
Monday, March 4, 2019


Hang onto your cornbread, and if you know what I’m talking about, please tell me.

I came home from the post office today, and was behind a rusted out pick up. Very rusted; streaks of rust in the bumper, below and above it, and all down the driver’s side. That’s all the truck that I saw in our trip up the road.

At the top of the rear window, in black letters about three inches tall and proportionately wide, CORNBREAD.  At the bottom, more lettering between two large pictures in the same black plastic, like duct tape. Or an actual, stick on decal.

On the left, something I couldn’t make out. It was like a musical instrument, but not. It was like a crested tellin shell (I looked that up), but not. An old fashioned men’s bed urinal, but not. On the right, the image definitely was a skull that I’ve seen occasionally, Punisher Skull.

And spread between these two images, big lettering: FUELED BY HATERS.

I spent the rest of the trip home repeating that over and over. Because of the short term memory thing. 

I turned to google when I came in, and rather quickly, I “got it”. The New England Patriots are “fueled by haters”, and won the Super Bowl this year. That was the Los Angeles Rams logo on the left.

Interestingly, going through the google listings, I could not open more than a few. Some did open, with the disclaimer, OOPS, and no content. We all know that one.

But the country girl still needs to know, what does CORNBREAD mean?


  1. When I came here I immediately thought you were going to tell us about the good cornbread you had with beans. Other than that I have no idea what the decal means.

  2. Probably some player's nickname. Closer to your home I did see a t-shirt with "Fueled by Haters" with a Cleveland Browns logo. Hey I just found a library story on the NPR site. A fifty year old Life magazine was returned to the Cuyahoga County Public Library. Do you know a Brian who didn't include his last name.

  3. Maybe i
    t means friend? I googled it and found this:

  4. I wouldn’t have gotten anywhere near that truck. The ‘Fueled by Haters’ sign would have scared me off. Of course, if they were handing out free cornbread .....

    1. I had to get really close to read it. Nothing happened.

  5. The image of lettering on the back of such a truck spelling out C-O-R-N-B-R-E-A-D makes me chuckle. I have an old friend who is almost as wide as he is tall who has P-O-R-K-R-I-B-S tattooed across his knuckles. :D

  6. I did a little research. I found the haters/football reference. I can't figure out what cornbread has to do with it. A "cornbread" search turns up cornbread recipes. I'll try to remember to ask my son. If it means anything, then he'll probably know about it.


    1. Uh, it occurred to me to check the Urban Dictionary. I found quite a few meanings for cornbread, cornbread eaters, and making cornbread. I didn't see anything that I want to repeat here, and I don't know what it had to do with the truck you saw. If you want to see the information, Google "urban dictionary cornbread."

  7. I have no clue but thanks to Janie Junebug, I am now going to run right over and immerse myself in the no doubt scandalous and perverse meaning of "cornbread" in the Urban Dictionary . . . .

  8. The urban dictionary tells the tale.

  9. I have no idea. I hope you figure it out.

  10. Sounds like a good mystery to solve and I have absolutely no idea. I too would have been curious. Might not have anything to do with the current owner of the truck and something left from a previous one.


  11. Now that is very curious, indeed. I’ve seen a few license plates that had me shaking my head too. I guess I’m slow on the uptake.

  12. Hari OM
    Hmmm, I am one who came in hoping for a fine and easy recipe from you... and leave with the Urban Dictionary backside image in my head... YAM xx

    1. Yam, here is the corn bread recipe I cooked for our family for years. It came off the back of the cornbread container.
      1/4 cup vegetable oil
      1 cup cornmeal
      1 cup flour
      1 - 2 Tablespoons sugar (optional)
      1 Tablespoon baking powder
      1/2 tsp salt (optional)
      1 cup milk
      1 beaten egg
      combine oil, milk and egg and beat lightly.
      mix with dry ingredients and stir sparingly.
      cook in a 9" square pan, or a #8 iron skillet or a 12 section muffin tin at 425° for 20 - 25 minutes or until a wooden toothpick come out clean.

    2. I forgot to add to grease the cooking utensil of choice.

    3. She also forgot to mention how good it is! All the grandkids mastered it and made it.

  13. It certainly added interest to your day.

  14. Being foreign, I would just have assumed that it meant that the driver was claiming to be wholesome and down to earth.

  15. I can wind up on urban dictionary when I need to, but missed it this time. The very first definition I read of fueled by haters was positive enough to put me off the track. Nuff said.

  16. I don't know but now I'm thinking about making cornbread.

  17. Could that possibly just be the driver's nickname?

  18. I swear that football is completely foreign and all its fans speak in a alien tongue. I have no idea. To me, cornbread is something I love and would eat with anything, at any time of the day or night.

  19. It certainly added interest to all of our days.

  20. I am truly baffled....Perhaps the van belonged to different people at different times, but I am still baffled.

  21. I think I'd think twice about putting 'fueled by haters' on my car or truck. my first thought was Trump supporter.

  22. cornbread
    A girl with an extremely large ass, this refers to the fact that she must "eat her cornbread" in order to obtain such a fine ass.
    Guys talking to each other: "Dude my neighbor is hot huh?"
    Girl turns around and reveals her behind
    Guys look at each other, "COOOORRNBREEADD!!"
    "Oh ya man, cornbread for sure." So, there you have it!

  23. Great story! I have no idea what Cornbread means. Except the yellow, crumbly with melted butter kind!

  24. I think you have your answers. You reminded me of one time being behind a truck and this huge message rode across the back of it - professionally done: Ram the daughters, shoot the fathers" with an image of the Dodge Ram and and Ak47 assault rifle. I felt ill but then 5 minutes later saw him pulled over by a patrol cop. So happy.


  25. I came upon Urban Dictionary a couple of years ago thinking it was just another dictionary and soon discovered my error, so I'm NOT going looking for cornbread there! lol

    Some bumper stickers and vehicle "art" is disconcerting, to say the least.

  26. Dear Joanne, I have no idea, but I'm hoping that when you discover the meaning, you'll share it with us. Like Arleen, if I'd been driving, I think I would have turned down a side street and driven home another way. Peace.

  27. I'll admit to being totally clueless on all of this. Even more so than other commenters, being Australian, not American.

  28. I have no idea what cornbread means in this context, but my wife makes it from a recipe from her Mennonite childhood, and it is delicious. It never ceases to amaze me, however, how much professional sports can be so important in people's lives.

  29. I'm sorry I brought up the Urban Dictionary.
