
Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Out and about on Wednesday

I went to breakfast today with Lynn. I met her two or three years ago, in the therapists' office, in the waiting room. Where did you grow up? North Hill! So did I! Etcetcetc, down to My maiden name was Lytle, and Did you know Melvin Lytle? My brother!

Anyone who still has a fifth grade love letter from my brother could only become a friend.

We had the usual, oatmeal and English muffins, and discussed all developments since December. I brought her up to date on the consensus of sending Laura to complete her last year of high school from her mother's home. Laura wants to go, Shelly wants her back and so it's best.

My custody was ordered by the court, seven years ago, and only they can unorder. In her inimitable way, Shelly does not understand this, and is determined to find a way that does not involve an attorney. 

We (my attorney and I) gave her a week, then moved on. Courts are notoriously slow; no need to wait for Shelly to decipher there is no magic. So, we filed, and soon enough the parents will be served and the minuet will begin.

I went to the post office on the way home. It is going on fifty degrees today, and raining, so here are some pictures of weather in action and people in action.

Not the least of the snow piles. It has to go somewhere. In some places on the roads the crews could not pile it high enough to entirely clear the road. Driving was a bit tricky.

Water running, running across the road. This is a mild view; there was some serious driving down Riverview this morning, avoiding deep water in my lane. It will be quite the hazard for afternoon drivers.

A sign of the times. We are in the National park, of course, but there are more than a few metropolitan parks adjoining or encompassed by the national park. Deep Lock Quarry is one. It was one of the first parks I found here, fifty years ago. way before the National park owned us.

It is an old slate quarry, and was so important that the railroad serviced it. It is deeper than I can reliably quote you, but possible to get down and back up. Lovely trails throughout. Like all the metro parks around, they have a sign announcing they are open, as opposed to the National park across the road. What a mess that fool president is leaving to be cleaned up.

In the event anyone is interested, this is a picture of the only one bedroom unit in my trailer complex. It is rented. The next one will be set up the road, directly behind Cathy's current unit. It will be mine. Out my back door and in her front door, just like now.

This unit is cute as a button! The manager tells me when the plans are in hand, I can select the unit layout myself, and can have a ramp and a walk in shower. It sure doesn't get better than that. 


  1. Your new place sounds wonderful. A comfortable home that provides sanctuary is so important.

  2. It seems to surprise me when weather and conditions aren't as grim as they are here (from the pics and description, they aren't). We are in our 3rd consecutive school snow days.

    1. We only had Monday, Tuesday off, though Monday also was a holiday. I had no problem with Tuesday off; a lot of children walk, and zero (F) is too cold to require youngsters to walk to school, even if we did it, in the day, uphill both ways.

  3. Your new place looks charming! Snow, not so much.

  4. Hari OM
    Our snow is nothing compared to yours and a mere blink compared to Canada's... but we did get snow and it is still here on day three.

    I love the look of the new unit Joanne; I just wish there were such places available here in the UK. Our 'caravan' parks are non-residential in the sense that one must vacate for at least six weeks of the year. It is not considered alternate housing, but holiday rental. YAM xx

  5. That place looks and sounds perfect, especially built to order.

  6. Sounds like you are doing well, I'm glad. I'm 'out and about' also, was north of Seattle at oldest daughter's place, got blood drawn in prep for thursday dr visit, lunch with youngest near university before her class, now down south of seattle at youngest daughter's were I'll spend the night before dr visit tomorrow. Feel ok.
    Take care

  7. wow - still has a love letter from you brother!
    Did you tell your brother? Have you read the letter? You should do another post on this letter.

  8. This looks ideal, Joanne.....Sorry about Laura. Will she still graduate from Hudson?
    I'll be interested to hear about your bridge learning! I never did, perhaps because my mil was so deadly serious about the game.

  9. Now that is a cozy looking unit, and to be able to choose the layout, plus have a ramp and walk-in shower - absolutely wonderful!

  10. A walk-in shower is on my wish list. Been years since I have taken a bath. Found it too hard to get up and out of the bath! When we were remodeling the bathroom, HeWho was astonished at the price of shower pans and I was afraid he would not get the slope right for drainage if we tried to simply tile it in.

    1. The shower pans are made with proper slope to handle old bathtubs, as I learned when the bathroom at the old house was remodeled. The contractor who remodeled in 1988 was clueless, and we spent 30 years trying to stop the shower leaks. Then a real contractor at the last remodel. I learned so much. And sold the house two or three years later.

  11. I like the way your new place is going to look. I’m sitting right now in a small house, about 800 square feet, and I’m aware that I could easily do without at least a third of the space.

    1. Hello, Diane. Can you drop me a line at jnoragon@gmail. I've completely lost track of you and your blog, and would like to connect again.

  12. I saw a little piece on Trump last night in the news, mostly about how so many people aren't getting paid because of the shutdown. He is looking very petulant, a child who can't have a cookie. I thought to myself " he is killing that country". So sad. I worry for all of you.
    I have a one bedroom unit, have been here for over seven years now and still wish I had a second bedroom, so I could spread out a bit. Or at least bigger rooms. I have only 400 square feet.

    1. We won't come out of this in decent shape, that's for sure. It's a new world, between Britain and the US.

  13. That could be a very comfortable, cozy little unit. When will you be able to move into it? Does it coincide with Laura moving out to live with her mother? -Jenn

    1. We'll make it all work. I can't see it being ready before April/May. But, Laura can camp out on an air mattress, if necessary.

  14. Excellent that you'll be able to select your own floor plan. I do hope you enjoy the new digs.

    I don't know why I thought the rain and warmer temps would melt more of the snow. Clearly, that's not how things work. :D

  15. Will you be ok on your own? I worry about you. Though being without Laura will no doubt be a relief.

  16. I love that you will be able to customise your new space. Having had a walk-in shower I would be very reluctant to go back.
    Your snow is lovely (at least to my sweaty self).
    I do hope your minuet goes smoothly. And quickly.

  17. Life never stops changing, does it? We get used to one thing and then another thing comes to move the familiar over, give a new center to it all.
    I could never, ever live in a place with all of that snow. I would die from lack of green. I am so glad that people are all different and what would be one person's idea of heaven is not everyone's!
    I hope that your new unit is perfect in all ways and that you are very happy there.

  18. it is cute! and a nice porch to boot. perfect for you. and now the wheels are turning.

  19. Yes, that one bedroom unit is so cute! Yours will look equally nice, I'm sure!

  20. I would like living in that 1 bedroom trailer! Looks so cute! Nice too with the ramp and the walk in shower! I'm sure you'll be quite cozy in it!


  21. Glad Laura matters are getting sorted, if slowly.
    You have impressive snow!
    Love the look of that unit..neat and homely in one

  22. It all looks ideal and a walk-in shower will make life much simpler.
    Your snow is much more impressive than ours, which is now just grubby and slightly too deep to cycle over.

  23. It is cute. Will there be room for the loom and the yarn storage? I too love the thought of a ramp and a walk in shower. I have the perfect bathtub, but once in I cannot get out.

  24. I sincerely hope for the best for Laura but fear that she won't achieve what she is capable of. I hope you will be able to have a close relationship still. The one bedroom is a nice one.

    1. I believe she will achieve her desire, either with her mother or with me. It will be better with her mother and I will not be frustrated.

  25. I do hope it all goes well for you and for Laura too - it must all be such a worry and you can do without that.

  26. That one bedroom unit is sweet and to be able to call the shots on layout etc...bonus.

  27. All that snow. Yuck. So far we have had very little of it except in the mountains and that's how I like it.

  28. Happy about the new trailer. Things have a tendency to fall into place over time.
