
Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Slim pickin's

Things are looking up, a little. Here is the pear tree, blossoms starting.

And something in the front garden, and someone will know its name.

Our first daffodil, miniature, that is. And lots of weeds to prise up.

And I finally located where I'd tucked the flyer that came from Elements, with artists and work.

When Deb started putting the show together, last December, or earlier, she asked me to participate, and I declined. I was not at the end of my towel project. But a couple of weeks ago I realized I was at the end, and asked to be accepted, which Deb and Steve graciously did.

Of course, I missed the postcard, but so what. I would be there. Then Deb asked me for towel pictures to include on the Facebook page. I did not realize this would get me top billing:

Followed by the postcard. Though, in fairness, sometimes she just posts a collage of all the work, and my pedestrian towels. Steve and Deb are porcelain artists. Deb's porcelain plaque and Steve's vase flank the green central banner. 


  1. Your towels look lovely and, from what I read in comments by those who have been gifted a set, are cherished. I wish I could attend the art show and buy a set of your towels and, perhaps, something made by one of the other artists, but I live on the east coast of Canada and cannot make the journey. My loss. I very much enjoy reading your blog.

  2. Our daffodils have been and gone. I'm sure they flower earlier and earlier each year.

    You are very talented.

  3. You showed the towels at their best. Aren't they pretty?

  4. Daffodils are always the beginning of spring to me.
    Merle ...........

  5. Your beautiful, coloured towels look great lined up in that photo!

  6. I sure hope all goes well for the art show and one thing I like to fo with pear is a pie.
    Coffee is on

  7. There is NOTHING pedestrian about your towels. How I wish I could attend the art show.
    I hope you have fun, and wish success to ALL the participants.

  8. I am sure you will sell all of your towels at the show and you will have a lot of fun doing it. The colors are great and towels are so soft.

  9. Lots of growth in the garden!! Surely spring has sprung!


  10. I have no idea what that little shrub is in your garden. I'm hoping someone else will tell us!

    I think your towels will sell out. They're beautiful AND useful. A good combination at an art show.

  11. I wish i could come and buy some towels.

  12. I have no idea what that plant is, but I am glad you are included in the art show. Your towels will sell like hot potatoes.

  13. Your little pieris shrub (also known as the lily-of-the-valley shrub because of the flowers) is just lovely. Mine is well over 7' tall and laden with blooms.

  14. It's looking springy there. Not shoots around here yet, but I keep checking.

  15. Your towels will be sold out quickly! If you need a "testament" as to their quality, count me in! See, you were right. Somebody did know what the plant was. -Jenn

  16. Hi, I got the link for this via a spam comment from that mumbai spammer and was going to come over and yell at them, but it seems they were inadvertently spamming something they didn`t mean to, and you`re a legitimate blogger. I advise you to remove any comment from them post haste.

    The daffodil is a pretty sight.

    1. In regards to your query, our mutual spammer did two comments on my post today, one with his usual, and one with a link for this post. I found that odd, and I'm sure that's not what he intended to do.

    2. I report that as spam every time they post it. don't understand why blogger can't block it.

  17. Best and most beautiful kitchen towels ever. That is my testament!
    So glad that spring is showing its pretty face to you.

  18. Ah the daffy down dillies as my mother always called them. She treated flowers like good friends and gave them affectionate nicknames.

    Love how your towels display. Good luck with the event!


  19. I had already been to their FB page and seen your towels. what color is that second from the right. if any of their customers are in their right minds those towels will be snatched up.

    1. Lavendar. I hope; however, it will be my old test of perceived value. You may have encountered this yourself. A really visual example is the customer who found the perfect rug, mentally debated, put it back, but felt the need to tell me rugs cost a third as much at Walmart. Sometimes I would say she would replace Walmart's rug annually and mine, never, unless she became tired of it, moved it to the back door and bought a new kitchen rug in five or ten years. Sometimes I smiled and said Thanks for stopping.I know I had many exchanges like that, and this is the only one I recall, almost word for word. It was in New Jersey, at Ramapo College. She bought the rug.

  20. Your towels are, indeed, works of art. I miss good local art shows - my immediate area is an art desert, with a very few exceptions. I hope you sell every last one!

  21. There's nothing pedestrian about your towels.

  22. I see you have all your towels in a row. Next the ducks.

  23. What a lovely rainbow of towels. Good luck at the show.

  24. Beautiful! Nothing pedestrian about my towels either. I haul them out like my latest treasure to show the visitors!

  25. That photo really does your towels justice Joanne. I love mine and they are much admired.

  26. Good luck with the art sale, Joanne. Your towels are beautiful!

  27. The pear tree is coming along nicely. But what's the strange curvy metal thing on the right?

    I thought it was a pieris too. We have several. At this time of year they're producing not only white blossom but bright red leaves.

    1. That's a hook, for a flower basket in a month or so.

  28. I am so happy you are included in this sale. What great colors.

  29. It looks like spring has finally sprung. Yay! I actually had to take care of a few dandelions yesterday so I guess that makes it official. Glad to hear you will be part of the sale.

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  31. Your towels are beautiful. I am glad you are starting to see some spring in your area
