
Monday, December 17, 2018

Eighty at D

Laura is taking finals this week, Friday we go by plane to Wisconsin for Christmas, and this morning I put a number of towels into the mail. I began at the top of my reading list, “An English…”, and now I’m into the D’s. My spreadsheet filled in eighty at “Dartmoore Ramblings”. I need more export declarations and neglected to get them. I’ll stop tomorrow, after cards.

There are six towels left of the current weaving; two are spoken for and the other four have a high probability of clearing the shelf this week as well. The entire run of lavender is done, six towels on the beam; “peacock” (I didn’t name it) is on the bobbins and ready to go. There are 54 towels so far from the last warp I wound on and about fifty to finish it.

Laura and I are seriously on the outs this week. Well, she is. I don’t walk in her shoes; they’re her issues to resolve. Her responsibility to resolve. Of her siblings, only one was a self starter. Sigh. I’ve reinstated my brilliant phone policy; from six to six it lives in my room. There was no plug available for her charger, and rather than asking me which of my devices might be changed, she thumped her phone on the shelf and left. I grinned.

Our weather is winter grey, and there’s an edge to the breeze. But, it has been unseasonably (?) warm, bar that snow and ice storm a couple of weeks ago. It looks to be warm past the end of the year. I’ll take it all. It makes getting around easier. My last several trips to the post office, with my shopping bag of envelopes of towels, patrons have been handily close to the door and happy to help. This week I was completely alone. In fact, Lynn and I chuckled that on their anticipated busiest counter day of the year, I walked into an empty post office.

Not to worry, in short order they streamed in behind me. And, their arms were so full I stopped a couple of folks from attempting to dangerously re-juggle their loads to get the door open for me. In fact, I held each door open in turn for more coming in.


  1. Great colors.

    Ah, Laura. Hold the line, you are so good at it, but I know it isn't easy.

  2. Have a nice holiday in Wisconsin.

  3. And my package arrived this morning! Thank you! Right now I have them folded on the kitchen island and every time I walk past them I am shocked again at how lovely they are. They are simply perfect.

    1. IKR. what color are yours? mine are indigo. (or maybe that was denim).

  4. I love your blog would love to see some of the towels you have done. Maybe I need to go back a few posts to see them. Merry Christmas and wishing you a blessed New Year.

    1. There's a search box up there, under followers. Type in towel. I just did. TMI, I swear.

  5. I can't even imagine what you'd get done if all your body parts were cooperating. You're a force of nature, cranking out - and mailing out - such a mother load of weaving.

    1. But some were before I broke anything. But, most were arm therapy. I've gone from one bobbin a day to three or four. Or five, which is half a cone of thread.

  6. I remember being 17. I was transforming and chafed at the bit. didn't get along very well with the parental unit.

    1. We'll get through it. Her mother said what remorse she feels for putting me through this for so many years. Right.

    2. I had more to my initial comment along the lines that it was a shame that you are having to be the parent while your daughter gets to be the grandparent, the one that doesn't have to guide and protect, to 'parent' but just gets to indulge. so, yeah, right.

  7. She'll come around, and then there will be something else, and so on and so on. I look back at my teenage years and shudder. That's nice that you are flying elsewhere for Christmas. Thankfully anywhere we've gathered at Christmas has been within driving distance. When my husband was a boy, his family drove about eight hours to another province every Christmas! -Jenn

  8. Lovely to read from you before Christmas. You continue to amaze me with your productivity in general but also on the loom. Sorry to hear you and Laura are on the outs. I pray it doesn't last and that you will both have a fantastic Christmas break. Hugs xx

  9. Hari Om
    you are amazing, Joanne-amma. 'Sall there is about it. Laura knows that too. She does. Hope the holidays can have some fun about them and not too much pouting! YAM xx

  10. Broody. That is how I would describe both the clouds and your home atmosphere.

  11. Laura will be herself again soon, I suspect the coming exams are on her mind and Christmas too.
    I'm always surprised around this time of year when I walk into anywhere that I assume would be over-the-top busy and I'm the only customer.
    I'm glad you're having the warmer weather that lets you get around more easily, being housebound is no fun.

  12. Being a teen isn't easy. Remember?

    You're just like Santa, Joanne! I'm glad the weather is making it easier for you.

  13. You are one busy woman! So many lucky recipients will be enjoying your towels soon!

  14. I can picture a 'peacock' blue. Vibrant. May all go well with Laura's finals and safe travels to Wisconsin. x

  15. Everytime my teenage son would tell me that he hated me, I would tell him that I loved him. It drove him crazy and that was great satisfaction for me. They never really appreciate you until they move out of the house and on their own. Raising good kids is a long and winding road.

  16. Exams don't bring out the best in anybody. I'm not convinced they're a terribly good idea and can't remember a single fact I ever stuffed my head with for any exam I've ever taken. She'll learn more during your Wisconsin trip and over Christmas than school could hope to teach her over the next couple of weeks.
    Have a lovely holiday!

  17. I hope you have a wonderful, and 'peaceful', holiday in Wisconsin.x

  18. I hope she survives the exams and reappears in good form again. Those totally soft towels are a brilliant that will never be forgotten. You and your weaving are wonderful gifts to us all.

  19. Walking into an empty post's Christmas Karma.....we had to change our address on all government cards and walked into an empty Service Canada office. First time ever. Christmas Karma I tell you.

  20. Dear Joanne, I just visited Arleen's blog where she wrote about dropping her gloves when she got out of the car and returning to it an hour or so later to discover that some thoughtful Good Samaritan had picked up the gloves and placed them behind her door handle. She was so grateful for the generosity of others--now and always.

    I told her in my comment about the customer at UPS who offered to help me bring in my Christmas box from my brother's car. I think the smiles on that young man's face and on mine and on my brother's could have lit up Rockefeller Center!

    You generosity of time and spirit does the same for all of us. Peace.

  21. Hoping Laura does well with the finals!! Keep forgetting to say I got the towels (like close to 3 weeks ago now) and they are lovely! Thank you so much!

