
Thursday, December 7, 2017

After lunch with Ruth

Monday I took Toby to the vet for booster shots to allow him a week at camp while Laura and I fly to Wisconsin. On tip toe I nudged the carrier down from the top shelf, and landed it on the washer. I found the cat, stashed him, and left the laundry room, to his howls, to finish up to leave. Went back to retrieve the cat, and found him glaring at me from the kitchen floor.

I told him what will happen to his special, and expensive cat carrier. He walked away. Getting him to the vet in half a carrier was no picnic.

Tuesday Laura’s psychologist asked me into the session at the outset, intending to schedule out a dismissal program for Laura. But, we told her about spending a year abroad, commencing in six or seven months, and Mrs. A was as pleased as I am. We worked out everything I should know about a support system wherever she may be. We’ll see Mrs. A monthly, until Laura goes, and all will be well.

Yesterday I saw my lovely rheumatologist, who now has an x-ray of my decrepit shoulder, so she “would know what to do.” After discussion of all the failed options to date, I now have an appointment with a shoulder orthopedic surgeon to discuss his take on arthroscopic removal of one large and many small bone spurs in residence in my shoulder socket.

Today I had lunch with Ruth. Ruth would make a bad week good and a good week over the moon. We had so much catching up, we were in the restaurant almost two hours. It’s a new one for both of us, Lager & Vine. How about that for two old ladies, though I know Ruth will have her martini at four. I miss lager, but that’s the price of decent drugs. Al Franken is on the television, resigning.  My clay footed god.

I took my first selfie with the new camera. Far easier than the last phone, after I found where not to put my fingers. Next time I’ll work out the glamour part.

On the way home I stopped at Ace, the Place with the Friendly Hardware Man, and bought a bottle of gorilla glue with an applicator brush. Tonight Laura and I will modify Mr. Razor Toes’ travel abode. I’m thinking a strip of gorilla glued fabric, inside and out, and you know who will not get through the old slit. If he keeps slitting the screen, I have lots of fabric and know where to buy glue. He’ll wish he never planned an escape from Alcatraz.

Speaking of Laura, tomorrow is her sixteenth birthday. What a difference a year makes! All the egg shells I walked on last year are gone; a whole new person lives here, now. I spent the rest of the afternoon at Cathy’s, planning pizza and a movie for six. The six will see Coco; Cathy and I will be next door, watching Murder on the Orient Express. Cathy gave me three napkin choices; I picked the one on top. It seems so right.


  1. What a wonderful post. I giggled a few times. I love the selfie. You look great and it's lovely to see you smiling with your dear friend. Your cat doesn't seem to know who he's messing with, ha ha. As for Laura, I'm so pleased she is doing so very well. Kudos to both of you. xx

  2. So many positive developments! Well, except for your escape artist cat. Are you sure his name shouldn't be Houdini instead of Toby?

    1. I didn't name him. Had I, he would be called "Lucky".

  3. well, this is very happy making! I'm so pissed that they forced Franken out for a bit of boorish behavior. If they think this will shame the republicans they are more stupid than I think they are. all they did was get rid of one of our warriors. for what? a pat on the butt. please. they are all about 0 tolerance, a position that has been nothing but disastrous wherever it's applied. the man had the dignity and integrity to admit that perhaps he hadn't always acted correctly though he denies some of his accusers. I guess if he had lied all would have been forgiven. a hit job and the democrats did the republicans dirty work for them. this is why this country is going down the toilet. liars win and people with integrity lose.

    1. A sad, soft target. This is Minnesota; he will be replaced by a woman and a democrat will be re-elected. A populist-farmer democrat. But, if Trump and Moore aren't swept out, too, it is a wasted statement.

  4. It's so nice to be a Lady who Lunches , isn't it .You both look as though you were born to it!
    A Happy Birthday to Laura and lots more of them. This year's going to be very exciting and huge fun.

  5. Joanne, I enjoyed this post too. Funny and uplifting. I especially like the 'great escape' (bad, but funny at the same time... could picture both Toby's and your expression when discovered). And I agree that lunch with a good friend can make one's day. Happy 16th to Laura!

  6. Happy birthday, Laura! Enjoy the movie.


  7. I was never a much of an Al Franken fan but I think he's been treated shamefully, where's forgiveness and learning from our mistakes.
    You're lucky to have such a good friend to lunch and save the world with.

  8. You looked pretty glamourous to me in the midst of Lager and Vines lol. Happy Birthday to Laura. Sweet Sixteen...ah I remember that.

  9. I am an Al Franken fan, and I still am an Al Franken fan....People are ridiculous. (That means the Democrats who ask me for more money about every six minutes.)
    Happy Birthday to Laura! She will grow up so much this coming year!All my kids had two years (at different times) in Budapest schools. They grow!

  10. It sounds like you live with a talented escape artist.

  11. A very happy birthday to Laura.
    And a truly lovely post. I am so glad that most of it was positive, and some of it VERY positive. Loved your selfie.

    1. My mind's made up. This fellow will fix my shoulder.

  12. I am so sad about Franken. I wish he had stayed and had this investigated so we know the truth. He had to leave because of Moore and proving who and what is worse.

    Happy Birthday to Laura. Sweet Sixteen is a wonderful time in life.

  13. Happy Birthday Laura. She has a lot to look forward to this coming year.

  14. A very happy birthday to Laura! Can't imagine she is turning 16!


  15. Happy Birthday Laura!! 16 is a great age, neither child nor adult, but that wonderful in between.
    I hope the cat carrier survives Toby's next expedition. Mine is a sturdy plastic model, with a wire grill door that swings open when the latches are released. I'll take photos and post them.

    1. I bought him this lovely carrier because he was terrorized as a kitten by the plastic carrier and tore out his toenails on it.
      I should have carried him into a common room when I put him in the carrier, but I left him isolated. We tried, but cannot mend the carrier, so I bought a new on. It's on wheels. Good for me.

  16. Post on the blog, not post through the mail.

  17. Happy birthday to Laoura. I like this post.

  18. Happiest of Birthdays to Laura!

  19. Your girl is growing up! Happy birthday, Laura.

  20. I like your description of Ruth, and you made me crave pizza. It's 8am. :(

  21. A very happy birthday to Laura. 16 is a big deal. I admire the heroic energy of your cat.

  22. I just joined the lucky group that follows you - very happy to have found you. I have a cat with similar destructive inclinations - he slices up my walls.

    1. I once had a cat whose toenails could not resist the puffy wallpaper. "I'm just feeling it...."

  23. Mr. Razor toes . . . heh. But not funny to have to replace the carrier. Oh, Toby!

    I hope the surgeon can fix that shoulder. It should be an improvement, at least. And I hope it happens soon.

    Happy Birthday, Laura! Have a wonderful year.

    Is that a button angel I see? :D

    1. Yes it is. I hope you have a bottle of family buttons, to make some.

  24. Hari om
    Heck, nearly missed this post due being with dad and having to use the YAMroid... great selfie, great to have plans for health, both of you, and HAPPY B'DAY THAT GAL!!! ecard on its way via granma. YAMxx

  25. I really love that photo of you and Ruth. It’s always wonderful to spend time with good friends.
    I’m really sad about Franken. I’d always liked him. I’m disappointed he’s made these mistakes and must resign.
