is the key!
    Also, not breaking the law, seeking personal gain.
    I hope the lot of them find out why we use the rules.

  18. I like beards but that's just a very personal thing, isn't it?
    As to Don Jr.- there is NOTHING about him I like. He is stuck in kindergarten, wondering why all the other kids pick on him, yelling, "My daddy can beat up your daddy!" It's all so sickening.

  19. As long as a man's beard is trimmed and taken care of, I like them well enough. What I don't like is the current popular scruffy look. No beard - no shaving. You have a veritable rainbow of colors in beautiful towels. What a talented lady you are!

  20. my husband had a beard for many years. my own fault. he would only shave about every three days and it would be prickly on my face. I told him to shave every day or not at all. so he went for the not at all. I look back at some pictures when it was full and bushy and think ick but I don't remember it bothering me at the time. I was delighted when he started shaving again. Oddly enough, I like the three or four day old beards on men now but not the big bushy ones. as for Junior, he is as despicable as his father, visiting Arlington cemetery and talking about how the experience reminded him of all his family's sacrifices! money grubbing lying cheating draft dodgers!

  21. Joanne wrote: "I think the current sprouting of dark facial hair is now, as then, indicative of a lazy turn of mind and disinclination to find a neater way to avoid shaving." Absolutely right Joanne. I've not bothered with such a pointless waste of time since I was 25. Anyway, mine's white now. It gets trimmed about every 3 weeks.

  22. Saw the son of d on tv yesterday. What a vile, disgusting creature he is. Of course, that is not a surprise. He went to a boarding school near me which is known for turning out leaders. They failed with him.

    I worked at the Polls on Tuesday and the turn-out and results were good and hopeful. Fingers crossed.

    Making your lovely towels must be so satisfying and purposeful. I love both my sets all the time and am very appreciative of your kindness.

  23. Pretty mellon, and I am sure the lilac ones will be just as cheery. You do sound wonderful.

  24. Joanne, I’ll stick to towels... love my pumpkin colored ones. Would love some blue ones too if you want to sell 2?? As for the beard conversation thread... it depends. Beards can be attractive on the right face.

  25. That canteloupe colour is lovely.
    Leo has always experimented with face fungus....but it never lasts long as his skin gets an irritation unless clean shaven. Now that he can't shave himself it is my job...though i wonder whether the risk is greater with my cataracts or his paralysed hands.

  26. I have a beard, but I keep it quite trim.

    I look forward to the day when karma gives the Trump family the comeuppance they have coming.

  27. And may he continue to fall short of the required votes...please!!!!! Not a big fan of facial hair here either.

  28. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Referring to DJTJ. Seems all of the Trump men are idiots and apt to show their stupidity every time they open their mouths. I do love your towels, though! HeWho grows a beard every winter to keep his face warm. I get rid of nay facial hair as soon as it appears.

  29. Trump Jr.'s face also turns my stomach. Even more than his father. Glad to hear that the elections went well. Keep fighting the good fight.

  30. Cantelope-coloured towels, lilac-coloured towels -- such beautiful choices!

  31. I didn't know that T Jer. had blown the cover. I still don't know who the whistle blower is, but he sure needs to hide. What a a mess.

  32. I think beards on older guys is okay but I'm not a great fan of it on men in their 20's. It just makes them look about 20 years older.

  33. Almost the entire Trump family is an embarrassment. I still shake my head about Melania's "Be Best" program. It's not grammatically correct and she's married to the BIGGEST bully of all.

    As for facial hair, my son just grew one this year and I can't get him to shave it off... yet.
