
Friday, September 14, 2018

Yesterday, today, tomorrow

Still on the walker, with occasional forays via my cane. That is fun, but I forget how hard and tiring it is to use the cane, especially using the wrong arm for support and bla, bla, bla.

The cane is so easy though to do things like just step outside and not have to  get the walker over the sill. Last night was trash night, and I sat on the porch and kept Laura company. She introduced me to a friend, Tod. I've heard of his current residence under one of the trash bins over this summer, but yesterday was our first introduction.

Today Tom and Jan came around in the morning, for Tom to take a look at a couple of loose assemblies on the loom. There was a stripped out screw I knew of and a sheared screw I knew of. He found a couple more loose screws. Then we went to lunch. Toby retreated to the back of my bedroom, behind closed doors. Jake was so sorry he wouldn't come out.

Jan helped me rearrange the furniture again in the loom room. Amazing how many times furniture can be moved to make it perfect. We left the odds and ends, like putting plugs back, for Laura, after school.

And finally, tomorrow Laura and Cathy, our next door neighbor, and I are going to the sports bar up the road to register new voters.

Cathy and I went to an introductory program during the week, conducted by two local members of the League of Women Voters for Cathy, myself and a third volunteer, a young woman establishing herself as an activist. When I signed up, I only checked one box: register voters. By the time the two nice members had worked through tomorrow's registering voters job, I was through with the very hard chair, thanked the women and Cathy and I left.

There was one ah ha moment. Laura and I have often commented this little sports bar is either packed or empty. Our shift is one to three thirty tomorrow afternoon. I remarked to our two mentors it probably would be very empty. "Oh no!" from Elizabeth, the young woman who joined us. "College basketball!"


  1. The loom room is looking good. Tod seems nice. ;) Have fun registering new voters.

  2. Tod looks like a charmer.
    Echoing Bea. The loom room (how that rolls off the tongue) is looking excellent. Hooray for registering new voters.

  3. You had me going for a few seconds with friend Tod living under trash bins. I'm so slow sometimes. :)

  4. What a fun catch-up post! Tod, Jake, canes, and voters. And loose screws :)

  5. If there is a game on, there will be watchers (mostly men who have no women to encourage them to vote). Good luck on signing up new voters.

  6. My sister just moved again to a home in West Virginia. It had been so long since she had reset the warp for the weave that she had almost forgotten how! But, she finally figured it out.....glad you are feeling better .

  7. Take a good cushion. Two hours is a long time to sit when you are registering voters.

  8. Good thing you helped with the voter registration. I admire your civic volunteerism. I also admire your crafts room. I would love to have one of those. Have an awesome weekend.

  9. Have fun tomorrow registering voters at the sports bar!

  10. It's so fabulous that you are volunteering your time at voter registration. Mom is supposed to use a cane, but I can't seem to get her to do it.

  11. I'd forgotten that using a cane needs a good arm, but still, you are managing short walks with it. Your loom room looks lovely and spacious, glad you got those screws fixed.

    1. The arm I need to use is the arm I must have repaired. This whole affair is a big pain. Literally.

  12. Hari Om
    seems you're getting back into seat - hard tough it be! Hello Tod... and Jake &*> YAM xx

  13. You are so busy, more than some of us.

  14. Your loom room looks very business-like and practical. I hope you are kept busy signing up new voters - but please take a cushion.

  15. 'Tod'? Oh, I get it. Don't tread on Ted.

  16. Great work Joanne! You are showing Laura how it’s done!

  17. Getting out the vote is all important. But they must be registered, first. I'm happy to hear you are doing this important work. Tod is pretty darn cute, by the way

  18. Onward and upward dear. All sounds good.

  19. have I told you lately how amazing you are? the loom room looks good. I'm still trying to figure the best arrangement for my studio room and back bedroom. slowly. if it would stop raining long enough to move stuff to the shop and from the shop it would be helpful. right now the truck has a nice layer of leaves and water.

    1. Oh, dear. You haven't noticed, it's people doing things while I direct and observe.

    2. directors are essential. somebody needs to kick those butts into action.

  20. Love to read of you registering voters! It all sounds good. Your weaving room looks nice.

  21. Glad to hear that you are gradually easing back into your way of life Joanne.

  22. I am so proud to know you. Me, finally am quilting.

  23. You are a very determined lady! Good for you! I too am recovering after surgery on my shattered kneecap. Such fun. You are a bright spot of encouragement. Have a great day!

  24. Universal suffrage took so long to arrive, we must make the most of every vote.

  25. I echo the advice to take a cushion....I did my back in horribly sitting for some hours on a hard chair acting as a teller at the polling station years ago...

  26. Just like in Britain I suspect that more people in the US are politically active than ever before. I love the new friend.
