
Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Carpe ansam et diem

I just put that title together; don’t be confused or impressed.

I use Google for my news stream. The big publishers have the most in depth coverage. The Times, the Post, WSJ and others I may remember later. They also have a limit to the number of articles per month to be read for free. Now, that stinks.

But, someone must pay, we know. I limit myself to the ten free articles a month, but it’s difficult. Saturn or Flake?

I send money to NPR every month. I send money to Wikipedia every month. I send money to worthy congressmen every month (and Elizabeth Warren). And so forth and so on. What is my problem with paying for news, as we’ve done since the inception of newspapers? I just stopped to grin at all of us living on the Free Press in college.

All the "news" is online. There is the problem. News is out there, and overwhelming. Worse, the news is not news, but opinion and “analysis.” If I want help with what I’m reading, I turn to a source I trust (as does everyone else!). “Yes, Virginia, if you see it in the Sun……”, etc.

I remember a week long argument with a college professor (probably a grad student) over the truth of objectivity, which I maintained did not exist. He said it did, and cited advertising copy. The idiot. For the assignment that week I wrote two paragraphs; same words, rearranged, selling a bag of oranges. Ha!

So, this morning I bit the bullet and paid for the Times and the Post. It had to be done.

Changing topic completely and abruptly, Summit County MetroParks is holding its 54th annual hiking spree. Hikers must complete eight of MetroParks fourteen designated trails. After completing the eight, first year hikers receive a staff and a shield; other hikers another shield to put on the staff. My sister and I, and many friends, hiked the hikes, way back. My staff went into the auction pile when we moved. I hope whoever is adding shields.

Kay asked if Laura could hike with her, “to keep up the momentum.” Kay also thinks they can complete the entire spree in one weekend. I love this woman. Fortunately, the hiking calendar goes through November 30th. I think I’ll get their schedule and take a picture of them completing one of the courses. Saturday will be 52 degrees and 80% chance of rain. Sunday will be 46 degrees and sunny.

The little girl in red shoes hiked her eight trails with my neighbor, and earned a staff. Actually, I hear, she ran fast.


  1. That is one cute little hiker.

  2. Cute little sweetie!

    Good luck to Laura and Kay! Laura is a busy young woman!

  3. I think about paying for the Washington Post and NYT but, so far, 10 free articles a month have been enough. I don’t read anything on FB unless if comes from a reputable source, and even then, I check it out. There are more lies out there than truth.

  4. I contribute to Wikipedia too, won't pay for the news, it mainly passes me off and I can generally get that for nothing. Hope Laura e joys her hikes.

  5. What a darling little girl! Please let us know if that propane tank gets filled!
    Exasperating for you trying to get other people to follow your example and take responsibility! I have subscriptions to the Post and NYT. But, the Post is on my ipad. The NYT is on Old Man's Kindle. Since we don't trade, I read mine and he tells me about what he reads. Sometimes I would just as soon not know the things he tells me! We watch NO news on TV. I, too, support Elizabeth Warren. Get frequent emails. Just can't see how my few dollars could help her goals!

    1. Since you asked, Rose: it has been two weeks. There have been more than 50 phone calls, total, by two fathers, one grandmother, two neighbors. The calls have been to children's services, the police, the school social worker. There have been visits by Children's Services. So far, the children remain. It is now 41; 37 forecasted low for tonight. There is no propane. There is no heat. There is no stove, no hot food, no hot water. The other callers are physically restraining me from calling a propane truck, saying there would be propane when social services came, and it must "go down" without our interference. I'm sorry I got involved; I think I'll call the police one more time.

    2. Hard for you to sit by, but I do hear what the other callers are saying. Gee. I would have thought somebody would mention the problem on Facebook. That seems to get action quicker than anything else.

    3. All those phone calls AND visits by Children's services and still no propane? I would have thought that would be among the first things fixed. Perhaps there's a problem with the tank? or the indoor heater may need fixing?

    4. I can't bring myself to use Facebook and "blow my cover." I am only suspected of being a meddler. The mother buys and sells low level drugs. I can't have Laura involved in any of this. So, I have to rely on "official" involvement; the police, social workers, the school. It's all a heartbreaking joke.

  6. My mom always said that my Dutch husband watched the wrong news channel on tv in the States. Guess she thought the Dutch news channel is also wrong. She never lived to see DJT elected. Wonder if she would have finally realized that it was she who watched the wrong news channel? Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  7. I hear you on the news. I haven't subscribed yet but I must. So glad to see your neighbor, you, giving this child something good in her life for however long your involvement lasts. there's more then one reason it takes a village.

  8. Ellen just said what I was trying to put into words, that you and your neighbour are making this child's life better at this moment. What a hard situation for you to be in. It is hard on the head. She has an impish smile; I wish good things for her and her sisters as they grow.

  9. Love that little hiker. And am fervently hoping that your attempts on her behalf come to a fruition which will satisfy you.

  10. Such a gorgeous photo of a happy little hiker. With a staff to encourage, perhaps she will keep on hiking and cover it with shields.
    I've seen walking sticks (canes) covered with shields here in Australia and wondered about them. Perhaps they've been on walking trails.

  11. I bet she had fun on her "hike" (run). Hubby has a 50 mile commute each way. He listens to a lot of news on the radio who also gives him traffic updates. He fills me in with a lot that his happening. Saves me from trying to attempt to keep up with things I have absolutely no interest in (but probably should have a somewhat interest).


  12. Hari OM
    I join the chorus of good wishes in all directions... and I refuse to pay for news; I get the headlines from 'net search and in the evening news - then I switch off because all that follows is journalistic opinion and it is certainly not objective. In fact, we have a breed of journalist here which appears to think its personal opinion is worth more than what they are paid for. Egomaniacs to equal the 'newsables'. Then there are all the 'breaking stories' based upon idiots using their social media. Vast majority of it is pure voyeurism. ... I'll stop now... YAM xx

  13. Kay is happy. Don't let the "others" do nothing for what sound like the wrong reasons. Charity begins at home, or with neighbours.

  14. I get most of my news from the radio, if I'm home.
    She is a cutie, great shoes.

  15. You and Kay are the greatest role models. I get teary sometimes reading your posts. You remind me of all the best things.

  16. Oh to be young and able to 'run' the trails giggling all the way. She's a cutie. Paying for the yet. It's almost all bad news anyway.

  17. I wish I had those adorable red shoes!! I refuse to pay for the news! Especially since most of it is about that clown in the White House!

  18. My goodness, that could be Fiona. Or her twin.

  19. I broke down and subscribed to the Times and WaPo, too. I'm so glad I did. My heart aches for that little girl with the red shoes.

  20. I subscribe to my local paper. Every morning I read the comics section and scan the rest of it, reading what suits my fancy. In the afternoon the puzzle page becomes my entertainment and brain strengthener.

  21. I subscribe to our local weekly. No national news, just local stuff. National is depressing and frightening!

  22. I get my news from Reuters. It's the least political leaning source I've found. And it's free. And that little angel is beyond adorable!

  23. I can remember from when I worked just how persuasive some parents could be and how social workers case loads are much too big .
    You're right just to concentrate on the child .

  24. It's hard to know what to do. One could get poor with all of the paywalls to get past.

  25. Cute little girl.
    Those temperatures would be considered freezing here in Hawaii.

  26. That little hiker is a good example to give to kids that just can't walk anymore and want to be carried.
    About the news - the whole industry has changed but is very important given the amount of fake news. I watched an interesting report of one center of fake news - in Macedonia no less.
