
Sunday, September 16, 2018

"Technically, it's not my garden, you know!"

Yesterday we sat at a medium sized restaurant with an experienced League of Women Voters registrar, and in our two hour shift signed up one change of address. No matter; it was good conversation with all the patrons, and great fun hearing Laura proclaim she will be old enough to vote in 2020.

The registrar said it was not an ideal location, but one new member owns the restaurant and they decided to try. Everyone said they were registered to vote; many said they had registered since Parkland! The registrar said they were having extraordinary success at finding new voters at the many colleges around us. In addition to the U of Akron, we have too many technical colleges to name.

When we came home, my neighbor texted me she had turned on the news and voter registration is up 333%. It makes no difference there is no reference for such an unbelievable number; it just seems right.

Laura and I spent the last two mornings working in the garden. I wanted to thin the southern end, move some to fill in the northern end and send the excess up the street to find a home in "the ditch".
I say "we" in the royal way. I believe I've planted nothing and pulled fewer than a dozen weeds.

When Laura came in, she announced she was done weeding, had spread mulch and put weed killer down the edge of the road (Epson salts, Dawn detergent, distilled white vinegar). Technically, she says, it's not her garden.

One of my therapists is mystified by the ballerina. "What is it for? Does it catch something?"
It's for joy. In the morning it catches sunshine.

Mr. Stone there says, "Technically it's not my garden, either, but I keep the water moving along."

After a morning in the garden yesterday, and an afternoon with people, we both were tired. We had cantelope and wheat rolls for supper, and admired a new vase of flowers.

Now I'm off to weave and Laura will go hiking with Kamaria.


  1. Oh weeding, the worst part of the garden. I sometimes wonder if I grow more weeds than flowers. What was that black block on the platter? Some kind of exotic cheese?

    1. I think you mean the vintage enamel table top. From the thirties, or earlier. Otherwise, I don't see it.

    2. Thanks, Jan. It's been around so long, it just "is".

  2. I'm happy to get that recipe for week killer. What are the specific amounts of each?

    1. 2c epsom salt, a gallon of vinegar, a T of Dawn. The recipes vary wildly. Laura says no matter, just some of each.

    2. unfortunately, it only kills the leaves and not the roots but then I read an article that said leaving the roots of the weeds allows for channels for water to move through in the garden.

    3. When the top layer is brown, Laura lifts the foliage and the roots come up, too. That edge of the garden we're always treating is the gutter along the road, and it's a losing battle, with the rain water and debris always coming down.

  3. Good recipe for weeds. Love the fact that more people have registered to vote since if they just VOTE!!!!!

  4. Your supper looks like a yummy one and different. I had cheese and crackers, a very traditional one for here.

  5. I wish I had Laura's energy. It would be nice to have the registered voter numbers go up. It gives a more true picture of what people want.

  6. well, gardens belong to the gardeners no matter whose land the garden is on. I think you put just as much effort into it as Laura just in a different way. so technically, it belongs to both of you and it is beautiful and I'm pleased to have a bit in it. so funny that people are mystified by the ballerina.

  7. good to hear of more registered voters...and of young gardeners!

  8. So good to hear about an increase in voters. Sometimes the apathy can be quite appalling and the voters need a kick start reason to register and to vote. Your garden is looking very lovely. I envy your sunshine.

  9. Hari om
    now all that's req'd is the 333% to actually turn up and mark papers... the garden byrgeons! YAM xx

  10. Love that vase of flowers! And the supper sounds very satisfying, too....I had not heard voter registration was up so much! I vote and all my kids vote, too...Paul and I always took them along with us to vote from the time they were really young. Be well, Joanne!

  11. We aren't up for a big meal in this heat and humidity are we? We are splurging on Sunday dinner tonight. Mike put a bunch of meat and veggies in the crock pot and plugged it in out on the back porch. Cheese and bread and fruit is starting to get a little boring.
    We are about to have a municipal election in Ontario. The push is on to get folks registered to vote and then actually ACT on the day.

  12. Loving the garden. And your helper. Technically all of our gardens are on loan. Which is fine by me.

  13. Very nice garden & bouquet of flowers. :)

  14. Every day you sound better and better. I'm so glad you have Laura (Hi Laura) in your life. It's both of your garden. And it is lovely. Perfect dinner too,.

  15. You must have 'gotten your second wind' as Dad used to say.

  16. Looks like a great job on the garden, Joanne.

  17. Sweat equity makes the garden at least half Laura's, does it not? And your half is the planning and the eye for what needs done. You can both be proud of that garden - it is lush and beautiful.

    Will there be more registering of voters to be done or is that the one chance, gone?

  18. Laura is wise to not mess with you.

  19. Good job, Joanne. I could use your supervising at our house too.

  20. The garden certainly has filled in a lot, the ballerina must be quite a sight in the sunshine.

  21. We are all hoping for a big turnout this November. Thank you for all you have done to get us there.

  22. I so enjoy reading your posts here. You're always up to something.

  23. I've said it before but will say it again, Laura is a wonderful girl.
