
Saturday, November 2, 2019

A trip of inspiration

The only thing I do as quickly as anyone else is drive! That came to me the other day: how fortunate I've refused to lose my edge, on that score, at least.

I took a tiny trip mid week, to meet another weaver and share what we know. I could have left an hour earlier, for even though we live in the same time zone, Hilary lives almost on the eastern edge and I live almost on the western edge. The sun sets an hour earlier over her studio!

Hilary has a blog, Crazy as a Loom, and is commencing a web site by the same name. In truth, she's had the web site since forever, and has made the giant leap of faith to upgrade, and learn how to use it best. She is a weaver beyond my ken; I am in absolute awe of her sixteen harness work. Her blog goes to the web site; click on through the throws, capes and drapes, mobieus work, reversibles!

My biggest impression, if I had to name one, is her wild and crazy. She has not lost that edge, in spite of her damaged brain. I wanted so much to meet her and see her studio, but was so hesitant about the steps and her dogs. "We'll have a good time; come on," she said, one banged up brain to another. She was absolutely right; we did.

There are no pictures, for I left my phone charger on the chair at home. But Hilary sent me away with a little wall hanging that expresses her controlled crazy to me.

Mr. YouKnowWho spent the time at the spa, and didn't have a haircut. He may need to go back for that. He's leaving blobs of hair everywhere. However, this year I am totally capable of bending over to pick them up. Toby seems happy. I see no reason to go soon.

So, back to my studio and those utilitarian towels I'm decent at. The next studio open house is the 16/17th and 23/24th of this month, with delivery of goods the 10th. That's a week from tomorrow.


  1. I am sure that the two of you had a wonderful time together. It is really important to seek out others with like interests and to share techniques, or simply to learn, or even more fundamentally to enjoy each other's company. Obviously you will have to go back for a second visit to take the pictures you were unable to capture this time! We will all look forward to it.

  2. Who is MrYouKnowWho? It seems I don't. I am driving a bit slower than I used to, but it still seems fast.

    1. El gato, my cat Toby, my responsibility, my "reward" for saving his life.

  3. I'm glad you had such a good time with your blogger friend Hilary!

  4. your cat has quite a house! That is cool. Have you ever tried tapestry making, sound and looks so complicated , but then, so does weaving. That is a beautiful gift on your wall!

  5. I am so glad you took the trip! What an enriching thing for both of you!
    Toby needs all his fur for winter. Right?
    Of course, I'm not the one cleaning up after him. My cats are short-haired.

  6. Oh joy. What a wonderful thing to do with a fellow blogger, I have met a few and have had some stay with me in the past also. Common interests and I love that wall hanging.
    Good luck with your show. I love your tea-towels and reluctantly gave one to Daughter who raves about it too :)


  7. How good to spend time with your weaving friend, I am sure she enjoyed the visit too.

  8. How cool you got to spend time with Hilary! Sounded like you guys had a delightful time. What is the coolest thing is that you are still comfortable behind the wheel. I'm not these days so a visit to a friend an hour away would not be something I'd be arranging unless the friend was coming my way so keep that up!


  9. Mr you know who looks a character.

  10. Oh, how wonderful that you met up! I've wondered if you read this blog since it is on Weaver's blogroll. My daughters and I are going to try to get to the elements sale.

  11. That wallhanging is lovely.
    How wonderful that you had such an enjoyable time and, as David said, I look forward to photos from your next meet.
    After his shave Jazz's fur is growing in thick and fast. And, as our weather warms he is simultaneously moulting up a storm.

  12. For two damaged brains you both put a lot of us to shame.

  13. I love her blog name as I am a sucker for puns. -glad you two had a good visit. -looks like Toby is sitting pretty there on his tree. May the upcoming shows be a selling success!

  14. I'm sure you will do well selling your towels. How I wished it was close enough for me to attend the show.

  15. All good stuff!

    Doesn't Toby need his fur in the winter?

  16. Hari OM
    I love that wall hanging too - I swear there is a red cardinal on foliage there... and Toby Esquire is luvin that new 'tree', that is clear!!! YAM xx

  17. Meeting a fellow blogger weaver sounds wonderful. Thank you for the link.
    Toby has a very expressive face, not unhappy to miss a trim.

  18. I recognized Hilary's piece immediately - very distinctive style! So glad you had a good visit. I long to be able to visit all you wonderful weavers one of these days. Her pups are very well behaved and I'm sure you enjoyed the kitties.

  19. I too wish I could come out and visit. Imagine the chaos with three damaged brains.

    Your stuff is magical in it's own way. Make it longer and with a fringe then call them table runners. :)

  20. Last time you showed us the cat tree I feel sure there was a little fluffy mouse dangling on a string. Has he pulled it off already?

    1. Actually, he squooze himself under it, and ducked not to touch it, so I cut off the mouse and now he regularly tears it up.

  21. I had come across your friend's blog before and loved her work!!! BUT I love the two towels you sent me!! They come out of the washer and dryer better every time and I see them hanging on the oven door and get a good feeling every time.

  22. I'm glad you enjoyed my "wild and crazy"....and here I thought I put some shade on it!

  23. Wild and crazy can be inspirational and fun, So glad you had a good time.

  24. I'm glad you went and had a wonderful time with Hilary. I had a quick look at her work and will go back later. Toby looks wonderfully relaxed.

  25. Good that your driving skills are still intact. Having to give up driving can be a major inconvenience.

    Good luck with the open house!

  26. I saw a video of a woman who weaves tapestries that I wanted to share with you but it wasn't convenient at the time so I hope I run across it again. her 'loom' was vertical just strings from one beam at the top and one beam at the bottom. I'm still blase about my own open house.

    1. The base image she created to weave against is called the cartoon. To me, that is the point of incredible talent. Then she dyes all the yarn to match her drawing. I liked the "friends" helping her put warp on the loom. Probably apprentices, employees, helpers. Once the warp is on and the weft laid out and the cartoon hung behind, hers is basic weaving, over, under, like a potholder. Many other weave structures can be used for texture, twills, basket weave. She keeps the height the same as she weaves up, in order to roll up the bottom as she goes.
      We have one "tapestry", woven by a local weaver of some renown. Her name was Taria Kubini, a Finnish weaver. She also wove from a cartoon, and mostly did what she called "transparencies", which was a picture offset by plain weave. Jan has it at her house and is sending a picture that I'll post on the blog.
      It's been months since I've looked at FB; I realize more and more how I dislike Zuckerberg.

    2. You have all the "hard work" for the open house done, don't you. Just a matter of pulling it all together. Go, Ellen.

  27. found it. I did share it to your FB page but I'm posting the link here too.

  28. You had an adventure, and I think you needed it!

  29. Not such a tiny trip--the width of New york plus! (am I right?) Several hours each way. I think that's really intrepid.
    Loved looking at her work, and her blog. But I don't see it linked to on the right side of her blog--am I missing it somehow? (I find my favorite blogs thru those links; my bookmarks tend to disappear...
    Anyway, thanks for the link and story.

    1. It's there. First a link to her new blog, then a link to the web page. Don't give up!

  30. Wow. Love her work. She sounds interesting and talented too.

  31. I'm familiar with her work - she is an amazing weaver. I've followed her blog for a long time. Thank goodness for the freedom of driving! And, finally, there is nothing utilitarian about your towels - they are beautiful!

  32. Dear Joanna, what a delightful day you must have had--visiting with weaver you respect and admire and sharing ideas and being just a little crazy together. One of the things I've missed since moving here ten years ago is being with friends who dive into the pool of creativity and come up with treasure! Peace.

  33. I like HIlary's website. She sounds like the sort of person I'd like to meet too!

  34. And yes, your towels are great. I love the ones you sent me.

  35. Crazy but controlled. I like that I like that notion. Might even try it...:)

  36. Hope you are ok. I'm missing you.

  37. Your towels just keep feeling better the more they're washed and the pumpkin colour looks just right at the moment!
