
Tuesday, October 24, 2017

News business

A week of bad dreams, fighting my way out, and waking to find them on the news. I hate it. The soldiers in Niger—what the hell?

The cap on refugee admittance has never been so low, possibly excepting 1917.

A little girl chokes on her milk and is thrown away.

Puerto Rico may just as well be Mali.

Teen pitches a rock across an overpass bridge and kills a passenger in a car below.

Climate change. Little more to say.

Sears booted Whirlpool. For anyone familiar with my corporate career, ha!

#metoo swept the nation. I take this as a good sign. The army remains and it can move to restore justice. No, not that much. We can undo some damage at the ballot box, but it will take forever.

I went out today, just for a haircut. A relatively unnecessary haircut, except that hair does not grow in scar tissue, and I have a scar that starts in the middle of my forehead, crosses my skull to the nape of my neck and terminates in front of my ear. There they are, chunks of hair opposing each other across the scar. I can’t fix it, just keep it tidy.

It’s raining today. My neighbor told me the “suit” inspection begins at one. I responded I would go out and pull the chain to start the rainbow. The suits need to make their own happiness.

In another lifetime I took pictures. Last night I transferred several thousands of pictures to a new 64 gig drive. I may never look at them again. I need to do a reorg on this old computer, and start again.

It’s fall; here is some color.

Vote. Please.


  1. Beautiful colors, at least that.

  2. I love that glorious gold in the first photo.
    There is bad news all over the world lately, but in your list, surely the worst is the baby choking on her milk and being thrown away. How could they??
    I hope things improve enough for you to sleep better.

  3. I just counted: four dead men, one dead baby, one more dead man. Madness.

  4. You are here and you are good and you spread goodness. You can't help the rest of it. Sleep well with sweet dreams tonight. The Autumn colours are beautiful. It is also beautiful here.

    1. Rachel, I have called the police, the school, children's services twice about the little girl in the red shoes. I know four other individuals have made the sames calls, once, twice, three times. There still is no heat. Probably when it goes to thirty at night we'll all put together $300 to fill the effing propane tank.

  5. Rachel is correct!

    I no longer watch the news.

  6. At least Mother Nature has given us something to make us smile. You haven't lost your touch.

  7. Hari OM
    Decluttering a hard drive is nearly as challenging as decluttering an entire home. It takes time and a level of ruthlessness! We have had some Scottish happenings along similar lines to the start of your post. It IS madness; but it is not our madness. We have to be the sane ones who effect the balance in nature... YAM xx

    1. I need to call my guru. I've lost a driver for Paint and cannot resize my header to fit well. I guess I do need to back off, a day or two.

    2. Hari OM
      ... am late checking back here; you resize in Paint? Hmmmm that wouldn't be my first choice. But you actually don't need to do that yourself. In blogger, when you upload the banner image, there is a tick-box on the upload for for 'shrink to fit'. If the original is, say, 2048x1080 px it will resize it to the width of your banner space according to what you made it in the 'advanced' options on template... Yxx

    3. You are so diplomatic, Yam. Actually, my Blogger is trashed, too, and won't resize properly.

  8. Love the arboreal fireworks.
    And find the news often more than I can face.

  9. Great photos, Joanne.

    The news is the stuff of nightmares today!

  10. I'm voting with the Chicken, I can tell you that much. Beautiful fall colors. I agree with you about the news. It all adds up sometimes and equals way too much. The little girl just killed me. Every day it's some new atrocity against someone powerless and defenseless. I'm on a mental health break from the news right now-even NPR. Found a nice classical station. Very relaxing.

    1. NPR poll--most Americans feel discriminated against. Past bizarre.

  11. You might like the French version of metoo...'balanceton porc'...squeal on your pig.

  12. Trump helps to bankrupt Puerto Rico then says that the devastation was brought on them by themselves. What a despicable man he is.

  13. The news is tough to swallow long term. I deal with it spurts. Heavy into it for a while, then get too worked up over it, and then pull back for a week or two and regenerate.

    1. Two weeks and counting to the first test--November 7th.

  14. Like the news last year about the Zika virus and the Ebola news scare of the year before, the stories and the attention given to the sexual assault cases recently will disappear next year. Lots of talk, no real action.

    Me too.

    1. Bet your sneakers are handy in your closet, Arleen, ready for the day. Some serious voting, too, in November.

  15. So much wrong in the world but I still try to keep going forward. If it is harder for me each passing year I shudder to think how difficult for so many others less privileged.

    I do love your fall colours. Just gorgeous. I hear you too about cleaning out your computer and starting again. I had a virus a month ago and lost so much and had to get rid of everything. I do have many of the photos in various places but they do need to be organized.

  16. The news is so full of depressing items. Sometimes I think I can't take any more and a whole new barrage starts the next day.

  17. I can't keep track anymore. Never had high blood pressure in my life til Trump was elected. this country is done. I don't think there is a way back. the politicians who oppose him are quitting. it's not just the politicians but the character of the population that has arisen. we have became a nation of self described victims ignoring the real victims.

    1. If the drop out senators speak out, they could have an influence, especially Flake. The next election should give us a good sense of despair or hope.

  18. Well, at least we don't have nuclear war yet!!!

  19. Really, I don't read the news anymore...
