
Friday, February 8, 2019

Catherine and Peter and other happenings

Supper generally includes a “What happened in school, today?” segment, and tonight Laura led with her win in “Eastern Civs”.  Her presentation was a summary of Peter the Great, followed up by defending Peter the Great against Catherine the Great, as presented earlier by another student.

“You mean you presented him as greater than Catherine, and defended that!?”

“Oh, he was not prepared!” Laura said of her opponent.

“Ah, you out-Catherined him with Peter!”

“It didn’t hurt that I ended by comparing Peter to Inigo Montoya.”

We have et mighty high on the hog since my stand against water soup. Last night I followed my nose to the kitchen in advance of supper being announced.  The only smell I recognized was bacon, and it can be difficult to let that alone.

Laura was making soup from a mix she bought. The bag was full of split peas, lentils, and more stuff. Alphabet macaroni were promised, but we think the split peas gobbled them down. The recipe is on the bag, as are the very best recipes, so I must keep an eye out for this one on the shelves. Tonight was leftovers, and now it is gone.

In the last important news, Laura’s quilt is penciled in on Jan’s calendar, when we get back from grocery shopping tomorrow. Pictures to follow.


  1. Love to hear Peter was compared to Inigo Montoya. The soup turned out pretty good and looks great. Looking forward to the pictures.

  2. I am so impressed with Laura being able to win her debate. Leftovers are my favorite meals. Most foods taste better the second day and they are so easy to fix.

  3. Nothing watery about that soup! Looks delicious!

  4. Lots of wins in this post - for both of you. Which is lovely.

  5. I remember those soup mixes. Looks good! -Jenn

  6. Hari OM
    All to the positive today. Hooray! (That's my kinda soup...) YAM xx

  7. Can't wait to see the finished quilt.

  8. That Laura girl is something special. She really is.
    And now I'm gong to look for that soup too.

  9. I remember those soup mixes....with pleasure.
    Preparation wins every time...if the court is not crooked.

  10. I will forever associate beans with the USA. I will forever associate flatulence with them too. Blame 'Blazing Saddles'.

  11. All excellent news! Congratulations to Laura for her win and her lentil soup.

  12. Love a girl who can win a debate! Soup sounds good with this deep freeze we are in!

  13. Laura's quilt is definitely progressing. I look forward to the pictures!


  14. Mmmm,bacon. I love the aroma of bacon cooking, but rarely eat any. The soup looks delicious, lovely and thick. Looking forward to seeing Laura's quilt.

  15. Laura has a lot of talent, you helped her develop them.

  16. That last picture looks yummy - sure it tasted good too - and you can tell that to Laura from me.

  17. Looking forward to the quilt and...mmm....bacon.

  18. I imagine you and Laura have had a few interesting debates/conversations, she is a smart lass.

  19. well, yay for Laura, for the debate and for the soup. the cook around here has trouble with soup. it's usually so thick the spoon will stand up. and his stew is so thin it might as well be soup.

  20. Sounds like just this moment that life is good.

  21. I'd side more with Peter than Catherine.

    At least Peter was Russian

    *mic drop

  22. Laura sounds like such an interesting kid. I wish I could have heard how she fit Inigo Montoya into the mix. The soup sounds like a tasty combo.

  23. Congratulations to Laura for her win...her soup look delicious.
    have a great weekend

  24. Success at school, good soup and a nearly finished quilt.
    A week to be proud of for you both.

  25. Basically, bacon should be considered one of the food groups all on its own.
    Looking forward to see her quilt!
    Good beat down with Inigo Montoya. I wonder how many students knew the reference?

  26. "The Princess Bride" has almost a cult following so I expect Laura's reference was well understood by her classmates. I, on the other hand, have only heard the most famous line from Inigo via my kids, and am completely at sea :)

    That soup, now - I understand that COMPLETELY. Good job, Laura :)

  27. Dear Joanne, after reading this posting, which I found so interesting, I'm thinking that you and Laura are gifts--blessings--to one another. You have such an abiding curiosity about life and have studied so many things and you can share that with her while she shares her wonder at the newness of it all.

    When I taught, I was always learning new ways of thinking about the old things that I knew. Peace.
