
Monday, October 2, 2017

Past the law of averages

Gun violence will personally touch everyone in this country. Personally. Person. Son, daughter, mother, father, friend or neighbor.

I have a dream, sometimes lucid, of going round the corner to a phone and calling my mother. Now, what can I say?

The president thinks the response to suffering in Puerto Rico is outstanding.

They are so young, happy, and murdered in Las Vegas.

I can do so little. I’m going to another room to cry.


  1. Hari OM
    It is just shocking... and I heard just now of another blogpal's only daughter and her hubby were in that place; but they are safe and well and working on returning to NC asap. Huggies dear friend. YAM xx

    1. My daughter Beth's brother-in-law is a surgeon in Las Vegas. I asked, and Beth replied he is "working on the mess."

  2. Some days--like today--crying is a completely appropriate response.

  3. Natural disasters or man made, they all feel the same in the end. Take care, Joanne.

  4. my heart goes out not just to everyone involved Joanne but also to those who so want the gun laws to be changed.

  5. A good cry is cathartic, but afterwards I have to find a way to make a positive difference. In my world that can be as simple as sending a check to a relief organization or smiling at each and every person I pass.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Tears are the appropriate response for today. Tomorrow, anger. After that, a call to action on gun control.

  8. Off-duty (California) police have been car-pooling today, at least from nearby SF, to help find and collect traumatized members of that unfortunate audience who sought shelter in caring Vegas homes and sheltering shadows. It'll be a while before it's all sorted out and lifetimes of emotional adjustments.

  9. There are mornings that I just hate to get up for fear of what horrible thing happened or what horrible thing the President has said. Today was one of those days. What has happened to our wonderful country?

    1. I was blindsided. I could not pull up my anger. But, he's got it now.

  10. Things are coming so fast these days, we can't sort through one without another catastrophe, disaster, or tragedy. Prayers for all involved in all the recent events; and a few tears shed.


  11. Crying is an excellent response to grief. I hope you got some relief.

  12. Where I live, until recently nobody carried a gun unless they were intent on murdering somebody. Now armed police are more common. So we are more used to seeing guns. We are just speechless when we hear it seems to be a right to carry a gun. Crazy....and how on earth can someone carry so many guns into a hotel and even set up cameras without the staff realising?

  13. I am beyond crying. I am disgusted that this is what this country has become.
