
Monday, September 24, 2018

Things are looking up

"Well, look at you!" were the whippersnapper's words on entering the exam room, new x-rays in hand. "I would have told you to be done with the walker, and I see you are!"

I told him that only was since yesterday, and my knee is in a whole lot of pain from walking. He examined the back of each knee, pronounced the problem to be tissue that was injured in the twisting fall, that needs to resume its normal size.

But, in the meantime, he had a brace...

This brace is wonderful. I did two errands on the way home! I cleaned off my desk. I ate two more cookies. I did not click my heels together.

The break is healing enough for me to see. It begins above those five long pins and goes down to the joint. Four weeks ago I could not see any progress.

For Susan Kane, I carded him. He's a home town boy; grew up in Akron, Ohio. He went to school in Pennsylvania and Ohio. He's "early forties". He spends most weekends hiking the National Park, with his wife and son, who's a couple of years old and more fun now that he can walk.

This time next week I see the shoulder doctor, and we can work out the suspended shoulder details.


  1. Glad that the brace is treating you well. Your young doc sounds like a good one. x

  2. Will you need to have the pins removed when everything heals? That is a lot of hardware to haul around :) Also prevents you from having an MRI in the future, I expect (unless they're making pins out of non-magnetic material these days).

    I'm glad you got a new brace that makes you more comfortable, and that your doctor was a good fellow.

  3. yay for the brace! and yeah, the pins come out?

  4. So glad for the brace. Things are looking up dear.

  5. So glad to know that things are looking up for you! Sometimes whippersnappers bring good.

  6. I can see how that brace can be a big bonus to your daily movements! So glad you have that now. My brother had a knee cap sort of rebuilt after a bad car accident. They described it as mostly chicken wire! -Jenn

  7. Oddly enough I’ve been seeing a brace that looks much like that just lately on FB.

  8. Wonderful, wonderful news.
    I am glad (for you both) that the whippersnapper did good.

  9. Glad you have something to help you, Joanne. Great news.

  10. Things are moving. The Full Moon in Aries was a positive for you. And for me.

  11. The brace is wonderful news!! So is the visible healing of your leg. Onward and upward :-)

  12. Good news, I hope there will be more soon.

  13. You've turned the corner. Well done, you'll steam ahead now!

  14. That brace looks very supportive and comfortable.

  15. Hari Om
    this lifted my heart as it must have done your spirits!!! That brace looks "way cool"...&*> YAM xx

  16. Looks like I missed something here. I’ll need to read backwards. Can’t leave you alone for a minute, Joanne:-) Whatever happened, I’m glad you are on the mend.

  17. Cool looking brace. I could use one like that, though it's not a model I see walking in or out of our orthopedic clinic

  18. Glad to hear about the improvements being made! Now hopefully all will go well when you meet with the shoulder doctor and can get that on the road to recovery too.


  19. Ow! Ow! Ow! Those pins!

    I'm so glad the brace is working for you. Just make sure, don't over-do because the brace is making it easier.

  20. Fantastic progress. Eat another cookie to celebrate.

  21. Wonderful news. Yes, perhaps a lemon cookie dusted with powdered sugar this time. Great stuff.

  22. Good news! I'm glad to hear the brace helps.

  23. Good news on the brace...and on the whippersnapper's attitude.

  24. You were at least one step ahead of the doctor. Way to go.

  25. So glad things are healing well. And it seems like the young doctor is a keeper. Hope it goes well with the shoulder doctor next.

  26. Yikes that x-ray. I have a rod and pins in my right leg. Been there 14 years now. Not the pins. They had to come out. But the rod is still in there holding things together. Speedy recovery to you my friend!

  27. All right for the brace! I wore a "tortoise shell" brace when I broke my back and didn't need surgery that might have paralyzed me, so I'm already fond of braces.


  28. Brace better than walker. There are many athletes wearing braces.
