
Monday, April 29, 2019

I can see it now!

I went to lunch with Ruth today. On the way back I went up the street behind. Take a peek:

The drive is seven feet wide and maybe forty-five feet long. The deck will be four feet wide by five or six feet long.

I already gave pig a little pot of flowers on the step.

But he needs a handsome display to tickle his nose, like last year.

I will get my flower poles fastened to the new deck and there will be mandevillas on all corners.

My new garden will be a rock garden. No flowers except in pots. 

I did puzzle mightily over the glass lady and the water lily. How to set them up on concrete.

And then it came to me. I will have all my baubles and gewgaws on display. In fact, I was elated to find I have two fifty pound bags of Delaware River stones in the shed. More will be needed, I'm sure.

The things I want to display the most are intended to be sunk into the ground, and that can't happen. They surely can be fastened into a fifty pound umbrella stand, and the whole affair buried in Delaware River stones.

Done, done and done, wouldn't you say. PS--and I'm wide open to even better solutions. 


  1. So exciting to plan for new things! It will be wonderful, Joanne.

  2. It's going to be good. Also the stretch in front looks long enough for a ramp if you need one?

  3. I don't think I could come up with anything better. Or, as good to be honest.

  4. Can't wait to see photos of the finished product.

  5. Looks good. Hopefully your plan is coming together the way you want.

  6. It sounds like an excellent plan to me.

  7. A new garden always fun.

  8. Hari OM
    Joanne, I'sa getting excited fur ya!!! YAM xx

  9. I am reading a lot of excitement in your words. New home, new adventures, and flowers blooming adds up to a wonderful new start.

  10. Don't underestimate a gigantic flower pot or two!

  11. I get so excited over new plans and the juices of creativity flowing. I like the size of your deck it will give a supervisor's overview of your creation.


  12. I think everything is looking good and you have good plans for the outside at your new place! Bet it will be festive!


  13. Exciting! Your plan sounds like a good one.

  14. Your ideas sound wonderful and do-able, I hope it all works out. I need to get some plant poles to put hanging baskets in my garden.

  15. Your ideas sound good. I love the shadow in the second to last photo. It looks like some exotic African tree.

  16. You'll work it all out. As you start to live there, you'll know how to put it all together. Possibly you can sink them into big flower pots if you can find someone who could set them up for you. That way you could have plants and your geegaws, too! -Jenn

  17. I've never heard the word "geegaw" before. It's a good one.

  18. Can you move in once they add the ramp? All this sounds delightful.

  19. I read your title and thought you meant the light at the end of the tunnel, the tunnel being the years of raising grandchildren and perhaps you do. I'm glad you can visualize your completed new home and I hope the new occupant of your old home appreciates and takes care of your garden.

    1. I've also learned, Ellen, it's easy to let go. The owner of the flower garden I left behind at the old house does not have time or inclination to tend the flower garden the kids and I made, which is possibly twice the size of this bed of flowers. It's probably twice the size of the current flower bed. But it has been ignored these last three years and now it's owned by Scotch thistles and worse. When I see it, which admittedly is not often, I'm not bothered. And I suspect the same thing will happen here--I won't be bothered. If it's maintained, I'll be thrilled.
      Happy Birthday.

  20. I think that sounds brilliant! It'll be like having your cake and eating it, too. Can't wait to see the final results.

  21. The rock garden idea sounds like a good one. It should be a fun chore putting it all together to your specifications.

  22. Love the pig ornament and plants. Great photos too.

  23. Looking good. Nicely done. I am a big fan of the pig ornament.
