
Tuesday, October 17, 2017


I read Al Franken’s book. Senator Franken. I have a lot of respect for Minnesota, including electing Franken. It’s wrapped up for Ann for Christmas. I read “Behind her Eyes”, for book club next week. Mark Twain said, I think in “Letters from Earth”, and I’m loosely attributing here, if you have a character and can’t figure out what to do with him, take him out back and push him down the well.” That will be my only remark on this book. Sadly, not only will no one get it, about twenty four of twenty five will be offended.

I haven’t pulled the zipper on Hillary’s packaging yet. I have Henry James “Portrait of a Lady” on my MP3 player, but cannot bring myself to go in and start sewing charity quilts again, and listening. I think I’ll buy a boxed set of Joyce Oates. Maybe I will buy a bookcase, though I swore off book collecting.

When you’re flying somewhere for Christmas, it makes more sense to ship the presents. Our carton isn’t full yet.

Laura asked me if I liked peach cobbler. Of course. Well, she thought she would make some. Do we have peaches? Oh, yes, she bought them at the market. Everything she cooks comes from Google. I simply have no kitchen cred, and was stunned when she asked if there was a good way to peel peaches, besides “peeling” them. Sadly, she bought no fuzz peaches, and had to peel. I told her about boiling water/cold water and skin slipping. That will be next time. So will brown sugar and sweet biscuit dough. But they were almighty good, irrespective. I went out in search of vanilla ice cream while the cook labored.

It’s Monday. Nowhere to go, nothing to do, so I drove to the post office to mail what could be mailed from home. I forwarded an insurance company letter to the Red Bus attorney. Not touching that with a stick. And, I mailed my on sale genetic test kit. Since I will never know why my grandfather married my grandmother, I’ll see how Irish I really am. The testing company divides Ireland into roughly four tiers, and I know I’m the top tier (Donegal) and the bottom (Cork). Or, am I?

I picked up my accountant, walking up the road, as she always does, and gave her a ride to the post office. I thought how I used to love driving around the township, taking pictures and posting them on the township website. No one seems to do that anymore. The only person who ever thanked me for the pictures was the husband of my troublesome trustee. Another unmissed bit of my job, though not by me.

I passed this Mennonite couple walking up the road. So unusual. See how they are in step. Beautiful. The husband had a pole, and I cannot imagine where they fished the bag of fish the wife carried. Or where they lived. I offered a ride, but was turned down.  I asked if I could take a picture. Only of their backs, and thank you for asking.

The only other picture worthy subject was on my favorite abandoned road, Wetmore. So, I came home and talked to my BFF, Carol, for an hour. “Carol, you spent your career in pharma. When will this end?” “I don’t know, Jo, I don’t know.”


  1. Tell Laura she can make a peach cobbler any time. Minnesota elected Al Franken, it they also elected Jesse Ventura. California elects Feinstein, one of my favorite senators, but also gave us Reagen, lots of weird voting.

  2. Somehow that picture of the Mennonites has a lot of atmosphere. I hope things brighten up for you soon.

  3. Peach cobbler? Yum. You can keep the icecream though.
    Love the photo of the Mennonites.
    And sending oceans of caring. Always.

  4. Hari OM
    Some wonderful shots today Joanne... and I would be perfectly happy with the peach skins; 'roughage'. *cough* ...but wait, you're planned for Christmas already?!!... cripes wummin, I's barely coping with getting to November! YAM xx

  5. That was a fine day Joanne. It is cooling here finally, and I long to get that shot in my back so I can get out and enjoy it.

  6. Love peach cobbler... and hope you share your genetic testing results, Joanne. Our family name is O'Regan, but my testing came back 60% English and only 8% Irish...??? (and our Irish genes are supposedly from Cork also)

  7. I love the photo of the Mennonite couple. At age 74, my friend Carol has finally learned her genetic heritage. I'd like to know mine.


  8. Replies
    1. A day later I realized they fished in the Cuyahoga River, at the bottom of the road. But, all I could visualize were the ponds in the golf course.

  9. I'm looking forward to hearing how your genetic testing turns out.

  10. It will be interesting to see how Irish you testing indicates the 'level' of Irish you are? I know I am about half and half Irish and would be ineresting to take that test..maybe I will. I hope you let us know how yours turns out. How wonderful Laura is taking an interest in cooking. She is very domestic isn't she?

  11. Laura does a great job in the kitchen it appes. Good for her!

    I wonder how Irish you are?

  12. Great road trip. I love the Mennonite couple photo.

    My brother had a DNA test run for our family. We are 18% Irish, 36% British, a smattering of other stuff. We love the fact that we have Viking connections.

    My husband's family is from midlands Ireland and we lived in Cork. Looking forward to hearing what your test reveals.

  13. Ennui, I'm full of it myself right now. I know it will pass, but the waiting is annoyingly long.
    Laughed at Laura sitting watching the oven. I remember doing that the first few times I baked anything new.

  14. I have seen Al Franken promoting his book on various shows. It sounds like a very good and fun read.

  15. You had a full day for someone who can't figure out what to do with her time. Laura watching the cobble made me think we would get along just fine.

  16. I'm impressed you are already thinking of and planning for Christmas. A peach cobbler sounds delicious!


  17. I have 30%Irish genes, but they come from Scotland...So interesting. Peach cobbler! You are lucky Laura is interested in cooking! I am an Al Franken fan, too. These must be old order Mennonites. Wetmore Road......Haven't been there in a long time....What an interesting desultory post this is...And Christmas, too.

  18. When I went to the States 40 years ago, my one and only visit, the first question I was always asked was "have you been to Ireland" with the expectation that the answer would of course be yes. The answer was No and still is. Faces fell. The next question was "have you seen the Beatles" Ditto.

  19. There are many, many Mennonite and Amish farms in our area. Seeing them on the roads is part of the usual here. I have always wanted to take a picture of the kids in the pony cart that they take to their school, but thought I'd better not. -Jenn

  20. Laura seems like a helpful person.

  21. I have a good easy peach cobbler recipe if Laura is interested. my sister sent away for the DNA testing. we're about as white as it gets. 57% England, Ireland, Wales, Scotland; 32% Germany, France; 8% Scandinavia (Denmark, Norway, Sweden); 2% European Jewish (Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, Hungary, Israel), 1% Finland. you may not want to start making quilts again but the concentration and attention might help grow new brain cells.

  22. I'm happy that you post your photos here. Old work is missing out, but we're gaining.

  23. The mention of peach cobbler made me hungry for some!

    I'm also one who likes getting an early start on my Christmas preparation. So far I have bought a handful of gifts, but I haven't wrapped any of them yet.


  24. Pictures of a life. Simple and interesting.

  25. WOW already wrapping Christmas presents!

  26. Love the little glimpse into your day. I got an early start on my Christmas shopping, too, but I haven't wrapped anything yet!
