
Saturday, September 30, 2017

Saturday, in the sun

Another football game last night, another win. A conference game, to boot. I listened to almost all of M Butterfly, John Lithgow and B. D. Wong, waiting for the band bus. Laura got into the car just at the beginning of the end of the play, so I turned off the radio and we talked football and Saturday. We were home by 10:30, to bed and up today to zip through everything ignored last weekend.

Fall is on its second go-round here; the air at home is off and the heat on. But such a nice night; half a new moon. The windows were down on the Laura’s half of the car; kids are oblivious to lovely cold. Cold on Saturday morning, another matter.

We took the long way to grocery shop. First, a round international stamp and a stop at the mail box. A stop at Ace for three things, and I remember two. Since we were way down on the Ace end of town, a stop at Great Lakes Bakery. Laura, still not warm, found nothing on the day old rack that suited, so I suggested a loaf of challah. “Has lots of egg yolks,” I encouraged. “It’s a nice round braid,” she observed. I know; I used to make it every week.

The long way, back road trip to Krieger’s for groceries. I let Laura fall into and sort out her best method of grocery shopping. She’s been a while believing the meat counter at the back of the store is OK; good bacon, good hamburger, good pork, good chicken, good bacon. She finally believes it’s OK to spend “too much” if you’re within your budget. Budgets are next. We seldom go to Giant Eagle these days.

Tonight, Lexi’s birthday party. Laura’s not too tired from football sleep lag and I’m not too tired to take her. Lexi is having a character party; everyone is a character in a play and solves a mystery during the evening. Laura is playing a fortune teller. That’s all she knows. For a month I’ve inquired into a birthday present, but no response. Last night I was informed Laura has made a snitch necklace, drawn a picture and made a pendant. Grandma not necessary.

I’m close to the Moto Mod Hasselblad. Has a ring, doesn’t it? I was at Animal Control earlier, you may recall. It’s in a part of Akron reclaimed from our industrial past. This sort of building stops me in my tracks. The phone is OK, but doesn’t close in with any agility, and etcetcetc. Laura was on the opposite end of a row of buildings at Great Lake’s Bakery. By the time I zoom on the phone, the shot is gone. This elevator shot needed some zoom. My garden could use a Hasselblad, too.


  1. I love that building too. Great photograph. Industrial buildings stop me in my tracks and I also have to photograph.

  2. It sounds like a good day. And that building is intriguing. I do love seeing history preserved.

  3. You are so busy. I don't know when you get a chance to breath.

  4. I thought you meant the Madame Butterfly opera by Puccini, then realized you meant the play.

  5. Sometimes I really envy you that you re so close to a generation twice removed from yours, but I suspect that it is no bed of roses. I cooked hamburgers for Green Eyes tonight, but this is rare contact these days. I love these kids. They are all wonderful, even if they are pains in the arse like us.

    1. This newest generation is amazing, the ones I've met.

  6. Weather here took a turn to rain today. Not much but it brings cooler temps. Like the young people in your world, I like riding around the car with the window down. I love fresh and cooler air though don't like to get my feet and fingers cold. Laura made a beautiful gift for her friend's birthday.

  7. Kriegers I love, though it's a bit of stretch across the valley, but Great Lakes Baking Company I don't know. Maybe I will try sometime. Do you ever go to the Howe Meadow Market? One of my sons in law is a baker and sells great Bavarian pretzels there.

    1. Haven't been to Howe Meadow all summer. It's been a bad year for normal. Great Lakes is by Starbucks on 91 in Hudson. Same drive as FedEx. You know how jammed up real estate is in Hudson.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. So much to teach our young ones! It keeps us young too, Joanne.

  10. What a great theme for the birthday party! I bet Laura had a great time!


  11. Hari OM
    Well, Laura - I's all wrapped like Michelin man this morning too. It doesn't help that it is in that pre-dawn dip; but there has been sleet so definitely cold! As for that building, well you know I love architecture... and I think this is a perfect argument for Hasselbladdery... &*> YAM xx

  12. It's spring here but the evenings and mornings are decidedly shivery still, so I'm typing this with fingerless gloves on and being surprised that I'm actually feeling the cold, usually my hands are permanently warm. This must be a part of the getting old caper.
    Lovely to see Laura learning how to shop and stick within a budget and also how to use the wiggle room within that budget.

  13. It is always amazing how much you involve in Laura's life with all the small details that you are thinking about ,for her own good.(i am thinking in Hebrew, i hope the comment came out ok...)

    1. I don't know her world, Yael. The music, the heroes, the slang. So, she lives in her world with her friends and in mine when she's home. She seems comfortable in both.

  14. Your life will take a turn for "less busy" when Laura gets her full license. The stage you are in is what we referred to as "the driving years". I actually kind of a miss it a little now. -Jenn

    1. She hasn't driven since she crashed. I hope the switch will flip when she resumes her driving lessons.

  15. being busy is better than not in my opinion. challah every week? and the Hasselblad should be yours.

    1. Fortunately, we only go that direction into Hudson when we need a nut or bolt from Ace.

  16. That sounds like a fun party, and good on Laura for taking care of the gift with her own talent and time. The days (and nights) are a mixture of warm and chilly here, too -- typical fall.

  17. What a beautiful necklace. Love the building photo. Hope you have a great weekend.

  18. Laura is smart to understand that there are times that the more expensive items are the way to go. I usually buy brand name canned vegetables. The store brands are much cheaper but they contain more fluid and less vegetable. Slightly more expensive cuts of meat seem to go further and certainly taste better. I use mushroom soup in a lot of sauces. One brand ust looks more appetizing than the others.

  19. Joanne, I love bread... especially egg bread. Right now my favorite is a garlic/monterrey jack bread that we toast every morning for breakfast. And as for the driving around... my daughter, B, drives her daughter all over 'hell and green acres'... but she also will be getting her license soon. And as much as B is looking forward to this, I think she will miss the constant contact also.
