
Thursday, February 8, 2018

A day off

Today I was determined to finish the sweater. Finish it, I’m telling you. I checked the properties of the first picture of it, taken Thursday, February 9 2017.

There was only the ribbing of one cuff left to do. Sixteen rows of knit two, purl two. I spent the day on it, on the whole. I finished pulling in the last of the ends before Laura came in.

I did take a call early in the day from the neurologist. Nine in the morning. I could have been in the shower, but wasn’t, and didn’t. The gist of call is, the new neurologist read the EEG done in his office, and was pleased to tell me my brain is as normal as can be, just like EEG several months ago. I can halve the Keppra every two weeks for a month and be done.

Oh, yes, and I can come back in a year. I asked if my cardiologist or any other of my doctors might know if I should see a neurologist. He thought they would know. “So, we’ll just leave it at that,” I said.

When I remembered to comb my hair this morning, I realized it’s time to stop fighting the part. I can’t recall ever using a part in my hair. Now I have a part that follows the scar in my skull. If that were the worst of it, I could smile and carry on.

On the other hand, we’re getting closer to spring. My little weather app says thirty eight tomorrow and chance of a frozen mix. 

Someone just told me Rand Paul threw a wrench into the gears of government, so I took a look at the feed. He has. Further down, I read there are Democratic bills introduced to block Trump's parade.

Now, I doubt my postcards were more than a pint of water over Niagara Falls, but I asked a lot of representatives and senators:



  1. As I remember February in the frozen North Lands, 38 degrees seemed warm right about now. Happy to hear your brain is normal. But I think all your readers already knew that!

  2. The sweater is beautiful. Well done on the good news from the doctor.

  3. Your hair is so nice a full looking. I was sure it would be. The sweater looks fantastic on Laura. I'm happy about your EEG results and wondering what mine will be.

  4. Beautiful jumper!
    Glad it was good news on the EEG front.

  5. As happy as I am that you can go off Keppra (albeit slowly), I bet you're even happier :)

    I do wish the scar in your scalp was the only result of your fall. Keep on trucking, Joanne. Your outlook on life is second to none.

  6. Lovely sweater, and so is your hair part. :)

    The parade seems like an awfully foolish idea & money drain.

  7. A lot of good news in one lovely post.The sweater is beautiful.

  8. Good news about the EEG! And hair always pretty much does what it wants to. I know mine does!

  9. Great news about the EEG. The sweater turned out well and fits Laura perfectly. I'm told my natural hair part is on my left and that's how I wore it most of my childhood, but I switched it to the right after I left school and it felt more comfortable that way. Now I just comb my hair straight back and sometimes it will stay there and sometimes it will part itself in the centre so the sides stick out like little wings. Blech!

  10. We call it a parting over here. I like the photo of Laura.

  11. Nice jumper. I don't think anyone can afford Trumps military parade, can they? Anyway, I doubt if your government has the time to read postcards if they have to stay up all night so that people can still go to work in the morning.

  12. Joy at finishing a project..and a good looking jumper too.
    Glad you god good results..onwards and upwards!!

  13. Hari OM
    the jumper is beautiful, Laura is beautiful; you, Joanne, are beautiful!!! A Republican with financial conscience might also be considered beautiful. Briefly. YAM xx

  14. WE all knew your brain was normal...glad all the doctors finally agree. Yay for cutting back on drugs..any drugs...terrific. The sweater is lovely by the way. Congrats on finishing it.

  15. The sweater is beautiful, Joanne.

    U.S. politics is fascinating to watch these days.

  16. What great news, hair part and all. Oh how lovely a military parade, just what we all need to lie our spirits. What an idiot.

  17. great sweater. I'd wear it. and of course your brain is normal. stupid doctors. and everytime I think Trump can't get more ridiculous or pathetic, he does.

  18. Oh Joanne the sweater is LOVELY. Good on you finally getting it finished. Can I send you the one I've been making for my 16 year old grandson since he was 12?
    I cut a big chunk of my hair off this morning. Over a week of laying about is NOT kind to long hair.

  19. I have a very very very wide part.

  20. My goodness, that is a beautiful sweater! I love the yarn. I'm always thankful that I have some hair, no matter what it does.

  21. I love your analogy of a pint of water over Niagara. I shall definitely use it in future!

  22. Your brain is not only normal, it is superior. Sweater is lovely, as is its wearer.

  23. Lovely thick hair !
    Good news on the cutting down on the pills ... you deserve it since you're really working hard on your recovery.

  24. Isn't it a great feeling to finish something you've put off for so long? It looks great. And so happy about the normal brain news... and cutting down and eventually off those pills.

  25. my word that's a beautiful sweater; you are amazing resilient, I love reading your blog such an uplifter.

  26. Constitutionally NO. But practically Yes if it detours for a minute our manchild Presidents desire to emulate Stalins and Hitlers parades...:(

  27. Love the sweater. And the picture of Laura is one I often see of my granddaughter. Are they ever without those dang phones in their hands??

  28. Lovely to see Laura wearing the sweater. Xx

  29. That jumper is lovely and it really suits Laura. She looks happy to wear it, which is a big bonus!

  30. Oh my, and I don't think we need approval. Us folks out here seem not to want a military parade tho. Spend the money on the vets, I told anyone listening.
