
Friday, September 28, 2018


I liked walking with a cane far better when I did it for style, not for support! My idle observation for the day.

I spent two days disconsolate. Lethargic. For shame. I watched Dr. Ford’s cross examination. Such grace and courage. Most every woman watching could mentally applaud. They broke for lunch and so did I. I never went back. Sneak peeks were adequate to tell me to back off. Today I sort of squatted down and poked the campfire ashes and knew it was not good.

Yesterday I looked and left. I don’t understand why no Republican senator questioned Dr. Ford. Actually, the whole layout of the hearing was stupid. No woman would have organized such a cowardly charade. Whatever. The men were in charge.

Brett Kavanaugh was not a pretty picture. For me, he was not a credible witness. He cried. He yelled. He tried to pin the failure of the rest of his life on the “accusations”.  One fact I did not hear mentioned, however, though I wasn’t around much.

Ashley Kavanaugh’s head was turned toward her husband, but her body turned away, leaving me to wonder how many of those tantrums and tirades she was subjected to at home. Because, Brett did not launch into his first melt down for the television. He’s had a lot of practice.

I went to breakfast with a friend. We agreed not to mention yesterday, and we didn’t. I came home to therapists, drilling me on what I have learned from them, and being signed off. Laura came home, and we left to try a new restaurant for dinner. Far too early. A new sports bar. New to us. I saw the end of the Cardinal/Cubs game, and some Ryder Cup. Laura watched field hockey, and was not impressed with the level of play.

I am so obsessed with the terrible potential for this nomination, I subscribed to something on my phone for instant headlines and news. Smart News, it’s called. I must turn it off at night; it delivers smart news with klaxon sound whenever it deems it has occurred.  It sounded on the restaurant table tonight, and the FBI has been given one week to launch another investigation of the charges against Brett Kavanaugh. A reprieve.

All those Republican senators on the Judiciary Committee seem to a man, corrupted by Trump’s politics.


  1. The hearing was a sham, but, given who is in charge, that was to be expected. I couldn't stomach watching most of it, but did find myself really appreciating Dr. Ford's demeanor. She came across as, for lack of a better description, a team player. She was level-headed and reasonable. Brett came across as a defensive hot-head. If he were a woman, he'd be labeled 'unhinged', 'too emotional', 'hysterical'. All the usual BS.

    It seems now that the FBI will investigate. Ole Kav would do well to bow out, but he won't.

  2. I continue to watch in horror.
    And yes, a cane for style is a very different animal to a cane for support.

  3. They may have been corrupted before Trump....It all makes me sick.

  4. The Republican Senators hired a prosecutor to question Dr Ford instead of themselves because if they had each personally questioned her, one of those sexist, ignorant asshats would have openly displayed such in their questioning and the GOP was trying to avoid those optics. The #metoo movement has sensitized them to that extent at least, although that's as far as it goes. Everything turns on what Mark Judge tells the FBI. If he confirms Dr. Ford's version, Kavanaugh is toast. We won't be told that though. Trump would either just withdraw the nomination or Kavanaugh himself will decline the nomination. They'll have the first look at the FBI report so will have a heads up.

  5. I agree with you that this was not something new for Kavanaugh. I grew up in a house with a man who became a monster when he had had a few beers. All that yelling certainly doesn't imply innocence to me. Hopefully the FBI "investigation" will help us out, but I am leery. It is supposed to be a "limited" investigation. The results might be like all those other documents we are not allowed to see. I do hope the lawsuit about the hidden documents does proceed! Look at Drumpf's record when it comes to firing people when he does not like their reports. So would the FBI be free to tell what they find? Surely this whole nightmare is detrimental to our physical health. Upset all the time!!!!

  6. Unless some of the Republican read the FBI report and some of the male senators look at things with an open mend the man will be confirmed anyway. I am hoping for the best and prepared for the inevitable.

  7. I've been feeling near despair over this sick and evil charade the GOP is pulling. And the misogyny on display has been horrifying. So many women I know are struggling with this. We MUST get out and vote these evil men out!

  8. I heard about this man on the TV news here and hope very much he won't be admitted into whatever position it is he is chasing. I didn't listen enough to find that out.

  9. Hari Om
    even the bits on our news I cannot watch... will the 'reprieve' make any kind of difference one wonders... YAM xx

  10. I watched with horror. This man is a judge?

  11. We've been getting snippets over here. How can a judge like that be put in the post for life on the order of a president like that? The FBI only have a week, but a week is a long time in politics and the Bureau are not very fond of the president.

  12. I'm happy there has been that week reprieve for an FBI investigation; however, I fear it is a tactic, a ruse. It has been so long since justice has been served instead of thwarted. It is clear that our wealthy, white, male ruling class is Hell bent on maintaining power.

  13. they were already corrupt. Trump just gave them free license to put it on display for all to see. the attempted rape charge aside, Kavanaugh, on full display, is not Supreme Court material. had he been a woman acting like that he would have been frog marched to the door amid ridicule. he cried, he lied, he refused to answer questions, he raged, and he accused. this is not the demeanor we want in a SC justice. that the republicans are still trying to push him through says all we need to know about republicans.

    my sister and I were out during the hearing. went into one store that had it on a TV, sound up. I was ready to turn around and walk out. next room (it was a big place) shopkeeper had it on her computer, sound up. I was walking around with my fingers in my ears. perhaps the other shopkeeper saw me because then she put on some music to try and drown it out. I headed for the back of the store where I couldn't hear. it was a pretty nice store but we didn't linger.

  14. Oh yes, my actions echo yours. I get my notifications on my monitor soundlessly. It's hard to look at them and hard to read posts from my more militant friends.
    Glad you are freed from therapy. Huggah.

  15. I was amazed that Trump ordered the FBI investigation. But not one bit surprised that he put an unrealistic limit on it.

  16. I know the way you feel. I'm not following US news TOO closely, because I am so bothered with what's happening here, but for me it's an ominous sign when I start checking the news every few minutes. The idea of including a klaxon .. oh, no, I don't want to go there!

  17. And, today I read that when the FBI is done, the results will be turned over to the White House. The White House will decide what to share with the Senate. The public may never be told. Sounds like a dog and pony show to me. Basically, the evidence of a crime is handed over to the accused criminal. Insanity,

  18. I'm following the Brett Kavanaugh business with great interest too. I bet he treats his wife abominably. How can anyone facing serious claims by three different women possibly have any credibility left as a potential Supreme Court judge?

  19. The horror of BK on the Supreme Court leaves me speechless.
    On the subject of cane for style vs support would a staff offer support with style? Think Moses and the wizard from Harry Potter.

  20. I am so discouraged. Now I've read that Trump is totally limiting the scope of the FBI investigation. They are not allowed to interview Swetnick and cannot investigate whether Kavanaugh was a heavy drinker. Why are their hands tied that way?

  21. As much as we might like to control the outcome, we will not. so...
    “Live quietly in the moment and see the beauty of all before you. The future will take care of itself......”
    ― Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi

  22. I try not to be quick to judge. Dr. Ford appears believable to me. Kavanaugh less believable. However, I'm not convinced either way. I do agree Kavanaugh would be bad for the future.

  23. I am hoping we will see this investigation dig deep enough to do some good. But I am not holding my breath. I watched the entire day and he stunk as a witness.

  24. The entire situation is most disheartening. I fear the "investigation" will not merit what it should. As to your most recent post up there, I hope you return soon.
