
Friday, December 8, 2017

A surprise look back

A card from my neighbor, Cathy, came in the mail yesterday. It’s our year captured in a picture on the 4th of July. We were invited by my friend to watch Fairlawn’s parade from the comfort of the front yard of her husband’s office. My friend and her husband have suntanned faces because they eschew social media, but the smiles started with Cathy, and went all the way down the line.

The card made me smile, and not because I have more than half a head of hair now. It’s the blazing smile from Laura, on the 4th of July. Six months ago. At her therapist appointment this week Laura mentioned Grandma had been angry with her one time the whole year, and it was because her clothes were all over the floor.

How I laughed. Her clothes have been ankle deep on her bedroom floor since we moved in. I could not care less. I was “angry” that day I could not pull her back from social media. “Oh, Grandma had a flashback,” said Mrs. A. “What’s a flashback?,” from Laura.

I took a big breath and said “Driving an hour to see you in a locked ward. No shoe laces, no belt, and, God forbid, no chap stick.”

“Oh,” said she. “I don’t remember that. Was that the hospital where they gave me Vaseline to use? They were pretty nice there.”

Laura thinks it’s OK her phone lives in my room half of every day, though she also says she’s busy enough now to only use it when she needs it. Knowing she puts it up to go to work and turns it off to go to meetings makes me think the same.

Tonight the birthday girl is in the kitchen with her friend Victoria, making pasta alfredo for supper. Then they will make cheesecake for the birthday party tomorrow. Victoria can’t make the party, so she came along tonight. The two of them can be up most of the night, laughing. That’s what sixteen year olds do.

And, I got a haircut today. My hair is still recovering from being half gone, but it’s getting there. And, that’s another day in our normal life.


  1. That is a spectacular smile. Which produced a smile from me too, and moist eyes as I remember all you have been through.

  2. Your hair looks beautiful, and I love the smiles on the girls' faces.


  3. What great smiles. What good fun. What a delightful time Laura is having. You are a good grandma. Keep it up.

  4. Nothing beats normal, happy birthday to Laura.

  5. It sounds like a good pre birthday celebration.

    Your hair looks great, Joanne.

  6. You are both doing so well and it's fabulous to see such a genuine and huge smile on Laura's face. Your hair is growing back nicely too Happy birthday to the birthday girl! May her year ahead be filled with happiness.

  7. You have no idea how much I have enjoyed watching Laura bloom. And your hair is quite attractive. I guess you are both blossoming.

  8. It sounds like both you and Laura have made great progress in your own ways.

  9. Looking good on the hair front, Joanne.

    Laura has a great smile!

  10. Nice haircut. I hope you have a terrific weekend.

  11. That was a scary flash back....may we never experience that again. Great haircut.

  12. Pasta alfredo sounded delicious! Great hair cut!


  13. Nice haircut. Mine is getting cut on Tuesday, my head resembles a tumbleweed :(
    I prefer it when days just roll along smoothly with nothing out of the normal.


  14. Ah, Laura has a million dollar smile! And you have a very nice haircut.

  15. You gave Laura happy normal life.

  16. Hari om
    Brilliant smile, in the truest terms! Love ths hair selfie... and that life is truly moving along. Much love to you both. YAM xx

  17. The two women in the photo look as though they have applied too much foundation.

  18. Rough year, good ending. Laura has the most wonderful smile.

  19. love those smiles. I won't get another haircut til spring.

  20. You look beautiful sitting in that chair! I'm glad this year is almost behind you. Best wishes for a happy, healthy 2018.

  21. Great pictures and happy birthday to Laura. I'd celebrate with alfredo and cheesecake, too! You look great, Joanne. Have a nice weekend.

  22. Happy Birthday, Laura! Sweet 16 is such a special age!

  23. good to see them laughing together.
    Your haircut looks nice
