
Wednesday, March 6, 2019

How to start

After a couple of false starts, my computer guru was able to come today. In fact, I spent an extra hour in bed. Lazy slug! By the time I got up and turned on the ring on my phone, it was pretty late. And I still didn’t notice I had a text waiting until it was embarrassingly late. The short version, Jim was on the way over!

The good news is, the restore disc did not intimidate him. I told him to blow through all the snarky messages about not able to connect and update, and just put back all the stuff I already had. And he did. 

Looking over tabs I didn’t concern myself with in 2012, I saw one that will search and locate all the names I’ve put in as birth places or residences. The program needs attached to the internet, so I’ll talk to Jim about it. In the meantime, just look:

And there are trees for every name in the left hand column. Some are as extensive as my dad's, which cuts off here about 1790. On the paternal side, that is. Dad's ancestry there was Ulster, Presbyterians through and through. Kept track of things.

I tried a screenshot, but Windows 10 and I aren’t on good enough terms yet. I took a picture. That I understand. Looking just at the screen for my dad, unexpanded, I guess I’m overwhelmed by the amount I shrugged my shoulders over and gave up for lost when Ancestry and Family Tree blew me off. Now I must be back in touch with 23 and me, to be back on the mailing list for potential cousins of mine. If ever I discover why my grandfather married my grandmother, I will share!

And in other news of the world, it is cold. Sunshine is not alleviating any misery! We are struggling for twenty degrees, amid sunshine and snow. But, come the weekend, it will be fifty!

I’m off to the loom. There are twenty or fewer towels left on the beam.  What should I do next? More red? More orange? More blue?  I'm weaving green right now.


  1. Finding your ancestors is incredible. Who they were, where they lived...
    Keep warm.

  2. Yay for friends who are computer gurus! (or relatives, in my case - the Son) It looks like you had a lot of work put in and it's great that Jim could retrieve it.

    We have about the same weather as you do, and the same forecast. This winter has been up and down, over and over.

  3. Why does anybody marry anybody? It truly boggles the mind lol.

  4. I used to work on my ancestry until I came to a real full stop. It is both enjoyable and frustrating in equal measure I found.
    Despite the weather it seems you always have your loom there to retreat to - well done you.

  5. Whatever colour you load up with after the green, the towels will be lovely.
    And good luck with tracing family

  6. I do family history/histories for my birth families, my adopted families, my husbands family. It is all fascinating and grounding. Worth doing. Most generations will have at least one person interested who will appreciate your work.

  7. I'm listening to a podcast right now about the Mormons and their company,
    It's enlightening.
    Any color towels! But that red is pretty stunning.

  8. Good luck with striking gold on 23 and Me! I am half-heartedly awaiting a response from a (half) first cousin on that site.

    Keep warm,

  9. Glad your computer is doing its stuff. The family trees are so interesting. Wouldn't it be great to be able to talk to some of your ancestors and understand your history a bit better? As far as your towels I have to agree that they will all be fantastic.

  10. 1790 - wow - kids dress so differently today.
    Too many towels - I'm sure shelters would take them as donations.

  11. Hari Om
    Well bravo to the techie!!! So glad you are back on line with your 'oldies'. All colours are brilliant! YAM xx

  12. The towels have come a long way and have arrived today, one of the happiest days I have had lately, thank you Joanne.

  13. I hope your temperature goes up that much, Joanne. Wish ours would.

  14. I think you should weave BRIGHT colors! Since the outside is still winter-dreary, y'know? :)

  15. Perhaps do the orange, it is flame coloured and might have a warming effect. If you reach the expected fifty, you'll feel warm? For us that is 10C and feels bitterly cold, even without snow.

  16. Have you made any towels in that gorgeous teal colour? I would love to have a couple of those and promise to not ask ever again.

  17. I've been thinking about that ancestry thing. A few weird stories from aunts about how we don't know how we really are is haunting me a little. I should take the plunge.


  18. I totally dislike Windows....and in particular Windows unfriendly, if you ask me. I love my Mac....worth the $ is so easy to use.......I have Windows on my studio desktop.......use it as little as possible.

  19. Seems like there was good work with what could be restored. I do hope you find out why your grandfather married your grandmother. I was just thinking the other day about my mom's parents. How they met, etc. I'm not sure my mom ever shared that with me, but now of course it is too late since the majority of people that would know are no longer alive.

    I do hope it warms up for you all. Seems like its been such a long cold winter!


  20. How lucky you are to find a technical genius, aka, millennial, to work on your computer. It is all so easy for them.

    I was really into Ancestory for awhile and started receiving requests for info from people all over. I have a niece and a cousin who have spent a lot of time on the family trees and after becoming frustrated, I decided to let them do all the work. I have become a lazy slug also.

  21. Good to see your tree on the screen. My ancestors were Ulster Presbyterians too! I've been told that clue means they were originally Scottish. My DNA has certainly told me some interesting things. Like my many Dutch ancestors were not Dutch at all, but French Heugonauts!

  22. It looks as though you have done some rather extensive genealogy. I have only done a very small amount.

    1. I even recorded enough of my husband's for my kids to pick up, if they ever give a damn. My husband's G'ma Thomas liked me and I liked her, so I recorded back to where she came from.

  23. this is lazy slug headquarters. could not get to sleep last night, up til after 4 AM, didn't roll out of bed til 9 this morning.

  24. Glad your computer wizard managed to sort everything out. I know next to nothing about my family tree. I could be descended from King Canute for all I know.

  25. I have a cousin (Dad's nephew) who was full into researching the family tree. He did all this before the internet and I will have to ask my mother if they still have a copy of all his work.

  26. So glad you are getting into genealogy again. I cant help with why your grandparents married, but I can help with other questions, so dont hesitate.

  27. So glad that appeared. Wonderful.
    Do they ever arrive double that short length?

  28. I also work on family genealogy- possibly the most frustrating hobby in the civilized world. Good hunting.

  29. That is a lot of work looking into ancestry. I don't know if I have the patience. Such pretty yarn colors. Sending you an email today!!

  30. Glad that you got the computer guru to help you out. We are slowly inching our ways towards spring but I wouldn't be too upset if Mother Nature picked up the pace. I think Punxsutawney Phil might have been wrong.
