
Friday, October 20, 2017

How do they do it?

Years ago, when first appointed township clerk, I kept the old schedule. Up, up and away, out the door when working people leave. Eventually I realized the post office doesn’t start putting mail in the boxes before nine, and my morals began slipping. Thirteen years later I often was guilty of retrieving last week’s mail today.

Recently, over the last year or so, I’ve been asked to get up early a time or two, or three. Set the alarm sorts of early. When I’m down under the covers, I can tell the time by the car sounds. “That car leaves at eight, that car is pretty soon after. That one is before nine….” But why get up?

Once I could be up and gone in half an hour, and no one ever knew I cut it that close. It’s no fun drying your hair in an open window breeze below freezing, but….

Now leaving takes an hour, and generally more. I’ve tried telling the cat I’ll take care of his room when I’m back, but he’s not buying it. I can’t estimate the time, anyway. I’ve cut back on sitting and staring out the window, but that still sneaks up.

This week, and I’m including last weekend, has involved plenty of alarm setting. Delivery of the kid to her aid station last Saturday, to pass out water to runners in none to full Viking regalia, for the Viking Dash—quarter, half and full marathons. Full regalia includes a lot of fur.

An eight a.m. doctor appointment this week necessitated the alarm, as did an eleven a.m. appointment yesterday. Too many alarms; I remember sleeping, or not, the night before last. And last night, Kay called for a “tremendous” favor. Would I come over and let in the mouse exterminator at eight a.m. this morning. Why not?

Today, physical training at eleven. Lunch with Ann at noon, and send her back on her power drive from Wisconsin. I see she’s not becoming younger either. She stayed over at a friend’s in Indiana. My nap will happen until Laura comes home from school, before early delivery for band inspection for an away game, during which I will drive to the far end of Hudson and retrieve her best friend for an overnight.

Tomorrow someone will get the two of them around ten, for the drive to Haunted Cedar Point. Their return drive leaves at closing, midnight. I need to calculate what time to get up to return Victoria to her home by ten a.m. on Sunday. Oh, yes. Laura is visiting her siblings on Sunday; and on Sunday night we are going to Kay’s to schedule out their (Kay and Laura) Fall Hiking Spree.

My calendar is fairly vacant for next week, except a lot of sleeping, and forgetting the mayhem of the past week.

G'ma, France and Ann, a life time ago. Fifteen years, anyway.


  1. I have to get up to let the dog out and in any case the farmer got up at 6.20am every morning throughout his life and for the last twenty odd years, so did I. But now the mornings are dark and chilly it would be very easy to snuggle down and stay where I am.

  2. It sounds like you need running shoes! Those damn alarms.

  3. When I retired I put my alarm clock in a drawer where it stayed for a good five's back out now but I have turned it with it's back to the bed.

  4. Geez, not sure how you keep up that schedule; I need to become as busy as you because I always seem to get more done when I am really busy. Staring out the window is good for the soul.

  5. I can sleep through alarms these days.


    1. Me too. So, I don't sleep well, anticipating the alarm.

  6. I hate alarms too... and watches. Got rid of both when I retired. Of course my iPhone has the capacity for both - if needed (which is rarely these days thank goodness). But you are a wonder, Joanne.

  7. So aren't you glad you are retired with nothing to do?

  8. Oooo, I hate those kinds of weeks! I need my sleep :)

    Enjoy catching up next week, and nap when you can until then.

  9. Hari OM
    Having had a week with my clock all out of kilter (for entirely different reasons, but nonetheless...) I totally sympathise. My week of 'restoration' is a long way off though. Possibly next year! Enjoy yours as it moves along. YAM xx

  10. I'm glad I'm not the only one who needs to set the alarm to wake up. I also hope you get a good rest next week. xx

  11. It is a long time since I have woken to an alarm. I am my partner's alarm and I went off for him far too early this morning. He did get a coffee though. Naps are blissful - enjoy yours until you can catch up on sleep. And perhaps afterwards too, just for the bliss factor.

  12. I love waking up to an alarm clock and resent highly the days I have to. Like just floating along. Hope it goes well with her siblings, does she miss them?

  13. Great family picture, Joanne.

    You have a full calendar this week, that's for sure!

  14. I never had a problem waking up without an alarm. Then I started using one. Worst thing I ever did.

  15. No alarms around here for years. We are always sure to schedule appointments mid morning or mid afternoon to avoid traffic and early rising. Of course, we aren't leading the busy life you are with Laura.

    Would you have guessed that that smiling little boy would grow up to be the avid cycler, hiker, blogger that he is today?

    I am glad you have Ann! For sure her visit was a welcome one.

  16. When the last kid graduated from high school, the alarms went off never to be used again. unless we have to get up at some godawful hour of the morning to catch a plane or something. so how does Laura like her visits with her siblings and mother?

    1. She tells me, when she has a car it will be much easier to get back home.

    2. How was that for convoluted? Yes, back down here to her "hood:.

  17. I never use alarms; my body tells me to wake up at 5am, just like it did all the years I worked.

  18. Even though I'm not working a set schedule I still set my alarm. It helps keep me from sleeping the day away.

  19. Alarm rings 5:30 a.m. Monday through Friday, 6:30 a.m. on Saturdays, and 6:30 a.m. on Sundays if hubby is playing at church. I'm a morning person, but hubby is not (the 5:30 a.m. alarms are for his work schedule). You do have busy times!


  20. I don't need to have them anymore, thank heaven! It would not work with my insomnia!

  21. I hate having to set alarms for anything.ever needed to while I was working and these days I rarely have appointments that need me to be awake any specific time. My doctor is at a walk-in-and-wait-your-turn clinic, only the dentist has a specific time for appointments.
    I think you're doing remarkably well getting Laura to and from places along with everything else you do.

  22. I kind of envy you. No alarms needed here. I was up at 5 this morning after ~6 hours in bed. I say in bed as opposed to asleep because at least an hour of that time was quite wakeful.

  23. I'm rather looking forward to my alarm-less days, but for now it's 6:00 a.m. Monday to Friday. Don't you think it's all that running around that "keeps you young"? -Jenn

  24. I don't even have a clock in my bedroom. I rather like it.

  25. Hi Joanne-new to your blog. I read your comment on 'Take a Knee' over at Cranky's, and I had to follow you. :)

  26. I don't set alarms anymore. If Harley needs to be somewhere early she can set her alarm and gently let me know!
