
Friday, November 24, 2017

Pictures with some captions

A week or so ago I convinced Laura she needed a new coat. The kid is so cheap, or resistant, she won't entertain new, even with four inches of wrists exuding from the  old coat. I finally drug her into Burlington, and walked behind her, carrying an assortment of Michelin Man coats, all black.

Suddenly she ducked through two racks, across two aisles, and wrapped her arms around the coat currently on her back. This coat matches nothing in my mental repertoire of potential Laura garments. It was "it", the one she wanted, no questions, no doubt. Thank goodness it fit. It's the color of my dad's army blankets, and apparently as warm.

Outside Kreiger's, our grocery, for a week's shopping. Kreiger's is a fascinating store, in the same family for sixty years, fresh vegetables, fruit and meats all year around. Check them on Facebook; you will smile.

The pies on the top shelf are Amish made. I'm here to admire the cheese cake. The best selection is the middle shelf, right, with six different kinds. Laura will have this for her birthday cake, please.

It's caramel apple season, of course. Kreiger's are made with pecans, not peanuts. 

A week's worth of grub in the basket. We meet at the checkout; she fill's the basket, I put the card in the machine.

We stopped at my sister's studio. Jake-O is four months old. There is no possibility of taking a still.

There was frost on the deck yesterday morning, but not so interesting as the pictures that froze in the wood, a year ago. This is water on top of the wood.

From my gym session this morning. Kris calls this apparatus the T-Rex. I just follow her around and do what I'm told. This is her ingenious way of doing nothing with my left arm; she has one grip laced through the other and secured, and I did the routine using my right arm. I could look like half a Bluto in a few more months.

My left shoulder has succumbed to degenerative osteoarthritis, and simply is too painful to use.  It's part of the reason I picked flying to Wisconsin for Christmas. About Chicago my shoulder would rebel at changing lanes. I'm working through the protocol for a solution, short of a new shoulder. Not doing that.


  1. I have a coat just like that minus the hood...I like the hood.

    1. Ah, we agree again. hope you have a good holiday season, joeh. Left the same message on your blog, but, well, you know.......

    2. Joeh, please don't let this one incident of me having the temerity to comment to you stop you from commenting on Joanne's blog. I won't do it again, promise.

  2. I hear you about the 'replaclement' thing for the shoulder. I feel the same way about my hip. I wonder if stem cell therapy would do anything for us?

  3. I LOVE Laura's new coat!! It sets off her smile really well.

  4. Her new coat is fabulous, love the "fur" trim. Bummer about your shoulder, seem s like we fall apart a joint at a time.

  5. Oooh so sorry to hear about your shoulder Joanne. I have gimpy shoulder but so far I've managed to handle things. Do you take any turmeric capsules at all. I find it really helps. Alternatively you could make golden milk out of turmeric and milk (I haven't tried it but here it is equally effective).

    I'm so glad Laura found a jacket that suits her just fine. Like you I worry about the younger set that isn't adequately dressed for the season. I had to buy my nephew a new jacket 2 years ago. I'm sure he needs a new one by now as he has grown.

  6. Your shoulder sounds so painful, Joanne. I hope there is a solution short of surgery.

    Great coat, Laura. My daughter was the same about buying clothes at that age. She is not a clothes horse even to this day.

  7. Love that coat. And the smile. Clothing shopping is torture for me. And as a result I tend to wear clothes to death and beyond.
    Sigh on the shoulder front. I would like rather a lot of me replaced - without surgery.

  8. Hari Om
    LOVE that jacket! also loved Krieger's when I visited. Don't recall seeing those cheesecakes!! Yeah the arthritis thing's a bummer eh... but flying is a better option for all sorts of reasons; think of all those extra hours at the fun end! We got snow today. 'Tis the season. YAM xx

  9. Amish pies. I think they are unavailable here. My Jehovah's Witness sister has cooked me dinner once though.

  10. Amish make good pies! I like her jacket. I am wearing the same jacket for the past 15 years and have no plans to replace it. Glad I am not growing!! I pulled a nerve in my finger lifting a huge cast iron skillet yesterday. Who knew a little finger could cause so much discomfort!

  11. Laura's coat looks comfy and warm. It's her. Flying will give you more time to visit in Wisconsin.

  12. Great coat great hood too .
    The food looks good too.

  13. My daughter was the same way at that age - she bypassed all the usual things for the one I never would have guessed she wanted. That jacket looks good and probably feels very good in the cold weather.

    Flying is so much quicker - you'll get your money's worth :)

    I'm sorry to hear about your shoulder being so bad now. It's good that you're still doing exercises. Use it or lose it, as they say.

  14. I'd wear that jacket! The Amish are firm believers in butter hence the flavour. -Jenn

  15. Laura look stunning in her new coat!


  16. That's a great looking coat!
    We had a few cheesecake birthday years, then the kids gradually moved on to other stuff. This year my K got a box of glazed Krispy Kremes as a birthday cake. No cutting necessary for those.
    I love the puppy.
    Sad about your left shoulder, shoulders aren't yet replaceable like hips and knees.

  17. Laura picked out a wonderful jacket! And I love Kreiger's....Haven't been there in too long. I only go when I go to the Nat and then my sil is usually with me and doesn't have time to stop...It's my right shoulder that is none too great, but not bad enough for surgery...
    Be well!

  18. Beautiful coat,and Laura is beautiful too:)

  19. Good to see Laura showing her warm new coat. I'd love to visit an Amish store.

  20. Oh yes ... the eternal winter coat . Youngest daughter's winter coat faded from black, to purple-ish , to brown-ish , to threadbare but was apparently too warm to abandon. It took us seven years to wean her off it .

  21. Good choice on the coat and the birthday dessert. I have a cheesecake in the freezer just waiting on a good excuse to be thawed. Probably Christmas is going to do the trick. We had too many pies at Thanksgiving. Did I just say that? Too many pies? What's wrong with me.

    1. Just realized I haven't tasted my great-grandmother's mince pie for fifty plus years. It was sooooooo good.

    2. Don't mention mince pie to the Chicken!! (see her most recent post if you haven't already)

  22. Best to fly as you have not had good luck with cars and busses this year.

    Laura picked out a trending coat. I have seen it in the stores I have been in when shopping with my granddaughters. They are so much better looking than those Michelin Man ones.

    I do hope you do not have to go through more surgery.

  23. winter coat? what's that? ha! it does look good. sorry to hear about your shoulder. I'm sure getting slammed into the back end of the bus didn't do it any good.

  24. I like that coat! Good choice!

    And I hope your physio will bring the power back to your arm, and your shoulder will become better.

    I love cheesecake in any form - here they have one version with poopyseeds that I especially adore...

  25. Looks just the coat for Winter!

  26. She chose a very nice coat. It is just not cold enough here in Kansas yet for a coat like that. Currently 58*
