
Tuesday, December 18, 2018

A beautiful day today

Total sunshine today. I took a new header picture of the corkscrew willow, without broody grey background weather.

Another hard day of pinochle. Nancy returned from Texas “at a reasonable hour!” (11 pm last night; “I booked it that way!”), but yawned a good deal, which didn’t affect the score. We lost by about fifteen points. Each side took a set back, but it was a day of decent cards and great play.

Next week is a toss up for playing.  Tuesday, of course, is Christmas Day, and Laura and I get back from Wisconsin about 8 at night on Wednesday. A reasonable hour to be rested for playing Thursday or Friday.

I was laughing with Yam yesterday; there is a drain in my brain, for the exclusive use of nouns knocked loose by those two brain injuries. Nouns I want to use can go over the edge faster than lemmings over a cliff. Yam posted a series of pictures that included a dried hydrangea, posed near a reindeer (tis the season). I could not put my finger on hydrangea, hard as I tried, so I did my usual google trick, and asked. It said its best guess for the picture was reindeer. So much for AI.

This is all to say I hope I have accomplished all I must do to leave. The techiest part is delivering the cat to the boarder on time, in the morning or evening time slot.

I also must stop questioning myself on a 7:30 a.m. pick-up by my sister for the drive to the airport. AKC is normally a half hour drive, but she points out it’s rush hour. Our departure is 11 a.m., and even though it’s our little regional airport, it probably is a good idea to give us a three hour window.

I have a book to read, a Robin Williams biography. If I don’t like it, I’m also taking Michelle Obama’s book, for another read before I leave it at Ann’s, for her library.

Three houses in a row in town have a continuous display. This is one only, and not up the other side of the house. Ho Ho Ho.


  1. I really hate it when I can't come up with the word I'm looking for. Have a great time in Wisconsin.

  2. I really dislike early morning departures. I will be having a very early departure on my next trip and it likely means I won't get any sleep for my journey. Of course I could go to sleep at dinnertime, lol. All the best with your flights and holiday. Hugs. xx

  3. Words are leaving me daily. I try not to worry about it, but.....

  4. Enjoy your break away it's alway good to go somewhere this time of year.

  5. That is pretty funny about the hydrangea and the reindeer ... but it's not funny to lose words. With me, it's hit and miss. The words are slippery some days and not others. My mom is losing a lot of words and also losing the meanings of words. The other week she couldn't remember what a quiche is, nor a septic system. She used to make quiche frequently, and lived in a house with a septic system for decades. It's scary for me but it doesn't really seem to bother her, which is good.

    I've gone way off the rails with my rambling . . . have a good trip, Joanne. Merry Christmas to you and Laura!

  6. Days with events at reasonable hours are the best. Merry Christmas

  7. I often lose words. The dread disease compounded with aging. I resort to mime often. Difficult when on the phone.
    Enjoy your travels and the season.

  8. Merry Christmas Joanne. I hope you and Laura have a wonderful visit with your sister.

  9. It took me a solid three seconds or so to remember the word 'shoelace' the other day. I blame the CBD-THC pills I am taking.

  10. Is the display all inflatables? It's Christmassy all right.
    Sad that you still have 'waterfall' nouns, but at least you eventually remembered hydrangea.

    1. Actually, I told Yam the story and she told me the name.

  11. Traveling mercies for you and best wishes for a Merry Christmas!

  12. Yes, words ... 'phone calls can be interesting!
    I hope that reindeer is firmly tethered.

  13. Your neighbours should be fined for that display.

  14. Nouns can be tough for me. It is often not instant retrieval, and I can feel really stupid. They usually come to me in a bit, but when you're in the middle of a conversation and can't find a word ...

  15. Hari OM
    My brain does it to me Joanne - and I have no damage excuses!!! The post in question was this one though and not the My Take version - though thanks for the shout out! Hope your journey is a good one and you have a fun time over the holiday. Much Love, YAM xx

  16. Love to you and Laura over Christmas. BTW, last count was 42 inflatable things as i walked by the other day. It's far better than the Halloween display.

  17. My friend Sue used to say that our brains were like a tabletop- you can only get so much stuff on one before things start to slide off.
    Somewhat comforting.
    We'll be leaving our house tomorrow morning before dawn to get on an 8 a.m. flight. May all of our travels go smoothly.

  18. nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs all escape me from time to time. at least you have an excuse. safe travels and have a good visit.

  19. Those Christmas characters are quite something. Nothing so spectacular round our neighbourhood. Christmas trees, a few fairy lights and some Santa Stop Here signs are the usual gestures to Christmas hereabouts.

    So - a hydrangea cleverly disguised as a reindeer. Household plants are full of surprises....

  20. I really hope you and Laura have a good Christmas... traveling during the holidays is never easy, but worth it to be with family and friends. Stay safe, BE CAREFUL, and as far as 'losing words' is concerned, those of us without brain injuries have the same problem (due to age I guess). A certain word will elude me when I need it... and then come popping up several hours later (when no longer needed - yet I'm glad it came up just the same).

  21. Wonder if they find it a pain having that display. All that stuff cluttering up their lawn. It's much better if they drape it over the house. I hope you caught your plane!

  22. I have trouble with words; its like I can see them and describe them, but just can't think of them or say them. Cute display :) I always think it is better to get to the airport earlier than later, even 3 hours early is a good thing.

