
Friday, April 26, 2019

8 day vacation

I need a vacation. The last one was to Wisconsin at Christmas, and not soothing for too many reasons. I read an article recently on the maximum days and benefits reaped before there is a substantial decrease in vacation benefit. After day eight of a vacation that began on day one, positive benefits began to decrease.

Of all the places I’ve been, one I would like to revisit is Saratoga Performing Arts Center, SPAC, in Saratoga Springs, New York. But then, I wonder if the buildings that fascinated me in my brief wanderings remain, or if ten or fifteen years has seen them renovated. 

I must have been there last before the turn of the century. A friend and I wandered in and out of buildings of the Roosevelt Baths. Everything was wide open, no security anywhere. Much of the interior was in disrepair, or in need of serious sprucing up. A tour in Google shows much improvement. I would need a scooter to get around these days. I definitely would drive, and I definitely would take a friend. This one requires more thinking on.

Another destination is a trip to South Carolina, to see my friend Carol. We visited her last spring; we drove down with her and flew home. Having gone as far as the bottom end of South Carolina, I may as well keep on to Union Point, Georgia. Another weaver pointed me to a yarn dealer there who seems to be like yarn dealers I knew in the south, years ago, and bought from. This is  Georgia Yarn Company.

Then, there always is Wisconsin, and a week immersed in Ann’s library is a vacation. Last summer we visited the Dells (the real Dells, on the Wisconsin River, between the bluffs), and Taliesin, and outside of driving through the farmlands and looking at the old towns, I’ve seen Wisconsin. It’s always good to see the dogs, which are gone and who are new.

So much hinges on moving, as it turns out. All will go well, or encounter a thousand snags.  Concrete for the driveway was to be poured yesterday, but due to rain, that didn’t happen yesterday, or today. The forecast is for rain every day for the next two weeks, excepting the weekends, of course.

I did have my audience today with the ramp powers who be, and had the first intelligent discussion of ramps. I can have a ramp, but to be zoning compliant, its configuration would be more awkward than I care to deal with.  I want a ramp in order to get heavy stuff up the porch and so into the house.  

They offered to help find a used wheel chair lift to mount in front of the deck to carry up groceries.

Suddenly someone was above and beyond the call of their job description, and I appreciate that. I didn’t mention that a wheel chair lift is way ugly, but I did get on the internet and find a cart with wheels that easily climb steps.


  1. If you come through SC on I-95 you should stop in Florence and have lunch with me! :)

  2. When you said South Carolina, I thought of Jennifer, and then here she is suggesting a visit. That would be great fun.

  3. Any form of construction seems to inevitably involve delay.
    Some creative travel plans here, plus creative solutions for your ramp issues.

  4. I did not know there was such a thing as a stair climbing cart. I learned something today. Your weather has just been abysmal.

  5. Ugly or not, I hope you get that wheelchair lift! And I hope things work out so you can go somewhere on a nice, relaxing vacation too.

    1. Interestingly, the cost for the lift is the same as the cost of the ramp. Right now the lift is too ugly to face every day.

  6. I hope your move comes quickly and with few problems so you can take a relaxing vacation. We all need one once in a while.

  7. Hari om
    Something WILL workout, if not ideal, at least functional. A road trip sounds like a great way to celebrate new long as you do have company! (Wish it could be me, but logistics are a bit against there!!!) YAM xx

  8. You DO need a holiday. I hope it is blissful and the company excellent. A stair climbing cart is new to me too - and a brilliant idea.

  9. I like that cart with the wheels that can climb stairs. I hope you are able to get away for a few days. It does a body good to get out of the regular routines and see something new every now and then.


  10. I do like the cart with wheels. I know what you mean about the ramps not being as you like. I find too many wheelchair/walker lamps far too awkward, lengthy and just not constructed well. I hope you get a good one. I also hope you are able to go away on a vacation and that you will pick just the right spot.

  11. Have a great holiday.

  12. That is a most excellent cart, does it have an official name so I can google to see if they're available here?

  13. a change is good...return refreshed xx

  14. A road trip is the best holiday. The planning alone can keep you happy for weeks!

  15. A very steep ramp so you can get out quickly?

  16. Progress appears to be on the horizon.

  17. I hope you can arrange a good road trip, as I know you like them. Are you allowed to hire someone independent to build a ramp for you? -Jenn

  18. Happy vacationing, whatever you decide.

  19. Moving is always a pain in the patootie no matter if it's next door or over the river and through the woods. Vacationing sounds nice. See interesting things! Relax! Have fun! Be safe.

  20. I'm going to jump on the bandwagon and say that yes, you definitely should take a vacation.
    That's an interesting concept about the benefits of a vacation decreasing after day eight. I don't know that I agree with that. Seems to me that it takes at least a week for the benefits of a vacation to kick in entirely. To fully relax and be able to start taking in the goodness of it all. Of course, as with everything, there are probably a lot of variables involved.

    1. Hari OM
      I think this data is based on the average two week vacation time - one doesn't relax until day four or five, then after day eight it is the awareness of the end in sight which decreases further benefit! (This from one who is on a two month trip. WTG let me tell ya &*>) Yxx

  21. they never give us what they promise leaving us to make do or find other solutions. but soon you will be footloose and fancy free.

  22. If you feel like explaining, what exactly would be awkward about the ramp configuration? And are you having trouble with stairs? If so, the ramp might become a necessity quickly - more quickly than it can be built when you need it. Just something to think about. That stair-walking cart is genius.

    1. I really cannot explain succinctly. The lot is not wide enough or the trailer set deep enough on the lot. The ramp would extend to the street, if built, and bar my car from using the drive way. I needed a reasonable explanation, not the brush off from an ill trained office manager who I am close to offending. Time to lay off.

    2. Knowing when to retreat is important! I was thinking your driveway would be on the other side of the unit, leaving more room this side for the ramp. I see what you're saying.

  23. I didn't know about a stair climbing cart.

    1. If it doesn't work, it will go back. My original plan was to pull purchases up the ramp in a wagon, as carrying a 30 pound jug of kitty litter up the steps is out of the question. Or a jug of laundry detergent. These wheels seem to pull easily over solid surfaces, so I will need to have the step risers be solid, not empty.

  24. Darn it on the ramp issues! The wheelie-bag does like very good though.

    The Roosevelt Baths are looking very fine these days (per internet photos), indeed.

  25. After my hip replacement, I couldn’t drive for 6 weeks. I decided to have my groceries delivered every Saturday from Woolworths Supermarket. I have stuck with this ever since. They charge $15 for delivery, but it is worth it for me as they bring things up to my 6th floor apartment and unload onto the kitchen bench. It is especially useful for all the bottles and heavy stuff, so I only need to shop for smaller things midweek.

    1. I've thought about that, too, and have an ad for a grocery delivery service on my bulletin board.

  26. Well look at that. I could use that too. I would think an ugly ramp would be better than no ramp.

  27. As the saying goes , there's more than one way to skin a cat. I wish someone would skin the trolls who keep leaving messages like the above on our blogs.

  28. Stick with your call for a ramp.

  29. Too bad on the ramp but that cart is amazing. I wasn't aware of such. I have a wheelie and an elevator so not challenged in that way and when I'm tired I can sit along the route to my apartment. Dang those shopping areas with no resting benches.

    Road trips are great, I have one coming up in June :)


  30. A big trip for me is going out to play in the backyard with the dogs. I don't go far.

