
Monday, January 21, 2019

What to do with sixteen inches of snow

The second thing I did this morning was reschedule my 10 a.m. endo appointment.  While doing so, I realized 10 a.m. is no longer the catbird time for a first thing in the morning doctor appointment.

Six months down the road could be winter! Maybe I want to take a shower and read the news. Or look out the window at a car buried, all but a side view mirror. See that black speck! So I rescheduled for 11 a.m. Some time in March. No more tensies.

According to the National Weather Service, we had sixteen inches. Laura shoveled all of them! Here are some more pictures:

Lost bench! The green glass globe has a snug cap. The neighbor whose turquoise car was buried yesterday has retreated across the street, waiting for his parking space to be plowed.

Mid afternoon we made a run to the drug store to pick up prescriptions.

On returning, the snow has not melted, but the cap slipped off the globe.

It is so black and white and grey! Fortunately, tomorrow is cards. Nancy and I are playing catchup; we're twenty points down for the year. 

Even more urgently, my next warp cannot turn another revolution until UPS brings my five pound cones from Kansas. Between that and breakfast Wednesday with Lynn, I can make it.

Did I mention, it's cold? Eleven degrees, on the way to minus three. But on Wednesday, it will be fifty and rain. So much for Trump's climate change.


  1. With that much snow and that low a temperature I try to stay inside. It's pretty to look at but not as much fun to be in.

  2. Holy cow, that's a ton of snow! May the rain and warmer temps wash it all away come Wednesday.

  3. Replies
    1. But where would you put it? Even Niagara is frozen. The weir on the Thames would freeze and daring young men could walk on it.

  4. SO cold. I'm double layered in the house.

  5. Enjoy your cards and hunker down and stay safe and warm.

  6. Oh wow Joanne, you guys got it MUCH worse than we did!

  7. We have about the same, though you may have an inch on me! I cancelled my afternoon appointment today, but rescheduled for tomorrow. Now my driveway has been plowed.
    My daughter Alice took her kids to sled today but said there was so much snow they couldn't really sled on it....School is cancelled for tomorrow because it will be too cold for the morning buses.

  8. That's a LOT of snow. It was -20 here this morning. We had a little snow but no big deal. You are so lucky to have your 'digger outer' on hand. Give her a squeeze for me.

  9. Glad the snow won't keep you from playing cards. We had our first Bridge lesson today. "My brain hurts!"

    1. We want to learn but cannot find anyone to teach us. One of us knows, but doesn't want to teach.

  10. When you said 16 inch of snow and don't know why the line of song "sixteen tons of coal" came to my mind.
    I know two different things.
    Coffee is on

  11. Brrr! But it is pretty! Good exercise for Laura to shovel it all!


  12. That's a lot of snow. Completely missed us in western Colorado

  13. You sure did get walloped! It does have a stark beauty, though, doesn't it?

  14. Hari OM
    I had a long lie and read my book this morning, because it was distinctly colder than it has been till now... when I came through an hour ago - surprise! The planet is white (and grey and black)!!! It is just an inch of slushy stuff though, so won't last as our temps are due to rise again. But it is pretty to look at as I sit here and type... YAM xx

  15. Our weather is as changeable here too, Joanne.

  16. That was a lot of snow to shovel especially with these freezing temperatures.

  17. That kind of snow would shutdown my entire city. We are certainly not built for it.

  18. and this is why I live in the South. granted, you can barely go outside for more than a few minutes at a time in high summer but at least if we want to go somewhere in the car it doesn't require shoveling anything.

  19. As my daughter would say, Holy Camoly! (a spin off of Holy Cow! I'm told). That's a lot of snow. I would definitely reschedule... possible until Spring?

  20. I think we got about 12 inches. The sun is out, and at 20°F it feels almost balmy. Here, too, we're looking at 55° and rain on Thursday. That should take care of the snow. I've been happy to stay in and unpack for the last couple of days.

  21. I've never seen that much snow on the ground, and I'm jealous! Good for Laura, shoveling all that for you.

    1. She was well paid, and did earn every penny. At one point I saw her next door, helping Cathy. The contractors who plowed the streets had no compassion for driveway aprons and parked cars. However, what were they to do with all the snow!

  22. It's semi warm and sunny here.
    What they are supposed to do is take it away. I note they didn't.

  23. We've had winters with so much snow there is no place to put it when another storm comes. Between storms they truck the plowed snow away and dump it at freeway interchanges; the big places beside exit ramps.

  24. Awful to have to move around in but so pretty to look at isn't it? Stay warm and hydrated x

  25. I've never seen the snow. Looks so beautiful in the pictures! Yet I don't think it's very nice to be living with 16 inches of it...
    Netflix. Netflix. Netflix.

  26. We had snow like this when I lived in Illinois and then Iowa. Such snow. Snow is deceptive. It looks so lovely, but it will not stay that way.

  27. Oh wow! That is a ton of snow!
